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HomeLanguagesJavaSpring – MVC Listbox

Spring – MVC Listbox

Spring Web MVC framework to demonstrate how to utilize Listbox in forms. Let’s start by setting up an Eclipse IDE and then following the steps to create a Dynamic Form-based Web Application utilizing the Spring Web Framework.

Spring -MVC Framework

The items are listed in the Spring MVC form Listbox. This tag creates a select element in HTML. It allows you to bind data to the element you’ve chosen.


<form:select path="name">  

Here are some more tags that may be used to narrow down the selections.

A. Option tag: The HTML option tag is generated by this tag. Each tag has a value that the user can choose from.

<form:option value="abc" label="xyz"/>  

B. Options tag: A list of HTML option tags is generated by this tag. Each tag has a list of components that the user has chosen.

<form:options items="${elementList}" itemValue="abc" itemLabel="xyz"/>  

Spring MVC – Listbox

The project Structure is as follows:


Step 1: Add dependencies to the pom.xml file.

File: pom.xml


  <name>SpringMVC Maven Webapp</name>

Step 2: Create the bean class



// Java Program to Illustrate Reservation Class
package com.neveropen;
// Class
public class Reservation {
    // Class data members
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private String Gender;
    private String[] Food;
    private String cityFrom;
    private String cityTo;
    // Constructor
    public Reservation() {}
    // Getters and Setters
    public String getFirstName() { return firstName; }
    public void setFirstName(String firstName)
        // this keyword refers to current instance itself
        this.firstName = firstName;
    // Getters and Setters
    public String getLastName() { return lastName; }
    public void setLastName(String lastName)
        this.lastName = lastName;
    // Getters and Setters
    public String getGender() { return Gender; }
    public void setGender(String gender)
        Gender = gender;
    // Getters and Setters
    public String[] getFood() { return Food; }
    public void setFood(String[] food) { Food = food; }
    public String getCityFrom() { return cityFrom; }
    public void setCityFrom(String cityFrom)
        this.cityFrom = cityFrom;
    // Getters and Setters
    public String getCityTo() { return cityTo; }
    public void setCityTo(String cityTo)
        this.cityTo = cityTo;

Step 3: Create the controller class



// Java Program to Illustrate ReservationController Class
package com.neveropen;
// Importing required classes
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
// Annotation
// Class
public class ReservationController {
    // Method
    public String bookingForm(Model model)
        Reservation res = new Reservation();
        model.addAttribute("reservation", res);
        return "reservation-page";
    // Annotation
    // Method
    public String submitForm(@ModelAttribute("reservation")
                             Reservation res)
        return "confirmation-form";

Step 4: Provide the entry of controller in the web.xml file

File: web.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Step 5: Define the bean in the XML file

File: spring-servlet.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Add support for component scanning -->
    <context:component-scan base-package="com.neveropen" />
    <!--Add support for conversion, formatting and validation -->
     <bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
        <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/"></property>
        <property name="suffix" value=".jsp"></property>       

Step 6: Create the requested page

File: index.jsp


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Railway Reservation System</title>
<a href="reservation/bookingForm">GFG Railway Reservation System.</a>

Step 7: Create the view components

File: reservation-page.jsp


<%@ taglib prefix="form" uri="" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Reservation Form</title>
<h3>Railway Reservation Form</h3>
    <form:form action="submitForm" modelAttribute="reservation">
        First name: <form:input path="firstName" />        
        Last name: <form:input path="lastName" />
        Male<form:radiobutton path="Gender" value="Male"/>
        Female<form:radiobutton path="Gender" value="Female"/>
        BreakFast<form:checkbox path="Food" value="BreakFast"/>
        Lunch<form:checkbox path="Food" value="Lunch"/>
        Dinner<form:checkbox path="Food" value="Dinner"/>
        Leaving from: <form:select path="cityFrom">
        <form:option value="Delhi" label="Delhi"/>
        <form:option value="Noida" label="Noida"/>
        <form:option value="Amritsar" label="Amritsar"/>
        Going to: <form:select path="cityTo">
        <form:option value="Mumbai" label="Mumbai"/>
        <form:option value="Pune" label="Pune"/>
        <form:option value="Nashik" label="Nashik"/>
        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

File: confirmation-page.jsp


<%@taglib prefix="c" uri=""%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Geeksforgeeks reservation is confirmed successfully.</p>
First Name : ${reservation.firstName} <br>
Last Name : ${reservation.lastName} <br>
Gender: ${reservation.gender}<br>
<c:forEach var="meal" items="${}">
Leaving From : ${reservation.cityFrom} <br>
Going To : ${reservation.cityTo}


Click on the link and you will see the following output

Select other Listbox

At the last, this output will be shows


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