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HomeLanguagesJavaJava Program to Get CPU Serial Number for Windows Machine

Java Program to Get CPU Serial Number for Windows Machine

CPU Serial Number (or Processor Serial Number) is a software-readable unique serial number that Intel has stamped into its Pentium 3 microprocessor. Intel offers this as a feature that can be optionally used to provide certain network management and e-commerce benefits. Basically, it lets a program identify individual PCs.

We can get the CPU Serial number of a Windows machine in 2 ways:

  1. By running the command on Windows PowerShell.
  2. Using FileWriter class in java

Way 1: Running PowerShell command

It is a similar way to what we say running commands on terminals on Mac. For windows, it’s CMD for which we do have a one-liner pred-defined command below. You simply need to write it as it is or copy the same from here which is given below as follows:



This pop-up window will appear letting us revealing the CPU serial number for the windows machine. 

Way 2: Using FileWriter class 

Java FileWriter class of package is used to write data in character form to file.

  • This class inherits from OutputStreamWriter class which in turn inherits from the Writer class.
  • The constructors of this class assume that the default character encoding and the default byte-buffer size are acceptable. To specify these values yourself, construct an OutputStreamWriter on a FileOutputStream.
  • FileWriter is meant for writing streams of characters. For writing streams of raw bytes, consider using a FileOutputStream.
  • FileWriter creates the output file if it is not present already.



// Java Program to get CPU Serial Number of Windows Machine
// using FileWriter class
// Importing required classes
// Main class
// WindowsCpuSerialNumber
public class GFG {
    // Method 1
    // To get CPU serial number
    private static String getWindowsCPU_SerialNumber()
        // Initially declaring and initializing an empty
        // string
        String result = "";
        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {
            // Creating an object of File class
            File file
                = File.createTempFile("realhowto", ".vbs");
            // Deleting file while exiting
            // Creating an object of FileWriter class to
            // write on
            FileWriter fw = new;
            // Remember the command
            String vbs1
                = "Set objWMIService = GetObject(\"winmgmts:\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\")\n"
                  + "Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ \n"
                  + "   (\"Select * from Win32_Processor\") \n"
                  + "For Each objItem in colItems \n"
                  + "    Wscript.Echo objItem.ProcessorId \n"
                  + "    exit for  ' do the first cpu only! \n"
                  + "Next \n";
            // Writing on file
            // Closing all file connections to
            // release memory spaces
            Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(
                "cscript //NoLogo " + file.getPath());
            BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(
                new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
            String line;
            while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
                result += line;
        // Catch block to handle the exceptions
        catch (Exception E) {
            // Print the exception along with the message
            System.err.println("Windows CPU Exp : "
                               + E.getMessage());
        return result.trim();
    // Method 2
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String cpuSerialNumber
            = getWindowsCPU_SerialNumber();
        // Calling the method1 to retrieve CPU serial number
        // and printing the same
            "CPU Serial Number of my Windows Machine: "
            + cpuSerialNumber);


Below is the hard-coded output when run on a Windows machine with the help of FileWriter class.

Note: In addition to this if these programs are windows specific and should not be run on other operating systems. Approach 1 will not work and for approach 2 that is the above approach been laid via FileWriter class if, on Mac the output is as follows. It is because ‘cscript’ cant be run on the terminal.


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