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HomeData Modelling & AIFirst negative integer in every window of size k

First negative integer in every window of size k

Given an array and a positive integer k, find the first negative integer for each window(contiguous subarray) of size k. If a window does not contain a negative integer, then print 0 for that window.


Input : arr[] = {-8, 2, 3, -6, 10}, k = 2
Output : -8 0 -6 -6

First negative integer for each window of size k
{-8, 2} = -8
{2, 3} = 0 (does not contain a negative integer)
{3, -6} = -6
{-6, 10} = -6

Input : arr[] = {12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28} , k = 3
Output : -1 -1 -7 -15 -15 0

Run two loops. In the outer loop, take all subarrays(windows) of size k. In the inner loop, get the first negative integer of the current subarray(window).


// C++ implementation to find the first negative
// integer in every window of size k
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// function to find the first negative
// integer in every window of size k
void printFirstNegativeInteger(int arr[], int n, int k)
    // flag to check whether window contains
    // a negative integer or not
    bool flag;
    // Loop for each subarray(window) of size k
    for (int i = 0; i<(n-k+1); i++)          
        flag = false;
        // traverse through the current window
        for (int j = 0; j<k; j++)
            // if a negative integer is found, then
            // it is the first negative integer for
            // current window. Print it, set the flag
            // and break
            if (arr[i+j] < 0)
                cout << arr[i+j] << " ";
                flag = true;
        // if the current window does not
        // contain a negative integer
        if (!flag)
            cout << "0" << " ";
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
    int arr[] = {12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28};
    int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
    int k = 3;
    printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, n, k);
    return 0;


// Java implementation to find the first negative
// integer in every window of size k
import java.util.*;
class solution
// function to find the first negative
// integer in every window of size k
static void printFirstNegativeInteger(int arr[], int n, int k)
    // flag to check whether window contains
    // a negative integer or not
    boolean flag;
    // Loop for each subarray(window) of size k
    for (int i = 0; i<(n-k+1); i++)        
        flag = false;
        // traverse through the current window
        for (int j = 0; j<k; j++)
            // if a negative integer is found, then
            // it is the first negative integer for
            // current window. Print it, set the flag
            // and break
            if (arr[i+j] < 0)
                System.out.print((arr[i+j])+" ");
                flag = true;
        // if the current window does not
        // contain a negative integer
        if (!flag)
            System.out.print("0"+" ");
// Driver program to test above functions
public static void main(String args[])
    int arr[] = {12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28};
    int n = arr.length;
    int k = 3;
    printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, n, k);
// This code is contributed by
// Shashank_Sharma


# Python3 implementation to find the first negative
# integer in every window of size k
# Function to find the first negative
# integer in every window of size k
def printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, n, k):
    # Loop for each subarray(window) of size k
    for i in range(0, (n - k + 1)):
        flag = False
        # Traverse through the current window
        for j in range(0, k):
            # If a negative integer is found, then
            # it is the first negative integer for
            # current window. Print it, set the flag
            # and break
            if (arr[i + j] < 0):
                print(arr[i + j], end = " ")
                flag = True
        # If the current window does not
        # contain a negative integer
        if (not(flag)):
            print("0", end = " ")
# Driver Code
arr = [12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28]
n = len(arr)
k = 3
printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, n, k)
# This code is contributed by 'Smitha dinesh semwal'


// C# implementation to find
// the first negative integer
// in every window of size k
using System;
class GFG
// function to find the first negative
// integer in every window of size k
static void printFirstNegativeInteger(int []arr,
                                    int n, int k)
    // flag to check whether window contains
    // a negative integer or not
    bool flag;
    // Loop for each subarray(window) of size k
    for (int i = 0; i < (n - k + 1); i++)
        flag = false;
        // traverse through the current window
        for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
            // if a negative integer is found, then
            // it is the first negative integer for
            // current window. Print it, set the flag
            // and break
            if (arr[i + j] < 0)
                Console.Write((arr[i + j]) + " ");
                flag = true;
        // if the current window does not
        // contain a negative integer
        if (!flag)
            Console.Write("0" + " ");
// Driver code
public static void Main(String []args)
    int []arr = {12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28};
    int n = arr.Length;
    int k = 3;
    printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, n, k);
// This code has been contributed
// by 29AjayKumar


// JavaScript implementation to find
// the first negative integer
// in every window of size k
function printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, n, k)
    // flag to check whether window contains
    // a negative integer or not
    let flag;
    // Loop for each subarray(window) of size k
    for (let i = 0; i<(n-k+1); i++)        
        flag = false;
        // traverse through the current window
        for (let j = 0; j<k; j++)
            // if a negative integer is found, then
            // it is the first negative integer for
            // current window. Print it, set the flag
            // and break
            if (arr[i+j] < 0)
                document.write((arr[i+j])+" ");
                flag = true;
        // if the current window does not
        // contain a negative integer
        if (!flag)
            document.write("0"+" ");
    // Driver Code
    let arr = [12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28];
    let n = arr.length;
    let k = 3;
    printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, n, k);
// This code is contributed by avijitmondal1998.


-1 -1 -7 -15 -15 0 

Time Complexity : The outer loop runs n-k+1 times and the inner loop runs k times for every iteration of outer loop. So time complexity is O((n-k+1)*k) which can also be written as O(nk) when k is comparatively much smaller than n, otherwise when k tends to reach n, complexity becomes O(k). 

Auxiliary Space: O(1) as it is using constant space for variables

Approach 2: Efficient Approach

We create a Dequeue, Di of capacity k, that stores only useful elements of the current window of k elements. An element is useful if it is in the current window and it is a negative integer. We process all array elements one by one and maintain Di to contain useful elements of current window and these useful elements are all negative integers. For a particular window, if Di is not empty then the element at front of the Di is the first negative integer for that window, else that window does not contain a negative integer.

It is a variation of the problem of Sliding Window Maximum



// C++ implementation to find the first negative
// integer in every window of size k
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// function to find the first negative
// integer in every window of size k
void printFirstNegativeInteger(int arr[], int n, int k)
    // A Double Ended Queue, Di that will store indexes of
    // useful array elements for the current window of size k.
    // The useful elements are all negative integers.
    deque<int>  Di;
    /* Process first k (or first window) elements of array */
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
        // Add current element at the rear of Di
        // if it is a negative integer
        if (arr[i] < 0)
    // Process rest of the elements, i.e., from arr[k] to arr[n-1]
    for ( ; i < n; i++)
        // if Di is not empty then the element at the
        // front of the queue is the first negative integer
        // of the previous window
        if (!Di.empty())
            cout << arr[Di.front()] << " ";
        // else the window does not have a
        // negative integer
            cout << "0" << " ";
        // Remove the elements which are out of this window
        while ( (!Di.empty()) && Di.front() < (i - k + 1))
            Di.pop_front();  // Remove from front of queue
        // Add current element at the rear of Di
        // if it is a negative integer
        if (arr[i] < 0)
    // Print the first negative
    // integer of last window
    if (!Di.empty())
           cout << arr[Di.front()] << " ";
        cout << "0" << " ";      
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
    int arr[] = {12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28};
    int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
    int k = 3;
    printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, n, k);
    return 0;


// Java implementation to find the
// first negative integer in
// every window of size k
import java.util.*;
class GFG
// function to find the first negative
// integer in every window of size k
static void printFirstNegativeInteger(int arr[],
                                      int n, int k)
    // A Double Ended Queue, Di that will
    // store indexes of useful array elements
    // for the current window of size k.
    // The useful elements are all negative integers.
    LinkedList<Integer> Di = new LinkedList<>();
    // Process first k (or first window)
    // elements of array
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
        // Add current element at the rear of Di
        // if it is a negative integer
        if (arr[i] < 0)
    // Process rest of the elements,
    // i.e., from arr[k] to arr[n-1]
    for ( ; i < n; i++)
        // if Di is not empty then the element
        // at the front of the queue is the first
        // negative integer of the previous window
        if (!Di.isEmpty())
            System.out.print(arr[Di.peek()] + " ");
        // else the window does not have a
        // negative integer
            System.out.print("0" + " ");
        // Remove the elements which are
        // out of this window
        while ((!Di.isEmpty()) &&
                 Di.peek() < (i - k + 1))
            Di.remove(); // Remove from front of queue
        // Add current element at the rear of Di
        // if it is a negative integer
        if (arr[i] < 0)
    // Print the first negative
    // integer of last window
    if (!Di.isEmpty())
        System.out.print(arr[Di.peek()] + " ");
        System.out.print("0" + " ");    
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int arr[] = {12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28};
    int n = arr.length;
    int k = 3;
    printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, n, k);
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992


# Python3 implementation to find the
# first negative integer in every window
# of size k import deque() from collections
from collections import deque
# function to find the first negative
# integer in every window of size k
def printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, n, k):
    # A Double Ended Queue, Di that will store
    # indexes of useful array elements for the
    # current window of size k. The useful
    # elements are all negative integers.
    Di = deque()
    # Process first k (or first window)
    # elements of array
    for i in range(k):
        # Add current element at the rear of Di
        # if it is a negative integer
        if (arr[i] < 0):
    # Process rest of the elements, i.e.,
    # from arr[k] to arr[n-1]
    for i in range(k, n):
        # if the window does not have
        # a negative integer
        if (not Di):
            print(0, end = ' ')
        # if Di is not empty then the element
        # at the front of the queue is the first
        # negative integer of the previous window
            print(arr[Di[0]], end = ' ');
        # Remove the elements which are
        # out of this window
        while Di and Di[0] <= (i - k):
            Di.popleft() # Remove from front of queue
        # Add current element at the rear of Di
        # if it is a negative integer
        if (arr[i] < 0):
    # Print the first negative
    # integer of last window
    if not Di:
        print(arr[Di[0]], end = " ")
# Driver Code
if __name__ =="__main__":
    arr = [12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28]
    n = len(arr)
    k = 3
    printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, n, k);
# This code is contributed by
# chaudhary_19 (Mayank Chaudhary)


// C# implementation to find the
// first negative integer in
// every window of size k
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
// function to find the first negative
// integer in every window of size k
static void printFirstNegativeint(int []arr,
                                  int n, int k)
    // A Double Ended Queue, Di that will
    // store indexes of useful array elements
    // for the current window of size k.
    // The useful elements are all
    // negative integers.
    List<int> Di = new List<int>();
    // Process first k (or first window)
    // elements of array
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
        // Add current element at the rear of Di
        // if it is a negative integer
        if (arr[i] < 0)
    // Process rest of the elements,
    // i.e., from arr[k] to arr[n-1]
    for ( ; i < n; i++)
        // if Di is not empty then the element
        // at the front of the queue is the first
        // negative integer of the previous window
        if (Di.Count != 0)
            Console.Write(arr[Di[0]] + " ");
        // else the window does not have a
        // negative integer
            Console.Write("0" + " ");
        // Remove the elements which are
        // out of this window
        while ((Di.Count != 0) &&
                Di[0] < (i - k + 1))
            // Remove from front of queue
        // Add current element at the rear of Di
        // if it is a negative integer
        if (arr[i] < 0)
    // Print the first negative
    // integer of last window
    if (Di.Count!=0)
        Console.Write(arr[Di[0]] + " ");
        Console.Write("0" + " ");    
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int []arr = {12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28};
    int n = arr.Length;
    int k = 3;
    printFirstNegativeint(arr, n, k);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// javascript implementation to find the
// first negative integer in
// every window of size k
    // function to find the first negative
    // integer in every window of size k
    function printFirstNegativeInteger(arr , n , k)
        // A Double Ended Queue, Di that will
        // store indexes of useful array elements
        // for the current window of size k.
        // The useful elements are all negative integers.
        var Di = [];
        // Process first k (or first window)
        // elements of array
        var i;
        for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
            // Add current element at the rear of Di
            // if it is a negative integer
            if (arr[i] < 0)
        // Process rest of the elements,
        // i.e., from arr[k] to arr[n-1]
        for (; i < n; i++) {
            // if Di is not empty then the element
            // at the front of the queue is the first
            // negative integer of the previous window
            if (Di.length!==0)
                document.write(arr[Di[0]] + " ");
            // else the window does not have a
            // negative integer
                document.write("0" + " ");
            // Remove the elements which are
            // out of this window
            while ((Di.length!==0) && Di[0] < (i - k + 1))
                Di.shift(); // Remove from front of queue
            // Add current element at the rear of Di
            // if it is a negative integer
            if (arr[i] < 0)
        // Print the first negative
        // integer of last window
        if (Di.length !== 0)
            document.write(arr[Di[0]] + " ");
            document.write("0" + " ");
    // Driver Code
        var arr = [ 12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28 ];
        var n = arr.length;
        var k = 3;
        printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, n, k);
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


-1 -1 -7 -15 -15 0 

Time Complexity: O(n) 

Auxiliary Space: O(k)

Optimized Approach:: It is also possible to accomplish this with constant space. The idea is to have a variable firstNegativeIndex to keep track of the first negative element in the k sized window. At every iteration, we skip the elements which no longer fall under the current k size window (firstNegativeIndex <= i – k) as well as the non-negative elements(zero or positive). 

Below is the solution based on this approach.


// C++ code for First negative integer
// in every window of size k
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void printFirstNegativeInteger(int arr[], int k, int n)
    int firstNegativeIndex = 0;
    int firstNegativeElement;
    for (int i = k - 1; i < n; i++) {
        // skip out of window and positive elements
        while ((firstNegativeIndex < i)
               && (firstNegativeIndex <= i - k
                   || arr[firstNegativeIndex] >= 0)) {
        // check if a negative element is found, otherwise
        // use 0
        if (arr[firstNegativeIndex] < 0) {
            firstNegativeElement = arr[firstNegativeIndex];
        else {
            firstNegativeElement = 0;
        cout << firstNegativeElement << " ";
// Driver code
int main()
    int arr[] = { 12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28 };
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    int k = 3;
    printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, k, n);


// Java code for First negative integer
// in every window of size k
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
static void printFirstNegativeInteger(int arr[],
                                      int k, int n)
    int firstNegativeIndex = 0;
    int firstNegativeElement;
    for(int i = k - 1; i < n; i++)
        // Skip out of window and positive elements
        while ((firstNegativeIndex < i ) &&
               (firstNegativeIndex <= i - k ||
            arr[firstNegativeIndex] >= 0))
            firstNegativeIndex ++;
        // Check if a negative element is
        // found, otherwise use 0
        if (arr[firstNegativeIndex] < 0)
            firstNegativeElement = arr[firstNegativeIndex];
            firstNegativeElement = 0;
        System.out.print(firstNegativeElement + " ");
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int arr[] = { 12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28 };
    int n = arr.length;
    int k = 3;
    printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, k, n);   
// This code is contributed by amreshkumar3


# Python3 code for First negative integer
# in every window of size k
def printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, k):
    firstNegativeIndex = 0
    for i in range(k - 1, len(arr)):
        # skip out of window and positive elements
        while firstNegativeIndex < i and (firstNegativeIndex <= i - k or arr[firstNegativeIndex] >= 0):
            firstNegativeIndex += 1
        # check if a negative element is found, otherwise use 0
        firstNegativeElement = arr[firstNegativeIndex] if arr[firstNegativeIndex] < 0 else 0
        print(firstNegativeElement, end=' ')
if __name__ == "__main__":
    arr = [12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28]
    k = 3
    printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, k)
# contributed by Arjun Lather


// C# code for First negative integer
// in every window of size k
using System;
class GFG{
static void printFirstNegativeInteger(int[] arr,
                                      int k, int n)
    int firstNegativeIndex = 0;
    int firstNegativeElement;
    for(int i = k - 1; i < n; i++)
        // Skip out of window and positive elements
        while ((firstNegativeIndex < i ) &&
               (firstNegativeIndex <= i - k ||
            arr[firstNegativeIndex] >= 0))
            firstNegativeIndex ++;
        // Check if a negative element is
        // found, otherwise use 0
        if (arr[firstNegativeIndex] < 0)
            firstNegativeElement = arr[firstNegativeIndex];
            firstNegativeElement = 0;
        Console.Write(firstNegativeElement + " ");
// Driver code
static public void Main()
    int[] arr = { 12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28 };
    int n = arr.Length;
    int k = 3;
    printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, k, n);
// This code is contributed by rag2127


        // JavaScript Program for the above approach
        function printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, k, n) {
            let firstNegativeIndex = 0;
            let firstNegativeElement;
            for (let i = k - 1; i < n; i++) {
                // skip out of window and positive elements
                while ((firstNegativeIndex < i) &&
                    (firstNegativeIndex <= i - k ||
                        arr[firstNegativeIndex] >= 0)) {
                // check if a negative element is found, otherwise use 0
                if (arr[firstNegativeIndex] < 0) {
                    firstNegativeElement = arr[firstNegativeIndex];
                else {
                    firstNegativeElement = 0;
                document.write(firstNegativeElement + " ");
        // Driver code
        let arr = [12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28];
        let n = arr.length;
        let k = 3;
        printFirstNegativeInteger(arr, k, n);
    // This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh


-1 -1 -7 -15 -15 0 

Time Complexity: O(n) 

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

This article is contributed by Ayush Jauhari. If you like neveropen and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to See your article appearing on GeeksforGeek’s main page and help other Geeks.
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or if you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.

Using Segment Tree:

Basic Idea towards the approach

The problem requires us to find the first negative integer in each window of size k. To solve this problem efficiently, we can use the segment tree data structure. We can build a segment tree from the input array, where each node in the tree represents a segment of the array. We can store the minimum value of each segment in the node of the segment tree.
To find the first negative integer in each window of size k, we can query the segment tree for the minimum value in each window. If the minimum value in the current window is negative, then it is the first negative integer in that window. Otherwise, we can print 0 for that window.

Follow the steps below to implement the above idea: 

  • Define a segment tree data structure that supports range queries for minimum values. The tree should be built from the input array, with each node representing a range of values in the array.
  • Traverse the input array, and for each window of size k, query the minimum value from the segment tree. If the minimum value is negative, print it. Otherwise, print 0.
  • Implement the segment tree using an array representation, where each node is represented by an index in the array. The root of the tree is at index 0, and for each node at index i, its left child is at index 2i + 1, and its right child is at index 2i + 2.
  • To build the segment tree, recursively compute the minimum value for each node in the tree. The minimum value for the root node should be the minimum value of the entire array, and for each non-leaf node, its minimum value should be the minimum of its left and right child nodes.
  • To query the minimum value for a given range [l, r], start at the root of the tree and recursively traverse the tree as follows:
  • If the current node’s range [i, j] is completely outside the query range [l, r], return a large positive number (such as INT_MAX).
    If the current node’s range [i, j] is completely inside the query range [l, r], return the minimum value stored at the node.
    Otherwise, recursively query the left and right child nodes, and return the minimum of the two values.
    Traverse the input array and for each window of size k, compute the starting and ending indices of the window, and query the minimum value of the range [start_index, end_index] from the segment tree. If the minimum value is negative, print it. Otherwise, print 0.
  • Finally, the output will be the list of negative values or 0s for each window of size k in the input array.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ code to implement the above approach
#include <climits>
#include <cmath> // Need to include <cmath> for the log2() and ceil() functions
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Function to build segment tree
void buildTree(vector<int>& arr, vector<int>& tree,
               int start, int end, int index)
    // If there is only one element in the array, store it
    // in the leaf node of the segment tree
    if (start == end)
        tree[index] = arr[start];
    else {
        // Divide the array into two segments and build
        // segment tree for each segment recursively
        int mid = (start + end) / 2;
        buildTree(arr, tree, start, mid, 2 * index);
        buildTree(arr, tree, mid + 1, end, 2 * index + 1);
        // Store the minimum value of the two segments in
        // the current node of the segment tree
            = min(tree[2 * index], tree[2 * index + 1]);
// Function to query the minimum value in a given range [l,
// r] in the segment tree
int query(vector<int>& tree, int start, int end, int l,
          int r, int index)
    // If the query range is completely outside the segment
    // represented by a node, return infinity
    if (r < start || l > end)
        return INT_MAX;
    // If the query range completely overlaps the segment
    // represented by a node, return the value of that node
    if (l <= start && r >= end)
        return tree[index];
    // Otherwise, divide the segment into two parts and
    // recursively find the minimum value of the two parts
    int mid = (start + end) / 2;
    return min(
        query(tree, start, mid, l, r, 2 * index),
        query(tree, mid + 1, end, l, r, 2 * index + 1));
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Input array
    vector<int> arr = { -8, 2, 3, -6, 10 };
    // Window size
    int k = 2;
    // Calculate the size of the segment tree array
    int n = arr.size();
    int treeSize = 2 * (1 << (int)(ceil(log2(n)))) - 1;
    // Create segment tree
    vector<int> tree(treeSize);
    buildTree(arr, tree, 0, n - 1, 1);
    // Find first negative integer for each window of size k
    for (int i = 0; i <= n - k; i++) {
        // Query the minimum value in the current window
        int minVal = query(tree, 0, n - 1, i, i + k - 1, 1);
        // If the minimum value is negative, print it,
        // otherwise print 0
        if (minVal < 0)
            cout << minVal << " ";
            cout << "0 ";
    cout << endl;
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Veerendra_Singh_Rajpoot


# code
import math
# Function to build segment tree
def buildTree(arr, tree, start, end, index):
    # If there is only one element in the array, store it
    # in the leaf node of the segment tree
    if start == end:
        tree[index] = arr[start]
        # Divide the array into two segments and build
        # segment tree for each segment recursively
        mid = (start + end) // 2
        buildTree(arr, tree, start, mid, 2 * index)
        buildTree(arr, tree, mid + 1, end, 2 * index + 1)
        # Store the minimum value of the two segments in
        # the current node of the segment tree
        tree[index] = min(tree[2 * index], tree[2 * index + 1])
# Function to query the minimum value in a given range [l, r] in the segment tree
def query(tree, start, end, l, r, index):
    # If the query range is completely outside the segment
    # represented by a node, return infinity
    if r < start or l > end:
        return math.inf
    # If the query range completely overlaps the segment
    # represented by a node, return the value of that node
    if l <= start and r >= end:
        return tree[index]
    # Otherwise, divide the segment into two parts and
    # recursively find the minimum value of the two parts
    mid = (start + end) // 2
    return min(query(tree, start, mid, l, r, 2 * index), query(tree, mid + 1, end, l, r, 2 * index + 1))
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Input array
    arr = [-8, 2, 3, -6, 10]
    # Window size
    k = 2
    # Calculate the size of the segment tree array
    n = len(arr)
    treeSize = 2 * (1 << (int)(math.ceil(math.log2(n)))) - 1
    # Create segment tree
    tree = [0] * treeSize
    buildTree(arr, tree, 0, n - 1, 1)
    # Find first negative integer for each window of size k
    for i in range(n - k + 1):
        # Query the minimum value in the current window
        minVal = query(tree, 0, n - 1, i, i + k - 1, 1)
        # If the minimum value is negative, print it,
        # otherwise print 0
        if minVal < 0:
            print(minVal, end=" ")
            print(0, end=" ")


-8 0 -6 -6 


Time Complexity: O((n + k) log n),

  • Building the segment tree takes O(n log n) time, where n is the length of the input array. This is because the tree has at most 4n nodes, and we need to visit each node once to compute its value.
  • Querying the minimum value for each window of size k takes O(log n) time, because the height of the tree is log n, and we need to visit at most two nodes at each level of the tree.
  • Since we need to do this for each window of size k, the total time complexity of the algorithm is O((n + k) log n).

Space Complexity: O(n),

  • Building the segment tree takes O(n) space, because the tree has at most 4n nodes.
  • Since we only need to store the segment tree and a few variables to keep track of the indices, the space complexity of the algorithm is O(n).

Using Sliding Window Approach:

The key idea behind the sliding window approach for this problem is to avoid processing the same elements multiple times by keeping track of the sum of the current window and the sum of the previous window. Instead of recomputing the sum of the current window from scratch every time we move the window, we can subtract the first element of the previous window from the sum of the previous window, and add the last element of the current window to the sum of the previous window. This allows us to update the sum of the current window in constant time.

Follow the steps below to implement the above idea:

  • Initialize a deque dq to store the indices of the negative elements, and initialize a variable start to 0.
  • Loop through the array from index 0 to n-1, where n is the size of the array.
  • If the deque is not empty and the first index in the deque is less than or equal to the current index minus the window size k, remove it from the deque.
  • If the current element is negative, add its index to the back of the deque.
  • If the current index is greater than or equal to k-1, output the first negative element in the deque. If the deque is empty, output 0.
  • Increment the start variable by 1 to move the window to the right.

Below is the implementation for the above approach:


// C++ code to implement the above approach
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void printFirstNegative(int arr[], int n, int k)
    // Create an empty deque to store the indices of
    // negative integers
    deque<int> negIndices;
    // Traverse through the array
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // If the deque is not empty and the leftmost
        // element is out of the current window, then remove
        // it from the deque
        if (!negIndices.empty()
            && negIndices.front() == i - k)
        // If the current element is negative, add its index
        // to the deque
        if (arr[i] < 0)
        // If the current window is of size k, print the
        // first negative integer (if present)
        if (i >= k - 1) {
            // If the deque is not empty, the leftmost
            // element is the first negative integer
            if (!negIndices.empty())
                cout << arr[negIndices.front()] << " ";
                cout << "0 ";
// Driver code
int main()
    int arr[] = { 12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28 };
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    int k = 3;
    printFirstNegative(arr, n,
                       k); // Output: -1 -1 -7 -15 -15 0
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Veerendra_Singh_Rajpoot


import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class Main {
    public static void printFirstNegative(int[] arr, int n, int k) {
        // Create an empty deque to store the indices of negative integers
        Deque<Integer> negIndices = new LinkedList<>();
        // Traverse through the array
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // If the deque is not empty and the leftmost element
            // is out of the current window,
           // then remove it from the deque
            if (!negIndices.isEmpty() && negIndices.peekFirst() == i - k) {
            // If the current element is negative, add its index to the deque
            if (arr[i] < 0) {
            // If the current window is of size k,
          // print the first negative integer (if present)
            if (i >= k - 1) {
                // If the deque is not empty,
              // the leftmost element is the first negative integer
                if (!negIndices.isEmpty()) {
                    System.out.print(arr[negIndices.peekFirst()] + " ");
                } else {
                    System.out.print("0 ");
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr = { 12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28 };
        int n = arr.length;
        int k = 3;
        printFirstNegative(arr, n, k); // Output: -1 -1 -7 -15 -15 0


from collections import deque
def printFirstNegative(arr, n, k):
    # Create an empty deque to store the indices of negative integers
    negIndices = deque()
    # Traverse through the array
    for i in range(n):
        # If the deque is not empty and
        # the leftmost element is out of
        # the current window, then remove it from the deque
        if negIndices and negIndices[0] == i - k:
        # If the current element is negative, add its index to the deque
        if arr[i] < 0:
        # If the current window is of size k,
        # print the first negative integer (if present)
        if i >= k - 1:
            # If the deque is not empty,
            # the leftmost element is the first negative integer
            if negIndices:
                print(arr[negIndices[0]], end=" ")
                print("0", end=" ")
# Driver code
arr = [12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28]
n = len(arr)
k = 3
printFirstNegative(arr, n, k)  # Output: -1 -1 -7 -15 -15 0


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Program {
  static void Main(string[] args)
    int[] arr = { 12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28 };
    int n = arr.Length;
    int k = 3;
    PrintFirstNegative(arr, n,
                       k); // Output: -1 -1 -7 -15 -15 0
  static void PrintFirstNegative(int[] arr, int n, int k)
    // Create an empty deque to store the indices of
    // negative integers
    Queue<int> negIndices = new Queue<int>();
    // Traverse through the array
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      // If the deque is not empty and the leftmost
      // element is out of the current window, then
      // remove it from the deque
      if (negIndices.Count > 0
          && negIndices.Peek() == i - k) {
      // If the current element is negative, add its
      // index to the deque
      if (arr[i] < 0) {
      // If the current window is of size k, print the
      // first negative integer (if present)
      if (i >= k - 1) {
        // If the deque is not empty, the leftmost
        // element is the first negative integer
        if (negIndices.Count > 0) {
                        + " ");
        else {
          Console.Write("0 ");


// JavaScript code to implement the above approach
function printFirstNegative(arr, n, k) {
    // Create an empty deque to store the indices of
    // negative integers
    const negIndices = [];
    // Traverse through the array
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // If the deque is not empty and the leftmost
        // element is out of the current window,
        // then remove it from the deque
        if (negIndices.length && negIndices[0] === i - k) {
        // If the current element is negative, add its index
        // to the deque
        if (arr[i] < 0) {
        // If the current window is of size k, print the
        // first negative integer (if present)
        if (i >= k - 1) {
            // If the deque is not empty, the leftmost
            // element is the first negative integer
            if (negIndices.length) {
                process.stdout.write(arr[negIndices[0]] + ' ');
            else {
                process.stdout.write('0 ');
// Driver code
const arr = [12, -1, -7, 8, -15, 30, 16, 28];
const n = arr.length;
const k = 3;
printFirstNegative(arr, n, k); // Output: -1 -1 -7 -15 -15 0


-1 -1 -7 -15 -15 0 


Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the size of the input array.

Auxiliary Space: O(K) , where K is the Size of the window.

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