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PHP | ftp_put() function

The ftp_put() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to upload files to FTP server.

ftp_put( $ftp_connection, $remote_file_path, $local_file_path, $mode, $start_position );

Parameter: This function accepts five parameters as mentioned above and described below: 

  • $ftp_connection: It is required parameter. It specifies the already existing FTP connection to use for uploading the file.
  • $remote_file_path: It is required parameter. It specifies the path in remote server i.e. FTP server to which the file being uploaded.
  • $local_file_path: It is required parameter. It specifies the path of the file is to be uploaded in the FTP server.
  • $mode: It is required parameter. It specifies the transfer mode. Values of the parameter is either FTP_ASCII or FTP_BINARY.
  • $start_position: It is optional parameter. It specifies the position in the remote file to start uploading to.

Return Value: It returns True on success or False on failure.

  • This function is available on PHP 4.0.0 and newer version.
  • The following examples cannot be run on online IDE. So try to run in some PHP hosting server or localhost with proper ftp server name.

Below examples illustrate the use of ftp_put() function in PHP:
Example 1: 


// Connect to FTP server
$ftp_server = "localhost";
// Use correct ftp username
// Use correct ftp password corresponding
// to the ftp username
// File name or path to upload to ftp server
$file = "filetoupload.txt";
// Establishing ftp connection
$ftp_connection = ftp_connect($ftp_server)
    or die("Could not connect to $ftp_server");
if( $ftp_connection ) {
    echo "Successfully connected to the ftp server!";
    // Logging in to established connection with
    // ftp username password
    $login = ftp_login($ftp_connection, $ftp_username, $ftp_userpass);
    // Checking whether logged in successfully or not
    if($login) {
        echo "<br>logged in successfully!";
        if (ftp_put($ftp_connection,
                "uploadedfile_name_in_server.txt", $file, FTP_ASCII))
          echo "<br>Uploaded successful $file.";
        else {
          echo "<br>Error while uploading $file.";
    else {
        echo "<br>login failed!";
    // Closing the  connection
    if(ftp_close($ftp_connection)) {
        echo "<br>Connection closed Successfully!";


Successfully connected to the ftp server!
logged in successfully!
Uploaded successful filetoupload.txt.
Connection closed Successfully!

Example 2: Connect to ftp server using port number 21 and then upload file. 


// Connect to FTP server
// Server name
$ftp_server = "localhost";
// Use correct ftp username
// Use correct ftp password corresponding
// to the ftp username
// File name or path to upload to ftp server
$file = "filetoupload.txt";
// Establishing ftp connection
$ftp_connection = ftp_connect($ftp_server, 21)
    or die("Could not connect to $ftp_server");
if( $ftp_connection ) {
    echo "Successfully connected to the ftp server!";
    // Logging in to established connection with
    // ftp username password
    $login = ftp_login($ftp_connection,
                $ftp_username, $ftp_userpass);
    if( $login ) {
        // Checking whether logged in successfully or not
        echo "<br>logged in successfully!";
        if (ftp_put($ftp_connection,
            "uploadedfile_name_in_server.txt", $file, FTP_ASCII))
          echo "<br>Uploaded successful $file.";
        else {
          echo "<br>Error while uploading $file.";
    else {
        echo "<br>login failed!";
    // Echo ftp_get_option($ftp_connection, 1);
    // Closing  connection
    if(ftp_close($ftp_connection)) {
        echo "<br>Connection closed Successfully!";


Successfully connected to the ftp server!
logged in successfully!
Uploaded successful filetoupload.txt.
Connection closed Successfully!


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