We can add an instant theme to the ReactJS project by using Bootswatch.
Bootswatch: It is an open-source project, that provides a number of free themes for bootstrap that a web developer can use. It helps the developer to get proper UI without spending hours and energy on styling different elements.
To start follow the given link. Scroll down a bit, the themes will appear. Some of the most used themes are cosmos, darkly.
Project structure:
Installation of Bootswatch in ReactJS project:
- Click on the preview button to have a wider perspective of the different components like forms, dropdown, and others to see how these components will appear if we use this particular theme.
- After selecting the theme, click on the download button, to download the bootstrap.min.css file.
- Inside your react.js folder open terminal, write command, this will install react-bootstrap in your application.
npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap
- As an example we choose Cyborg or https://bootswatch.com/cyborg/ is the theme that is chosen. Now add the downloaded bootstrap.min.css file, in the src folder.
- Import the bootstrap.min.css file in index.js. Filename- index.js: Here we will just import the bootstrap.min.css. Now the theme is applicable to the entire application.
import React from 'react' ; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' ; import './index.css' ; import App from './App' ; import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals' ; // Import downloaded theme import './bootstrap.min.css' ; ReactDOM.render( <React.StrictMode> <App /> </React.StrictMode>, document.getElementById( 'root' ) ); reportWebVitals(); |
- In the src folder create another folder Components and inside it create a file and name it as Home.js it will be our functional component.
- Create a functional component in the file, like below. Now add any bootstrap component in your react.js application and it will be styled according to the theme.
Filename- Home.js:
import React from 'react' ; import {Image , Row} from 'react-bootstrap' ; const Home = () => { return ( <div> <h1>Welcome to neveropen</h1> <h2>Let's Learn</h2> { /* aligning the image at the center */ } <Row className= "justify-content-md-center" > <Image src= roundedCircle fluid /> </Row> </div> ) } export default Home |
- Now we just need to import the Home.js component in our App.js root component.
Filename- App.js: Remove the unnecessary things from this file and add the below code.
import './App.css' ; // Importing Home component import Home from './component/Home' ; function App() { return ( <div className= "App" > <Home /> </div> ); } export default App; |
Start the Server: Run the below command to start the server.
npm start
Output: The applied theme is Cyborg (dark theme) and here is the output.