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How to Pause and Play a Loop in JavaScript using Event Listeners ?

Given below is a JavaScript program for DOM manipulation which is basically about How to Pause and Play a loop in JavaScript using event listeners (not to be confused with delay). In this article, we are using JavaScript with HTML so we need a web browser i.e., Chrome (recommended) or Electron Application. Pausing and playing a loop is such a difficult task in almost every programming languages and there is no simple solution to pause a loop in between its execution and playing it again at the click of a button just like we do in video clips, but JavaScript Promise concept makes it easy to pause and play loop with event listeners of DOM elements. Here pausing and playing a loop doesn’t mean delaying a loop. If you are looking for delaying a loop in JavaScript then we have already created a separate article for it, Visit:

Approach:  Our approach in this program for pausing and playing a loop is same as delaying a loop using Promise, but instead of resolving the Promise after some specific duration, we will resolve Promise by event listeners. Here in the code we used a function named as Pauser which will pause the program execution inside the loop, and we used a variable stats which acts like a flag for pause. If the stats is 0 then pause flag is false and if stats is 1 then pause flag is true and then it will call the Pauser() and wait for event listener to get resolved.


// Function Definition Syntax
    .addEventListener("click", function () {
        stats = 1;

function pauser() {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        let playbuttonclick = function () {
                .removeEventListener("click", playbuttonclick);
            stats = 0;
            .addEventListener("click", playbuttonclick)

// Function Caller Syntax
async anyfunction()  {
    for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {

        // This statement will check for 
        // the stats value and if it is
        // equal to 1 then it will call
        // pauser() and the loop will 
        // get paused!
        if (stats == 1) await pauser();

We have discussed the whole working of the code above, now here is the Complete Code, just copy and create a separate html file and run it!

Example : In this example, we will use the above-defined methods in an HTML file


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <button id="pl">Play</button>
    <button id="pa">Pause</button>
    <div style="display:flex;">
        <p id="min">0</p>
        <p id="sec">0</p>
        <p id="milisec">0</p>
            .setAttribute("disabled", "true")
        var stats = 0;
        function waitforme(ms) {
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                setTimeout(() => { resolve('') }, ms);
        function pauser() {
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                let playbuttonclick = function () {
                        .setAttribute("disabled", "true")
                    stats = 0;
                    .addEventListener("click", playbuttonclick)
            .addEventListener("click", function () {
            stats = 1;
                .setAttribute("disabled", "true")
        let second;
        async function go() {
            second = document.getElementById("sec");
            for (let a = 0; ; a = a + 100) {
                if (a == 1000) {
                    a = 0;
                    second.innerHTML =
                         Number(second.innerHTML) + 1;
                if (second.innerHTML == 60) {
                    second.innerHTML = 0;
                    let minute = document
                    minute.innerHTML =
                        Number(minute.innerHTML) + 1;
                            .innerHTML = a / 100;
                await waitforme(100);
                if (stats == 1) await pauser();


Application of the above implementation: Stopwatch, pausing/playing any custom animation made in javascript, Data Visualization, etc.

Note: We had used ‘click’ event in this code, other users can use any event handler such as click, mousenter, mouseover, mouseon, mousemove, keypress, etc of his/her choice.

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