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Interesting facts about JSON

JSON or JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight format for transporting and storing data. JSON is used when data is transferred from a server to a web page. This language is also characterized as weakly typed, prototype-based, dynamic, and multi-paradigm.  

Here are some interesting facts about JSON:

  • JSON was derived from JavaScript but by 2017 many programming languages include code to invoke and parse JSON-format data. It is a language-independent data format. For JSON, the official Internet media type is application/json. The filenames of JSON use the extension .json.
  • The first person to specify and popularize the JSON format was Douglas Crockford. The acronym came into existence at the State Software, a company co-founded by Crockford and the other members in March 2001.
  • In a children’s digital asset trading game project named Cartoon Orbit a precursor to the JSON libraries was used at for the Cartoon Network, which used a browser side plug-in with a copyrighted messaging format to influence DHTML elements.
  • The JavaScript running in the browser decrypts the JSON string and shows the product details in the page for the user.
  • The jQuery JavaScript library includes few useful methods, for example getJSON() and parseJSON(). These make it easy to accept JSON-encoded data via Ajax requests.
  • For JSON text, the official MIME type is “application/json” and this have been adopted by many of the modern implementations.
  • JSON grew out of a need for stateless, real-time server-to-browser communication protocol without making use of any browser plugins such as the dominant methods like Flash or Java applets, which are used in the early 2000s.
  • There is expanding support for JSON through the use of many lightweight third-party packages. The list of supported languages includes ColdFusion, Perl, Python, Rebol, ActionScript, E, Java, JavaScript, C, C#, ML, Objective CAML, PHP, Lua and Ruby.
  • The simplicity of JSON has resulted in its global use, especially as a substitute to XML in Ajax. An advantage of JSON over XML as a data interchange format is that it is much simpler to write a JSON parser.
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