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D3.js transform.translate() Function

The transform.translate() function in D3.js library is used to get the transformation whose translation tx1 and ty1 is equal to tx0 + tk x and ty0 + tk y, where tx0 and ty0 is the transform’s translation and tk is the transform’s scale.


transform.translate(x, y)

Parameters: This function accepts the following parameter as mentioned above and described below.

  • x, y: These parameters are the translation point argument.

Return value: This function returns the transformed zoom behaviour.

Below programs demonstrates the transform.translate() function of D3.js library.

Example 1:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
        D3.js | transform.translate() Function
    <script src="">
    <script src=
        <h1 style="color: green;">
        <h3>D3.js | transform.translate() Function</h3>
        <svg height="200px" width="400px">
            <g id="GFG" transform=
                "translate(25,25) scale(0.25)">
            var svg ="#GFG");
                "x": 0, "y": 0, "height": 100, 
                "width": 100, "fill": "yellow" 
                "x": 100, "y": 100, "height": 100, 
                "width": 100, "fill": "orange" 
                "x": 0, "y": 100, "height": 100, 
                "width": 100, "fill": "red" 
                "x": 100, "y": 0, "height": 100, 
                "width": 100, "fill": "purple" 
            var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
                    .on("zoom", function () {
                var val_1 = d3.event.translate;
                var val_scale = d3.event.scale;
                svg.attr("transform", "translate(" 
                    + val_1[0] + "," + val_1[1] 
                    + ") scale(" + val_scale + ")")
                .scaleExtent([1, 10])
                    .scale(1).translate([0, 0])
            function () {
                var scale = Math.random() * 3;
                var translate = [(Math.random() * 10, 
                            Math.random() * 10)]
                // New transition
                var T = svg.transition().duration(500)


Example 2:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
        D3.js | transform.translate() Function
    <script src="">
        circle {
            opacity: 0.7;
            fill: green;
        <h1 style="color: green;">
        <h3>D3.js | transform.translate() Function</h3>
            var transform = d3.zoomIdentity
                .translate(100, 0).scale(1);
            var zoom = d3.zoom().on("zoom", handleZoom);
            var svg ="svg")
                .attr('width', 400)
                .attr('height', 200)
                .style("background", "orange")
                .call(zoom.transform, transform);
            var zoomable = svg
                .attr("class", "zoomable")
                .attr("transform", transform);
            var circles = zoomable.append('circle')
                .attr("id", "circles")
                .attr("cx", 100)
                .attr("cy", 100)
                .attr('r', 30);
            function handleZoom() {
                if (zoomable) {



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