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HomeLanguagesJavascriptUnderscore.js _.isDate() function

Underscore.js _.isDate() function

Underscore.js is a javascript library that is capable enough to handle arrays, strings, objects, map, set very easily and efficiently. The _.isDate() function in underscore.js is used to tell if the given object is a date object or not. 



Parameters: It takes only one parameter i.e the object.

Return: This function returns a boolean value. The value is true is the object is date object else it is false.

Note: Please Link the underscore CDN before using this code directly in the browser through the code.

Example 1: 

<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <script src =  
      let date=new Date()
      let str="9/9/9";


Example 2: 

<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <script src =  
      let date1=new Date();
      let date2="09-jan-1888"
      let boolDate1=_.isDate(date1);
      let boolDate2=_.isDate(date2);
`_.isDate function returns ${boolDate1} \n date is:  ${date1}`)
`_.isDate function returns ${boolDate1} 
\n ${data1} is not a date object`)
`_.isDate function returns ${boolDate2} \n date is ${date2}`)
`_.isDate function returns ${boolDate2} 
\n ${date2} is not a date object`)


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