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PHP | gmdate() Function

The gmdate() is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to format a GMT/UTC date and time and return the formatted date strings. It is similar to the date() function but it returns the time in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).


string gmdate ( $format, $timestamp )

Parameters: The gmdate() function accepts two parameters as mentioned above and described below:

  • $format: It is a mandatory parameter which specifies the format of returned date and time.
  • $timestamp: Timestamp is an optional parameter, if it is not included then current date and time will be used.

Return Value: This function Returns a formatted date string on success and FALSE on failure and an E_WARNING.

Below programs illustrate the gmdate() function.

Program 1:

// PHP program to illustrate gmdate function
// display date Jun 25 2018 23:21:50
echo gmdate("M d Y H:i:s",
        mktime(23, 21, 50, 6, 25, 2018)) ."\n";
// display date  World Wide Web Consortium
// 2018-06-25T23:21:50+00:00
echo gmdate(DATE_W3C,
        mktime(23, 21, 50, 6, 25, 2018)). "\n";
// display date as ISO-8601 format
echo gmdate(DATE_ISO8601,
        mktime(23, 21, 50, 6, 25, 2018)). "\n";


Jun 25 2018 23:21:50

Program 2: Passing one parameter, then it will return the current local time (time()).

// PHP program to illustrate gmdate function
// display current date and time 
// Jun 28 2018 14:52:50
echo gmdate("M d Y H:i:s") ."\n";
// display date  World Wide Web Consortium
echo gmdate(DATE_W3C). "\n";
// display date as ISO-8601 format
echo gmdate(DATE_ISO8601). "\n";


Jun 29 2018 06:32:34

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