The Ds\Vector::sorted() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to sort the elements of the vector by creating a copy of the original vector. This will arrange the vector elements in increasing order using default comparator.
Ds\Vector public Ds\Vector::sorted( $comparator )
Parameters: This function accepts single parameter $comparator which holds the sorting function.
Return Value: This function returns a copy of sorted vector.
Below programs illustrate the Ds\Vector::sorted() function in PHP:
Program 1:
<?php // Declare new Vector $vect = new \Ds\Vector([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]); echo ( "Original vector\n" ); // Display the vector elements var_dump( $vect ); // Use sorted() function to sort // the copy of vector elements $res = $vect ->sorted(); echo ( "\nSorted elements\n" ); // Display the sorted elements var_dump( $res ); ?> |
Original vector object(Ds\Vector)#1 (6) { [0]=> int(6) [1]=> int(5) [2]=> int(4) [3]=> int(3) [4]=> int(2) [5]=> int(1) } Sorted elements object(Ds\Vector)#2 (6) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) [2]=> int(3) [3]=> int(4) [4]=> int(5) [5]=> int(6) }
Program 2:
<?php // Declare new Vector $vect = new \Ds\Vector([3, 6, 1, 2, 9, 7]); echo ( "Original vector\n" ); // Display the vector elements var_dump( $vect ); // Use sorted() function to sort // the copy of vector elements $res = $arr ->sorted( function ( $element1 , $element2 ) { return $element1 <=> $element2 ; }); echo ( "\nSorted elements\n" ); // Display the sorted elements var_dump( $res ); ?> |
Original vector object(Ds\Vector)#1 (6) { [0]=> int(3) [1]=> int(6) [2]=> int(1) [3]=> int(2) [4]=> int(9) [5]=> int(7) } Sorted elements object(Ds\Vector)#3 (6) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) [2]=> int(3) [3]=> int(6) [4]=> int(7) [5]=> int(9) }