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PHP | Ds\Deque merge() Function

The Ds\Deque::merge() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to return the merged Deque after merging all the elements of one Deque with another by adding all the values into a copy and returns that copy.


public Ds\Deque::merge( $values ) : Ds\Deque

Parameters: This function accepts single parameter $values which contains the values to be merged with the calling Deque.

Return Value: This function returns a Deque which contains all the elements of both the Deque.

Below programs illustrate the Ds\Deque::merge() function in PHP:

Program 1:

// Declare a deque
$deck = new \Ds\Deque([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]);
echo("Elements of first deque\n");
// Display the deque Elements
// Declare another deque
$deck2 = new \Ds\Deque([70, 80, 90, 100]);
echo("\nElements of second deque\n");
echo("\nMerged deque elements\n");
// Merge the both deque


Elements of first deque
Ds\Deque Object
    [0] => 10
    [1] => 20
    [2] => 30
    [3] => 40
    [4] => 50
    [5] => 60

Elements of second deque
Ds\Deque Object
    [0] => 70
    [1] => 80
    [2] => 90
    [3] => 100

Merged deque elements
Ds\Deque Object
    [0] => 10
    [1] => 20
    [2] => 30
    [3] => 40
    [4] => 50
    [5] => 60
    [6] => 70
    [7] => 80
    [8] => 90
    [9] => 100

Program 2:


Elements of first deque
Ds\Deque Object
    [0] => neveropen
    [1] => for
    [2] => neveropen

Elements of second deque
Ds\Deque Object
    [0] => practicing
    [1] => data
    [2] => structures

Merged deque elements
Ds\Deque Object
    [0] => neveropen
    [1] => for
    [2] => neveropen
    [3] => practicing
    [4] => data
    [5] => structures


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