In this article, we are converting a three-digit color HEX code into a six-digit color HEX code using JavaScript. To solve this problem, first, we copy the individual digits and paste them at the consecutive positions. For example – #34E will be converted into #3344EE and #E90 will be converted into #EE9900.
Steps to convert 3-digit color code to 6-digit color code:
Step 1: The color code is in string format. So, apply the split method on the string. After applying the split method we got an array of elements.
<script> var digit = "#39E" digit = digit.split( "" ) console.log(digit) </script> |
["#","3", "9", "E"]
Step 2: Now apply the map method and iterate over the array and return every item with concatenating to itself and check if the item is “#” then do not return the concatenated result, just return the item.
<script> var digit = "#39E" ; digit = digit.split( "" ).map((item)=>{ if (item == "#" ){ return item} return item + item; }) console.log(digit) </script> |
["#", "33", "99", "EE"]
Step 3: Now use the join method to convert all the array items into a single string.
<script> var digit = "#39E" digit = digit.split( "" ).map((item)=>{ if (item == "#" ){ return item} return item + item; }).join( "" ) console.log(digit) </script> |
Step 4: In the above step, we are converting “#39E” but we can see the first element of this code is “#”, but if the user does not provide the “#” then you have to check if the first element is “#” then concatenate it with the resulting code. And this is our complete code.
<script> var digit = "#39E" digit = digit.split( "" ).map((item)=>{ if (item == "#" ){ return item} return item + item; }).join( "" ) if (digit[0] != "#" ){ digit = "#" + digit; } console.log(digit) </script> |