The ofInstant() method of a OffsetTime class is used to obtain an instance of OffsetTime from an Instant and zone ID passed as parameters.In this method First, the offset from UTC/Greenwich is obtained using the zone ID and instant. Then, the local time has calculated from the instant and offset.
public static OffsetTime ofInstant(Instant instant, ZoneId zone)
Parameters: This method accepts two parameters:
- instant: It is the instant from which the OffsetTime object is to be created. It should not be null.
- zone: It is the zone of the specified time. It should not be null.
Return value: This method returns the created OffsetTime object created from the passed instant.
Below program illustrate the ofInstant() method:
// Java program to demonstrate // OffsetTime.ofInstant() method import java.time.OffsetTime; import java.time.Instant; import java.time.ZoneId; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { // Creates an instance OffsetTime time = OffsetTime.ofInstant(, ZoneId.systemDefault()); System.out.println( "Offset time: " + time); } } |
Offset time: 03:17:43.019Z