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How to replace a character at a particular index in JavaScript ?

To replace a character from a string there are popular methods available, the two most popular methods we are going to describe in this article. The first method is by using the substr() method. And in the second method, we will convert the string to an array and replace the character at the index. Both methods are described below:

Approach 1: Using the substr() method: The substr() method is used to extract a sub-string from a given starting index to another index. This can be used to extract the parts of the string excluding the character to be replaced. The first part of the string can be extracted by using the starting index parameter as ‘0’ (which denotes the starting of the string) and the length parameter as the index where the character has to be replaced. The second part of the string can be extracted by using the starting index parameter as ‘index + 1’, which denotes the part of the string after the index of the character. The second parameter is omitted to get the whole string after it. The new string is created and concatenates the two parts of the string with the character to be replaced and added in between. This will create a new string with the character replaced at the index.


function replaceChar(origString, replaceChar, index) {
    let firstPart = origString.substr(0, index);
    let lastPart = origString.substr(index + 1);
    let newString = firstPart + replaceChar + lastPart;
    return newString;

Example: In this example, we are using the above-explained approach.


<h1 style="color: green">
    How to replace a character at a
    particular index in JavaScript?
    The character at the 8th index
    would be replaced by "M".
    Original string is: neveropen
    New String is:
    <span class="output"></span>
<button onclick="changeText()">
    Replace Character
    function replaceChar(origString, replaceChar, index) {
        let firstPart = origString.substr(0, index);
        let lastPart = origString.substr(index + 1);
        let newString =
            firstPart + replaceChar + lastPart;
        return newString;
    function changeText() {
        originalText = "neveropen";
        charReplaced =
            replaceChar(originalText, "M", 8);
            = charReplaced;


How to replace a character at a particular index in JavaScript ?

How to replace a character at a particular index in JavaScript ?

Approach 2:Converting the string to an array and replacing the character at the index: The string is converted to an array using the split() method with the separator as a blank character (“”). This will split the string into an array and make every character accessible as an index of the array. The character which has to be replaced can then be simply assigned to the corresponding index of the array. The array is joined back into a string using the join() method with the separator as a blank character (“”). This will create a new string with the character replaced at the index.


function replaceChar(origString, replaceChar, index) {
    let newStringArray = origString.split("");

    newStringArray[index] = replaceChar;

    let newString = newStringArray.join("");

    return newString;

Example: In this example, we are using the above-explained approach.


<h1 style="color: green">
    How to replace a character at a
    particular index in JavaScript?
    The character at the 8th index
    would be replaced by "M".
    Original string is: neveropen
    New String is:
    <span class="output"></span>
<button onclick="changeText()">
    Replace Character
    function replaceChar(origString, replaceChar, index) {
        let newStringArray = origString.split("");
        newStringArray[index] = replaceChar;
        let newString = newStringArray.join("");
        return newString;
    function changeText() {
        originalText = "neveropen";
        charReplaced =
            replaceChar(originalText, "M", 8);
            = charReplaced;


How to replace a character at a particular index in JavaScript ?

How to replace a character at a particular index in JavaScript ?

Using the slice() method: The slice() method is used to get a part string from a given starting index to another index. This method is the same as the first method but in place of substr() method we use slice method.


<h1 style="color: green">
    How to replace a character at a
    particular index in JavaScript?
    The character at the 8th index
    would be replaced by "M".
    Original string is: neveropen
    New String is:
    <span class="output"></span>
<button onclick="changeText()">
    Replace Character
    function replaceChar(origString, replaceChar, index)
        let firstPart = origString.slice(0, index);
        let lastPart = origString.slice(index + 1);
        let newString =
            firstPart + replaceChar + lastPart;
        return newString;
    function changeText() {
        originalText = "neveropen";
        charReplaced =
            replaceChar(originalText, "M", 8);
                = charReplaced;


How to replace a character at a particular index in JavaScript ?

How to replace a character at a particular index in JavaScript ?


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