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Select different values on two select tags in Vue.js

In this article, we will see the selection of different values on a single select and two <select> tags in vue.js, along with understanding their basic implementation through the examples.

HTML <select> tag is used to create a drop-down list. Adding a list of options inside the drop-down list using the <option> tag. when we select any values from the list of options it will update the same in the DOM.

Vue is an open-source front-end JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. Vue.js has many in-built directives for DOM manipulation such as v-bind, v-on, v-model, etc. The following Vue.js directives are used in this article.

  • v-model: This directive is used to create two-way data bindings on form input, textarea, etc.
  • v-bind: This directive is used to manipulate HTML attributes, change the style, and assign classes with help of binding.
  • v-if: This directive is used for conditional rendering.
  • v-on: This directive is used to handle the events in DOM elements.

In Vue.js, we can select values dynamically from the Vue component data model. For a list of options no need to write more html <option> tags for different values, instead, use the v-for directive to bind different values from an array of objects. Show the list of options and selected values using a two-way data binding model with double curly braces.

Selecting a single value in Vue.js:

Approach 1: Usually Single select/dropdown element doesn’t require many attributes, and a list of options must be an array of objects. If we need to disable a few options, then add this attribute “selected disabled” inside the <option> element.


<select v-model="selectedValue">
    <option value="" selected disabled>

Add a list of options on another <option> element with a bound array of objects using the v-for directive. Selecting any value in the drop-down list, it will render automatically in the DOM using the v-model directive(two-way data binding ).

<select v-model="selectedValue">
    <option value="" selected disabled>
    <option v-for="item in options">
const firstApp = new Vue({
  data: {
    selectedValue: '',
    options: [
 /* add options list here */ 

Example 1: This example describes the basic implementation for Selecting the different values on two <select> tags in Vuejs.

  • App.vue


    <h1 v-bind:style="{ color:'green'}">
        Dynamic Rendering of selecting options
        Select any Fruit 
            <select v-model="selected">
                <option value="" selected disabled>
                <option v-for="item in options">
                    {{ item }}
        <span v-bind:style="{ color:'green'}">
            Selected Fruit : {{ selected }} 
    export default {
        name: "App",
        data() {
            return {
                selected: '',
                options: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry', 'Dates']

Output: The above example shows that choosing any value from the drop-down list, it will render the same in DOM. Now, we will see how to render the different values for options from the drop-down list.


Approach 2: In <select> element, add a list of options on <option> element with bind array of objects using v-for directive and bind the respective values using v-bind:value directive. Selecting any option in the drop-down list will render the value based on the option automatically in the DOM using the v-model directive(two-way data binding ).


<select v-model="selectedValue">
  <option value="" selected disabled>
  <option v-for="item in options" 
    {{ item.opt }}

Here, both item.val and item.opt attributes initialized as an array of objects by Vue Components inside data { } block. An array of objects must be in JSON format for different values that need to bind with a list of options.

const firstApp = new Vue({
  data: {
    selectedValue: '',
    options: [
 /* add JSON objects of options and values {opt:' ',val:' '} */ 

Example 2: In the below example, we are giving a list of words with respective antonyms ( opposite word ) in the drop-down list. Whenever we click any option in the drop-down list, it will render the respective opposite value on the DOM.

  • App.vue


    <h1 v-bind:style="{ color:'green'}">
        Dynamic Rendering of selecting options
        Select any word 
            <select v-model="selected">
                <option value="" selected disabled>
                <option v-for="item in options" 
                    {{ item.word }}
        <span v-bind:style="{ color:'green'}">
            Antonym of selected word : {{ selected }} 
    export default {
      name: "App",
      data() {
        return {
          selected: '',
        options: [
                    { word: 'Artificial', ans: 'Natural' },
                    { word: 'Argue', ans: 'Agree' },
                    { word: 'Alive', ans: 'Dead' },
                    { word: 'Build', ans: 'Destroy' },
                    { word: 'Buy', ans: 'Sell' },
                    { word: 'Bottom', ans: 'Top' },
                    { word: 'Bitter', ans: 'Sweet' } 



Selecting multiple/different values in Vue.js: Selecting different values requires an attribute “multiple” inside the <select> element. The “multiple” attribute is used to select multiple values. Hold the control key on the keyboard and select the different/multiple values from the drop-down list. Add a list of options on another <option> element with a bound array of objects using v-for and v-bind directives. selecting multiple/different values in the drop-down list, it will render automatically using the v-model directive(two-way data binding ).


<select v-model="multipleSelected" multiple>
 <option v-for="item in options" 
   {{ item.head }}

Example 3: In the below example, we have two drop-down lists. Whenever we click any value in the first drop-down list, it will render the single value on {{selected}} expression in DOM. Now click different values in the second drop-down list, it will render the multiple values on {{multipleSelected}} expression in DOM. Selecting multiple values requires list initialization for rendering different values. Additionally adding a method for clearing the drop-down list when the reset button is clicked. ( v-on directive used for handling the events of a Button click ).

  • App.vue


        Selecting Single Topics
    <select v-model="selected">
        <option value="" selected disabled>
        <option v-for="item in options" 
            {{ item.head }}
    <h3 v-bind:style="{ color:'green'}">
        {{ selected }}
    <h1>Selecting Multiple Topics</h1>
        Hold the control key on keyboard 
        for selecting different values
    <select v-model="multipleSelected" multiple>
        <option v-for="item in options" 
            {{ item.head }}
    <h4 v-if="multipleSelected.length != 0" 
        v-bind:style="{ color:'green'}">
            {{ multipleSelected }}
    <p>Click here for clearing drop-down list </p>
    <button v-on:click="clearData">
    export default {
        name: "App",
        data() {
            return {
                selected: '',
                // for selecting multiple values requires list
                // initialization for rendering different values
                multipleSelected: [],
                options: [
                    { head: 'HTML', 
        'HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages' },
                    { head: 'DOM', 
'The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for web documents' },
                    { head: 'JavaScript', 
'JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted, or just-in-time compiled programming language ' }
        // a method that clear the data model fields using
        // button event click
        methods: {
            clearData: function () {
                this.selected = ''
                this.multipleSelected = []



Note: Hold the control key on the keyboard and select the different/multiple values from the drop-down list. This is applicable for multiple attributes used in <select> element of the drop-down list.


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