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PHP | ctype_graph() Function

A ctype_graph() Function is inbuilt function in PHP. The given string is used to check each character and display all visible character without white-space character. If it’s visible then return True otherwise False.


bool ctype_graph ( $text )

Parameters: The ctype_graph() function accepts a single parameter $text file which contains tested strings. 

Return Value: It return true if every character in $text is printable, otherwise return false. 


Input  : Geeks
Input  : http//\n
Output : No
Explanation : "\n" is not visible in string "http//\n".                   

Below is the implementation of ctype_graph() function. 

Program 1: 


// PHP program to check given string
// produce visible output or not
$string = "Geeksforneveropen";
// Check strings by using ctype_graph()
// function.
if ( ctype_graph ($string) )
    echo "$string: Visible";
    echo "$string: Not Visible";


Geeksforneveropen: Visible

Program 2: 


// PHP program to check given string
// produce visible output or not
$string = array(
    "peaceful mind",
// Check strings by using ctype_graph()
// function.
foreach ($string as $test) {
    if (ctype_graph($test))
        echo "$test: Visible\n";
        echo "$test: Not Visible\n";


@!#$%^&*()_+: Visible
peaceful mind: Not Visible
45600: Visible

Related Article: PHP | ctype_print() Function 
References :


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