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HomeLanguagesJavaUUID compareTo() Method in Java with Examples

UUID compareTo() Method in Java with Examples

The compareTo() method of UUID class in Java is used to compare one UUID value with another specified UUID. It returns -1 if this UUID is less than the value, 0 if this UUID is equal to the value, and 1 if this UUID is greater than the value.



Parameters: The method takes one parameter UUID_2 to which the UUID_1 is to be compared.

Return Value: The method returns -1, 0 or 1 depending on whether this UUID_1 is less than, equal to or greater than the other UUID_2.

Below programs illustrate the working of compareTo() method:

Program 1: Checking if both the UUIDs are equal.

// Java code to illustrate compareTo() method
import java.util.*;
public class UUID_Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating two UUIDs
        UUID UUID_1
            = UUID
        UUID UUID_2
            = UUID
        // Displaying the UUID values
        System.out.println("UUID_1: "
                           + UUID_1.clockSequence());
        System.out.println("UUID_2: "
                           + UUID_2.clockSequence());
        // Comparing both the UUIDs
        System.out.println("Comparison Value: "
                           + UUID_1.compareTo(UUID_2));


UUID_1: 14534
UUID_2: 14534
Comparison Value: 0

Program 2: When UUID_1 is less than UUID_2, the method returns -1.

// Java code to illustrate compareTo() method
import java.util.*;
public class UUID_Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating two UUIDs
        UUID UUID_1
            = UUID
        UUID UUID_2
            = UUID
        // Displaying the UUID values
        System.out.println("UUID_1: "
                           + UUID_1.clockSequence());
        System.out.println("UUID_2: "
                           + UUID_2.clockSequence());
        // Comparing both the UUIDs
        System.out.println("Comparison Value: "
                           + UUID_1.compareTo(UUID_2));


UUID_1: 5737
UUID_2: 14534
Comparison Value: -1

Program 3: When UUID_1 is greater than UUID_2, the method returns 1.

// Java code to illustrate compareTo() method
import java.util.*;
public class UUID_Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating two UUIDs
        UUID UUID_1
            = UUID
        UUID UUID_2
            = UUID
        // Displaying the UUID values
        System.out.println("UUID_1: "
                           + UUID_1.clockSequence());
        System.out.println("UUID_2: "
                           + UUID_2.clockSequence());
        // Comparing both the UUIDs
        System.out.println("Comparison Value: "
                           + UUID_1.compareTo(UUID_2));


UUID_1: 14534
UUID_2: 5737
Comparison Value: 1
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,

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