The Lodash _.unset() method is used to remove the property at the path of the object. If the property is removed then it returns True value otherwise, it returns False.
_.unset(object, path)
Parameters: This method accepts two parameters as mentioned above and described below:
- object: This parameter holds the object to modify.
- path: This parameter holds the path of the property to unset. It can be an array or string.
Return Value: This method returns true if the property is deleted, else false.
Example 1:
// Requiring the lodash library const _ = require( "lodash" ); // The source object var obj = { 'cpp' : [{ 'java' : { 'python' : 3 } }] }; // Use of _.unset() method console.log(_.unset(obj, 'cpp[0].java.python' )); // Object is modified console.log(obj); |
true { cpp: [ { java: {} } ] }
Example 2:
// Requiring the lodash library const _ = require( "lodash" ); // The source object var obj = { 'cpp' : [{ 'java' : { 'python' : 3 } }] }; // Use of _.unset() method console.log(_.unset(obj, [ 'html' , 'css' , 'javascript' ])); // Object console.log(obj); |
true { cpp: [ { java: [Object] } ] }
Note: This will not work in normal JavaScript because it requires the library lodash to be installed and can be installed using npm install lodash..