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HomeLanguagesJavaDecimalStyle getAvailableLocales() method in Java with Example

DecimalStyle getAvailableLocales() method in Java with Example

The getAvailableLocales() method of java.time.format.DecimalStyle class in Java is used to get the list of all of the available Locales for this DecimalStyle. This method returns a set of the Locales that are available.


public static Set<Locales> getAvailableLocales()

Parameter: This method do not accept any parameter.

Return Value: This method returns a set of all the available Locales for this DecimalStyle.

Exception: This method do not throw any Exception.


// Java program to demonstrate
// the above method
import java.time.format.*;
import java.util.*;
public class DecimalStyleDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        DecimalStyle ds
            = DecimalStyle.STANDARD;
        System.out.println("Available Locales: "
                           + ds.getAvailableLocales());


Available Locales: [, ar_AE, ar_JO, ar_SY, hr_HR, fr_BE, es_PA, mt_MT, es_VE, bg, zh_TW, it, ko, uk, lv, da_DK, es_PR, vi_VN, en_US, sr_ME, sv_SE, es_BO, en_SG, ar_BH, pt, ar_SA, sk, ar_YE, hi_IN, ga, en_MT, fi_FI, et, sv, cs, sr_BA_#Latn, el, uk_UA, hu, fr_CH, in, es_AR, ar_EG, ja_JP_JP_#u-ca-japanese, es_SV, pt_BR, be, is_IS, cs_CZ, es, pl_PL, tr, ca_ES, sr_CS, ms_MY, hr, lt, es_ES, es_CO, bg_BG, sq, fr, ja, sr_BA, is, es_PY, de, es_EC, es_US, ar_SD, en, ro_RO, en_PH, ca, ar_TN, sr_ME_#Latn, es_GT, sl, ko_KR, el_CY, es_MX, ru_RU, es_HN, zh_HK, no_NO_NY, hu_HU, th_TH, ar_IQ, es_CL, fi, ar_MA, ga_IE, mk, tr_TR, et_EE, ar_QA, sr__#Latn, pt_PT, fr_LU, ar_OM, th, sq_AL, es_DO, es_CU, ar, ru, en_NZ, sr_RS, de_CH, es_UY, ms, el_GR, iw_IL, en_ZA, th_TH_TH_#u-nu-thai, hi, fr_FR, de_AT, nl, no_NO, en_AU, vi, nl_NL, fr_CA, lv_LV, de_LU, es_CR, ar_KW, sr, ar_LY, mt, it_CH, da, de_DE, ar_DZ, sk_SK, lt_LT, it_IT, en_IE, zh_SG, ro, en_CA, nl_BE, no, pl, zh_CN, ja_JP, de_GR, sr_RS_#Latn, iw, en_IN, ar_LB, es_NI, zh, mk_MK, be_BY, sl_SI, es_PE, in_ID, en_GB]



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