Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of users or information. User authentication is the process of verifying the identity of the user when that user logs in to a computer system. The main objective of authentication is to allow authorized users to access the computer and to deny access to unauthorized users.
Default Assumption: User name = Geeks For Geeks , Password = Geeks For Geeks Input: User name = Geeks For Geeks, Password = Geeks For Geeks Output: Authentication Successful Input: User name = Geeks For Geeks, Password = Hello world Output: User name/ Password not matching
- Take username and password as string input from the user.
- Check if the username matches the password or not.
- If it matches then welcome the user.
- Else display an appropriate message.
Below is the implementation of the above approach
// Java program to check the authentication of the user // Importing the modules import java.util.*; // Gfg Class public class Gfg { // Main CLass public static void main(String args[]) { // Declaring the username and password String user_name = "Geeks For Geeks" ; String password = "Geeks For Geeks" ; // Checking the validity of the input if (user_name.equals( "Geeks For Geeks" ) && password.equals( "Geeks For Geeks" )) { // Printing Output System.out.println( "Authentication Successful" ); } else { // Printing Output System.out.println( "User name/ Password not matching" ); } } } |
Authentication Successful