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HomeLanguagesJavascriptJavaScript Program to Print Pyramid Star Pattern

JavaScript Program to Print Pyramid Star Pattern

In this article, we will demonstrate how to create pyramid star patterns in JavaScript.

The Possible Pyramid Star Patterns are:

  • Upper pyramid
  • Inverted pyramid
  • Left inverted pyramid
  • Right inverted pyramid


There will be two different approaches based on alignments i.e. horizontal and vertical.

Horizontally Inverted Pyramid

  • This type includes the upper pyramid and the inverted pyramid.
  • To achieve this we will use a javascript for loop to iterate N time
  • In that loop, print spaces repeat N-1 times before and after the start.
  • As the number of start changes by 2 in every line repeat the stars 2*i -1 times to get the required structure.

Vertically Inverted Pyramid

  • Vertically inverted pyramids include the Rigth inverted and Left inverted pyramids
  • To achieve this we will use Javascript for loop 2 time i.e. from 1 to N and back to 1.
  • In that loop, print spaces repeat N-i times before and after the start.
  • As the number of start changes by 1 in every line repeat the stars i times to get the required structure.

Example 1: Upper pyramid


let n = 5;
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    let str = "* ";
    let space = '  ';
    console.log(space.repeat((n - i)) + str.repeat(i * 2 - 1));


      * * * 
    * * * * * 
  * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * 

Example 2: Inverted pyramid


let n = 5;
for (let i = n; i >= 1; i--) {
    let str = "* ";
    let space = '  ';
    console.log(space.repeat((n - i)) + str.repeat(i * 2 - 1));


* * * * * * * * * 
  * * * * * * * 
    * * * * * 
      * * * 

Example 3: Left inverted pyramid


let n = 5;
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    let str = "* ";
    let space = '  ';
    console.log(space.repeat((n - i)) + str.repeat(i));
for (let i = n - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
    let str = "* ";
    let space = '  ';
    console.log(space.repeat(n - i) + str.repeat(i));


      * * 
    * * * 
  * * * * 
* * * * * 
  * * * * 
    * * * 
      * * 

Example 4: Right inverted pyramid


let n = 5;
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    let str = "* ";
for (let i = n - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
    let str = "* ";


* * 
* * * 
* * * * 
* * * * * 
* * * * 
* * * 
* * 
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