The easter_date() function is a built-in function in PHP which returns the Easter date in the year passed as an argument. The current year is taken as default year when no arguments are passed as parameter.
easter_date( $year )
Parameter: The function accepts one optional parameter $year which specifies the year whose Easter date is to be returned. The year can be a number between 1970 and 2037 only. It returns an error message when the year is out of range.
Return Value: It returns the Easter date on the given year which is passed in the argument. If no parameter is passed, it returns the Easter date of the current year.
Input : 2018 Output : Apr-01-2018 Input : 2017 Output : Apr-16-2017
Below programs illustrates the easter_date() function:
Program 1: The program demonstrates the function when no parameter is passed.
<?php // PHP program to demonstrate the // working of easter_date() function // when no parameter is passed // prints the date of Easter of year 2018 // when no parameter is passed echo date ( "M-d-Y" , easter_date()), "\n" ; // current year to verify $year = 2018; echo date ( "M-d-Y" , easter_date( $year )); ?> |
Apr-01-2018 Apr-01-2018
Program 2: The program demonstrates the function when parameter is passed.
<?php // PHP program to demonstrate the // working of easter_date() function // when parameter is passed $year = 2017; echo date ( "M-d-Y" , easter_date( $year )), "\n" ; $year = 2010; echo date ( "M-d-Y" , easter_date( $year )), "\n" ; $year = 2000; echo date ( "M-d-Y" , easter_date( $year )); ?> |
Apr-16-2017 Apr-04-2010 Apr-23-2000
Program 3: The program demonstrates the function when parameter is passed out of range.
<?php // PHP program to demonstrate the // working of easter_date() function // when parameter is out of range $year = 2050; echo date ( "M-d-Y" , easter_date( $year )), "\n" ; ?> |
PHP Warning: easter_date(): This function is only valid for years between 1970 and 2037 inclusive in /home/df540ecbab7094243e7668326260e785.php on line 8