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HomeLanguagesJavajava.net.CacheResponse Class in Java

java.net.CacheResponse Class in Java

CacheResponse is an abstract class that represents channels for retrieving resources from the ResponseCache. The objects of this class provide an InputStream that returns the entity-body and the associated response headers. This class inherits methods from java.lang.Object like as clone, equals, finalize, getClass(), hashCode(), notify(), notifyAll(), toString(), wait().

public abstract class CacheResponse  extends Object

Methods: CacheResponse class provides two methods which are as follows:

  1. getBody() method
  2.  getHeaders() method

Method 1: getBody() method returns an InputStream from which the response body can be accessed.


public abstract InputStream getBody()  throws IOException 

Parameters: NA

Return Type: This method returns the response body as an InputStream.

Exceptions: I/O Exception been thrown while getting response headers.


Example 1


// Java Program to illustrate CacheResponse Class
// showcasing getBody() method
// Importing general class of exception
// produced by Interrupted I/O exception
import java.io.IOException;
// Importing superclass of all IO classes
import java.io.InputStream;
// Importing Cacheresponse class from java.net package
// to create an applet
import java.net.CacheResponse;
// Importing List and Map classes
// from java.util package
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
// Main class
public class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException
        // Creating an object of CacheResponse class
        CacheResponse cr = new CacheResponse() {
            // getHeaders() method returns response headers
            // as Map
            public Map<String, List<String> > getHeaders()
                throws IOException
                return null;
            // getBody() method returns response body as
            // InputStream
            public InputStream getBody() throws IOException
                    "getbody() has been tested");
                return null;
        // Returning an InputStream from which response body
        // can be accessed


getbody() has been tested

Now illustrating another method as discussed earlier in the header 

Method 2: getHeaders() method returns an immutable map from response header field names to lists of field values.


public abstract Map<String,List<String>> getHeaders()   throws IOException  

Parameters: NA

Return Type: The response of the header as a Map.

Exceptions: I/O Exception been thrown while getting response headers.


Example 2 


// Java Program to illustrate CacheResponse Class
// showcasing getHeaders() method
// Importing general class of exception
// produced by Interrupted I/O exception
import java.io.IOException;
// Importing superclass of all IO classes 
import java.io.InputStream; 
// Importing Cacheresponse class from java.net package
// to create an applet
import java.net.CacheResponse;
// Importing List, Linkedlist, Map, Tree, TreeMap classes
// from java.util package 
import java.util.LinkedList; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Map; 
import java.util.TreeMap; 
// Main class
// To illustrate getHeaders() method 
public class GFG { 
    // main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        // Creating an object of CacheResponse class 
        CacheResponse cr = new CacheResponse() { 
            // getHeaders() method returns response headers as Map
            public Map<String, List<String>> getHeaders() throws IOException { 
               // Creating an object of Map class
               // Object is of type- Integer and List<String>
               Map<Integer, List<String>> map = new TreeMap<Integer, List<String>>(); 
               // Creating an object of List class
               List<String> list= new LinkedList<String>(); 
               // Adding element to List object created  above
               // using add() method
               // Adding element to map object created above
               // using put() method
                // Print Map class object element's
                return null
            // getBody() method returns response body as InputStream
            public InputStream getBody() throws IOException { 
                return null
        // Returning an immutable Map from response header





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