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AsgardCMS – Introduction of in-built and ready to use modules

When we talk about AsgardCMS it is quite clear that it is a framework that provided ease to the developer by providing a basic architecture to the project. There are various in-built modules that are created automatically if we create a new AsgardCMS project.

We can view all these modules in the module folder of the project and can also view them once we login to the project on our localhost server.

The in-built and ready to use modules and their functionalities are :

  • Page management: It contains the information of the pages in our project. Since at the starting of the project we have by default only one page that is named as homepage. We can edit or delete any page from the project directly. Below is a screenshot to show how the page module looks like and how we can edit or delete the module.

Page Management Module

  • Media Module: It is a media management module that helps to upload media files directly, and you need not make a specific code to upload files of .png, .jpeg, etc folder. If you wish to upload a file of some not-so-common type such as .csv file you have to create your own code. Thus, this module provides basic functionality and overview for the user and makes the development easy.

Media Module

  • Menu Module: This module helps in the creation of menus such as the main menu, footer menu, or so which helps in enhancing the front-end layout and makes it more user-friendly to find everything on a particular page. You can either link a menu item to a new page or can have further sub-menus in that. Through this module, one can manage multiple menus, arrange their order and provide hyperlinks for some other page.

Menu Module

  • Translations module: If your project demands various languages to be covered the translation module will help in understanding and providing similar content in multiple languages. It becomes easy in AsgardCMS to add new translations and update existing translations. We can easily manage the translations via the backend GUI. If we require the translations we can set translation-gui to be true, and then it will start implementing in that context as well. If translations are not required we might delete the translations file to reduce the size of the project. It contains all the translation files for the AsgardCms Modules.

Translations Module


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