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HomeLanguagesPHP | hash_file( ) Function

PHP | hash_file( ) Function

The hash_file() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to generate a hash value using the contents of a given file.


string hash_file( $algo, $file, $raw_opt )

Parameters: This function accept three parameters as mention above and describe below.

  • $algo: It is the required parameter which specifies the selected hashing algorithm.
  • $file: This parameter is used to hold the file url to be hashed.
  • $raw_opt: If the parameter is set to true then output will be raw binary data and if the parameter is set to False then output will be lowercase hexits.

Return Value: This function returns a string containing the calculated message digest as lowercase hexits.

Below programs uses the file gfg.txt and contents of the file are:

A Computer Science Portal for Geeks

Below programs illustrate the hash_file() function in PHP:
Program 1:

// PHP program to illustrate
//  hash_file function
// Create a file to calculate hash of
file_put_contents('gfg.txt', 'GFG');
// Display Result
echo hash_file('md5', 'gfg.txt') . "</br>";



Program 2:

// PHP program to illustrate
//  hash_file function
// Create a file to calculate hash of
file_put_contents('gfg.txt', 'SUDO PLACEMENT');
// Display Result
echo hash_file('md5', 'gfg.txt') . "</br>";
// Create a file to calculate hash of
file_put_contents('gfg.txt', 'GCET');
// Display Result
echo hash_file('sha1', 'gfg.txt');



Reference: http://php.net/manual/en/function.hash-file.php


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