TensorFlow.js is an open-source JavaScript library designed by Google to develop Machine Learning models and deep learning neural networks. Tensors are the core data structure that is the generalization of vectors and matrices. It is potentially higher in dimensions. The Creation is used to create tensors in different ways that are used in Machine Learning.
TenserFlow.js Tensors Creation functions:
- TensorFlow.js tf.tensor() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.scalar() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.tensor1d() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.tensor2d() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.tensor3d Function
- TensorFlow.js tf.tensor4d Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.tensor5d() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.tensor6d() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.buffer() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.clone() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.complex() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.diag() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.eye() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.fill() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.imag() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.linspace() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.oneHot() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.ones() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.onesLike() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.print() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.range() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.real() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.truncatedNormal() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.variable() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.zeros() Function
- TenserFlow.js tf.zerosLike() Function