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What is Project Loon?

Project Loon is a pilot project developed by Google LLC. It is aimed at providing the internet by using balloons that would trace the earth. Let us have a look at interesting facts about Project Loon. Project Loon was developed with the aim of providing economic internet access across the world. It is a research and development (RnD) project that is developed by Google. It comprises a network of balloons that would float above in the stratosphere higher than the airplanes and the weather. The Balloons are carried across the globe with the wind that is used to direct the direction of the balloons. People using this technology would be able to set up a connection with the balloons using antennas attached to their buildings. 


Loon Balloons

Need For Project Loon 

The Internet is required to connect people in different parts of the world. The vitality of the internet allows for innovations in technologies. There are several parts of the world that still do not possess internet connectivity (such as rural and distant areas). The project loon targets such parts of the world and others that have been hit by natural calamities, and allows them internet connectivity. 


  1. In 2008, Google was wondering about acquiring Space Data Corp that specializes in sending balloons in the air that were used to provide connectivity to Oil Companies and truck drivers in the US. This, however, did not materialize.
  2. In the year 2013 in New Zealand Google sent 30 balloons in the air with internet capability with the help of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Several locals were seen testing the connections. Google planned on sending 300 balloons in the near future and about thousands of balloons in the future.
  3. In May-June 2014, Google experimented with its internet-based balloons. This was recorded as the first LTE experiment performed near the equator.
  4. Google partnered with France based CNES on Project Loon. In 2016 Google achieved stable internet.
  5. Google with the help of project loon provided internet to the hurricane hit Puerto Rico.
  6. Google-powered Sri Lanka and remote parts of Kenya. It is on its mission to provide internet to the remote and calamity hit parts of the world.


  1. Envelope: These are manufactured by the company Raven Aerostar. These are based on Raven’s Super pressure balloons that are capable of handling high pressures in the atmosphere. They are made of Polyethylene material are very strong.
  2. Broadcast: The loon balloon can be tracked anywhere using the automatic broadcast system it has. The balloon location can be traced using the “HBAL” command.
  3. Parachute: This is an emergency measure that is used to secure the Loon. In case of failure or during maintenance or refueling, the parachute automatically inflates and can take the entire equipment down towards the earth’s surface, safely.
  4. Electronics: The electronics used in Loon use solar power to charge themselves. Circuit boards, antenna, and Rocket M2 are a part of it. These are used to send signals to the receptors on the ground.

Loon Working 

  1. The project Loon makes use of software algorithms to determine the position of the balloons and where it needs to go so that it is always in the right direction. Because The Balloons always stay above ground level it was necessary that they use a renewable kind of energy. They use solar cells and wind energy for power themselves. The Loon design comprises three parts which are the envelope, solar panels, and equipment.
  2. Envelope: The envelope is actually the inflated part of the balloon that makes it float in the air. It is made up of polyethylene plastic and is 12 to 15 meters in height when completely inflated. The envelope is custom-made for enduring the low pressure (1/100 atm) that is present on higher altitudes. It is resistant to UV radiation and can efficiently function in temperatures as low as -58 degrees Fahrenheit (14.44 °C).
  3. Bladder: The envelope contains a chamber named bladder which is used to make the balloon lighter or heavier for flight or descent respectively.
  4. Gasses used: When the balloons are launched they are filled with Helium and air mixture. After a period of 100 days, they are collected at the collecting points, recycled, and launched again for service.
  5. Parachute: Every balloon contains a parachute that is responsible for the safe and sound landing of the entire setup. Each Google Loon balloon has a life of about 2 years.
  6. Solar power: Each unit has electronics that are powered by solar panels providing 100 W of power, which is enough for running the equipment at night as well.
  7. Electronics: The electronic equipment contains circuit boards that are responsible for controlling the system, radio antennas for communication with other balloons and internet antennas on the ground, batteries for storage of solar power, and weather equipment that monitor the weather conditions.
  8. ISM Bands: The project Loon currently uses ISM bands (mainly 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands) that are free to be used by anyone. ISM stands for industrial, scientific, and medical bands that are reserved internationally for the use of radiofrequency energy for purposes other than telecommunications.


  1. One balloon approximately covers 40 km and it would need thousands of balloons to connect the entire globe.
  2. This technology would cut the cost and labor of expensive fiber cables that need to be dug deep in the ground.
  3. The project Loon would provide humanitarian support to places where there is no access to common communication networks due to restrictions on the free flow of information.
  4. It can be used to provide internet connectivity even during natural calamity.
  5. It is useful to connect remote areas where traditional internet is difficult to achieve due to topographic reasons.


  1. The project Loon has certain limitations as it needs the balloons to be refilled every few weeks with helium. The frequency of maintenance is very uncomfortable.
  2. Installation charges of the Loon Balloon are very high. The entire setup is very costly ranging around $1.2 million for setup and $30,000/ year for maintenance.
  3. The loon balloons would levitate around the globe needing maintenance stations across the world even in remote areas which would be very difficult to achieve.
  4. The Loon is a recent technology that is high end needing skilled workers that are difficult to find.
  5. The cost to the company would be high after hiring skilled workers and other human resource teams for the workers.

Last Updated :
13 Oct, 2020
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