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10 Alternatives to the HTML Tag

Have you noticed how different each webpage on the internet is designed and structured?

Just imagine the elements on a page not structured the way it is! It would be clumsy, Right? And yes, as we know the most common element we use for the whole purpose is <div> in HTML while we design our page. <div>, being an abbreviation for division is a tag used to define a division or section of an HTML page. It is a block-level tag that serves as a container of elements comprising groups of various tags of HTML so that the sections are then styled or manipulated using the class or id attribute. 

Instead of Div HTML Tag

<div class=” div tag ”>
<h3> Ready to explore! </h3>
<p> Let us look into some alternatives for the div tag here. </p>
However, as we plan to split into more blocks or structures, we tend to use a lot of <div> tags within a <div> tag. Say, the code might look like,
  <!– The required code here. –>

This condition is known as a “div soup”. This could cause a readability issue, where we might not understand the code later, that is, a high number of <div> tags may make the source of the HTML page less human-readable but there is no real performance hit because of their use. Further, deciphering the code would become more tedious. Here is where Semantic HTML comes into play.

It is processed by traditional web browsers and many other agents as well. In the following article, we will look into the best alternatives to <div>. The elements mentioned might be the commonly used ones, still, let us dive deep into their usage and how they serve as an alternative.

This article answers some of the most frequently asked questions on div tag:

  • What is a div tag?
  • What to use instead of div in HTML5?
  • What are the alternatives to div tag?

What is Semantic HTML?

Semantic HTML elements not only make the webpage simpler but also helps the developer to understand the code with ease when it requires a review later. In layman’s terms, it clearly describes the meaning to both the developer and the browser. <nav>, <header>, <article> are examples of semantic elements. On the contrary, elements such as <div>, <span>, etc fall under non-semantic elements. Semantic HTML is also very helpful for accessibility.

The 10 Best Alternatives to the <div> HTML Tag are as:

1. HTML <nav> Element

This is the most commonly used alternative to <div>. <nav> is usually used in places where we wish to provide navigation options. For instance, we designed an online shopping website, <nav> that could be used for the list of items, carts, orders, etc to move to the other page.

Sample Code Snippet:

 <li> <a href=”/”> Shop here </a> </li>
 <li> <a href=”/”> Cart </a> </li>
 <li> <a href=”/”> Your Orders </a> </li>
 <li> <a href=”/”> Contact </a> </li>

Here the major difference between the <div> and <nav> tags would be that, as we see code inside <nav> we automatically get to know that it has something to do with the navigation. However <div> doesn’t meaningfully specify a particular action making it difficult to decipher. This clearly explains the semantic and non-semantic elements concept.

2. HTML <main> Element

The <main> element shows the portion of our markup that contains the main section of content on the given page. It can be used only once per page. Usually, it is opened after the <body> tag and closed before the <body> tag is closed. This element could assist with keyboard command access, zooming on mobile devices, etc.

Sample Code Snippet:

 <h1> Welcome </h1>
 <p> Hello from ‘Geeks for Geeks’ </p>

3. HTML <section> Element

The <section> element serves the best to separate the content just as <div> does. Unlike <main> there can be multiple <section> elements on a page. Also, each section could contain its own header and footer elements. <section> takes attributes like id which could then be used in CSS for styling.

Sample Code Snippet:

<section id=”hr-team”>
<h4> Recruitment </h4>
<p> Vacancies and requirements </p>
<section id=”tech-team”>
<h4> Programming Languages  </h4>
<p> C, C++, Java, Python </p>

4. HTML <article> Element

Ever noticed any blog posts or newspaper articles where there is standalone content in some parts of the page? Here is where the <article> element plays a role. <article> element specifies independent, self-contained content.

Sample Code Snippet:

<article class=”my-article”>
 <h2> Do you love to code? </h2>
<p> Here’s where I learned coding from – Geeks for Geeks. Get your coding skills sharpened here </p>

5. HTML <mark> Element

The <mark> element is used to highlight a block of text in a paragraph. This could easily convey the message in a document. The text of special relevance, interest, or information is usually highlighted.

Sample Code Snippet:

I learned to code from
<mark> Geeks for Geeks </mark>

6. HTML <blockquote> Element

The <blockquote> element makes our job of quoting easier. Be it quotations, case studies, a newspaper, or a person, <blockquote> element is used to represent that the content is quoted from an external source. It is usually accompanied by an element <cite>.

Sample Code Snippet:

I believe coding is fundamental to literacy in the future.
<cite> -Craig Federighi </cite>

7. HTML <header> and <footer>  Element

As the name goes, the <header> and <footer> elements represent the header and footer section of the document respectively. Generally, the header might contain the logo, name of the article, etc and on the other hand, the footer contains the contact details, social media links, copyright information, etc.

Sample Code Snippet:

<img src=”/” id=”logo”>

<p> © 2022 All rights reserved. </p>
<p> Contact: <a href= mailto:feedbackneveropen.tech> Mail us! </a> </p>

8. HTML <aside> Element

In simple terms, <aside> element is for notations. We must have seen side notes while watching a movie or a series. The notes convey any facts or additional information required. Likewise, when we have to give notes for the content on our page we use <aside> element.

Sample Code Snippet:

Python is a high-level, general-purpose, and very popular programming language. Python Programming Language is very well suited for Beginners, also for experienced programmers with other programming languages like C++ and Java.
<h4> Learn Python </h4>
<p> Visit Geeks for Geeks to learn python in the easiest way </p>

The meaning of any hard words in the actual paragraph can also be presented as side notes using <aside> element.

9. HTML <figure> Element

The <figure> element is self-contained, and is typically referenced as a single unit from the main flow of the document, providing a unit of content, with a caption in a few cases and can be moved away from the main flow of the document without affecting the meaning of the document.

Sample Code Snippet:

<img src=”bintree.jpg” alt=”image” style=”width:50%”>
<figcaption> Binary Tree Representation </figcaption>

10. HTML <code> Element

The <code> element is comparatively less used than the others. It is in a way similar to <mark>. <code> makes it convenient to differentiate a block of code or text from regular text. The result could also be enhanced with a little CSS styling.

Sample Code Snippet:

To  input space-separated integers in a list we use the code: 
<code class=”gray-code”> list_a=list(map(int, input( ).split( ))) </code>
Similar one-liner codes are available in Python that performs various functions.


The above-mentioned are some of the Top Best Alternatives to <div> HTML Tag but there are a few more elements that can make our markup straightforward. It is best to find the most suitable element according to our requirements. This doesn’t necessarily mean that divs are not to be used, it is useful as a generic container that carries no semantic meaning and can be used as a target for styling or JavaScript manipulation. It is preferred to use when limited as extra div is worse and lacks SEO. Thus, let us start using more semantic HTML elements to improve our markup.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it wrong to use <div> tag anymore?

Not at all, the alternatives are just a few grouping elements introduced by HTML 5 when it was released in 2014 to make the markup easier for web developers. <div> tags can still be used, mostly preferred as an element of last resort.

Can CSS styles be applied to these semantic elements?

Yes, the elements could be attributed to an id which is then used for styling or other manipulations. Further, styling is made easier with specific elements in use.

What makes <div> tag and <section> tag different?

HTML <section> tag holds the elements that belong to the same theme. <div> tag on the other hand is more generalized, it is just a block tag and doesn’t convey any meaning.

In what way do the alternatives serve well to SEOs?

Rather than <div>, the HTML 5 elements have got specific meanings. Search Engine Crawlers usually understand the content on the page depending on the tags used. Hence, being more specific is better.

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Last Updated :
07 Mar, 2024
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