The clearStorage() function in p5.js is used to clear all items present in the local storage set using the storeItem() function. The items are removed for the current domain. Trying to retrieve any item using the getItem() function would now return null. It accepts no parameters.
Parameters: This function accepts no parameters.
The program below illustrates the clearStorage() function in p5.js:
function setup() { createCanvas(400, 300); textSize(16); text( "Use the button to set and" + " retrieve random values" , 20, 20); setBtn = createButton( "Set items to storage" ); setBtn.position(20, 150); setBtn.mouseClicked(setItems); getBtn = createButton( "Get items from storage" ); getBtn.position(20, 180); getBtn.mouseClicked(getItems); clearBtn = createButton( "Clear items from storage" ); clearBtn.position(20, 210); clearBtn.mouseClicked(clearItems); } function clearItems() { clear(); text( "Use the button to set and retrieve" + " random values" , 20, 20); text( "Storage Cleared!" , 20, 40); // Clear all items in storage clearStorage(); } function getItems() { clear(); text( "Use the button to set and retrieve" + " random values" , 20, 20); // Retrieve values from local storage id = getItem( "savedNumber" ); author = getItem( "savedString" ); isBestseller = getItem( "savedBoolean" ); // Display the values text( "The retrieved items are:" , 20, 40); text( "Book ID: " + id, 20, 60); text( "Author: " + author, 20, 80); text( "Bestseller: " + isBestseller, 20, 100); } function setItems() { clear(); text( "Use the button to set and retrieve" + " random values" , 20, 20); text( "Random items set!" , 20, 40); // Generate random values randomID = floor(random(100)); randomAuthor = "Author " + randomID; randomBool = randomID > 50 ? true : false ; // Store values to local storage storeItem( "savedNumber" , randomID); storeItem( "savedString" , randomAuthor); storeItem( "savedBoolean" , randomBool); } |
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