Introduction to Stream, Java Intstream, Java Longstream, Java Doublestream
- anyMatch()
- noneMatch()
- mapToLong()
- findAny()
- forEachOrdered()
- forEach()
- allMatch()
- filter()
- findFirst()
- flatMapToInt()
- mapToInt()
- map()
- peek()
- counting()
- Iterator()
- Generate()
- Skip()
- SummaryStatistics()
- Builder()
- Empty()
- Stream toArray()
- Sum of list with stream filter
- forEachOrdered()
- IntUnaryOperator mapper()
- flatMap(IntFunction mapper)
- forEach()
- sum()
- Range()
- Sorted()
- AnyMatch()
- Concat()
- Filter()
- FindAny()
- AllMatch()
- ToDouble()
- Max()
- Min()
- Count()
- Average()
- Peek()
- Empty()
- Distinct()
- Parallel()
- Builder()
- Boxed()
- mapToDouble()
- IntStream asDoubleStream()
- Limit()
- MapToObj()
- MapToLong()
- IntStream asLongStream()
- IntBinaryOperator
- IntStream toArray()
- mapToInt()
- Reduce()
- FindAny()
- NoneMatch()
- Min()
- Max()
- map(LongUnaryOperator mapper)
- Iterator()
- ForEach()
- ForEachOrdered()
- FlatMap(LongFunction mapper)
- Filter()
- Empty()
- FindFirst()
- Of()
- AnyMatch()
- AllMatch()
- distinct()
- Concat()
- Average()
- SummaryStatistics()
- Sorted()
- Skip()
- Sequential()
- Range()
- RangeClosed()
- Peek()
- Parallel()
- Generate()
- Sum()
- Search an element
- Limit()
- MapToObj()
- MapToDouble()
- LongStream asDoubleStream()
- Reduce(Long binary operator)
- Reduce()
- LongStream toArray()
- Boxed()
- Builder()
- Empty()
- FindFirst()
- FlatMap()
- Sorted()
- forEachOrdered()
- ForEach()
- Generate()
- SummaryStatistics()
- Filter()
- Of()
- Average()
- Map(DoubleUnaryOperator mapper)
- Iterator()
- Max()
- AnyMatch()
- Min()
- Count()
- Skip()
- Distinct()
- Concat()
- Sequential()
- Peek()
- FindAny()
- AllMatch()
- Parallel()
- Sum()
- NoneMatch()
- DoubleStream boxed()
- MapToInt()
- Limit()
- Reduce()
- DoubleStream toArray()
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