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PHP | jdtojulian() Function

The jdtojulian() function is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to convert a Julian day count to a Julian calendar date. It converts Julian Day Count to a string containing the Julian Calendar Date in the month/day/year format.

int jdtojulian( $julianday )

Parameters: This function accepts a single parameter $julianday which is mandatory. It contains Julian’s day as an integer.
Return Value: This function returns the Julian Date as a string in the month/day/year format.
The below programs illustrate the jdtojulian() function in PHP. 
Program 1: 


// Converts a Julian calendar date 
// to Julian Day count.
$jdate = juliantojd(10, 25, 1996);
// Print the Julian Day count.
echo "JulianToJD is : ".$jdate . "\n";
// First converts the julian day to Julian 
// Calendar date and then print it.
echo "JDToJulian is : ".jdtojulian($jdate);


JulianToJD is : 2450395
JDToJulian is : 10/25/1996


Program 2: 


// Converts Julian calendar Date 
// to Julian Day count.
$jdate = juliantojd(1, 10, 1998);
// Print the Julian Day count
echo "Julian Day Count : ".$jdate . "\n";
// Converts Julian Day count to
// the Julian calendar Date
$julian = jdtojulian($jdate);
// Print the julian calendar Date.
echo "Julian Calendar Date : ".$julian;


Julian Day Count : 2450837
Julian Calendar Date : 1/10/1998


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