The typedArray.@@species is an inbuilt property in JavaScript that is used to return the constructor of the given typedArray.
The typedArray is of many types like:
Int8Array(); | Int16Array(); | Uint32Array(); |
Uint8Array(); | Uint16Array(); | Float32Array(); |
Uint8ClampedArray(); | Int32Array(); | Float64Array(); |
Parameters: It does not accept any parameter because it is a property not a function.
Return value: It returns the constructor of the given typedArray.
// Calling species property on different typedArray a = Int8Array[Symbol.species]; b = Uint8Array[Symbol.species]; c = Uint8ClampedArray[Symbol.species]; d = Int16Array[Symbol.species]; e = Uint16Array[Symbol.species]; f = Int32Array[Symbol.species]; g = Uint32Array[Symbol.species]; h = Float32Array[Symbol.species]; i = Float64Array[Symbol.species]; // Printing the constructor of the given typedArray console.log(a); console.log(b); console.log(c); console.log(d); console.log(e); console.log(f); console.log(g); console.log(h); console.log(i); |
function Int8Array() { [native code] } function Uint8Array() { [native code] } function Uint8ClampedArray() { [native code] } function Int16Array() { [native code] } function Uint16Array() { [native code] } function Int32Array() { [native code] } function Uint32Array() { [native code] } function Float32Array() { [native code] } function Float64Array() { [native code] }