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HomeData Modelling & AIIntroduction to Circular Doubly Linked List

Introduction to Circular Doubly Linked List

A circular doubly linked list is defined as a circular linked list in which each node has two links connecting it to the previous node and the next node.

Circular doubly linked list

Circular doubly linked list

Characteristics of Circular Doubly Linked List :

A circular doubly linked list has the following properties:

  • Circular: A circular doubly linked list’s main feature is that it is circular in design.
  • Doubly Linked: Each node in a circular doubly linked list has two pointers – one pointing to the node before it and the other pointing to the node after it.
  • Header Node: At the start of circular doubly linked lists, a header node or sentinel node is frequently used. This node is used to make the execution of certain operations on the list simpler even though it is not a component of the list’s actual contents.

Applications of Circular Doubly Linked List :

Circular doubly linked lists are used in a variety of applications, some of which include:

  • Implementation of Circular Data Structures: Circular doubly linked lists are extremely helpful in the construction of circular data structures like circular queues and circular buffers, which are both circular in nature.
  • Implementing Undo-Redo Operations: Text editors and other software programs can use circular doubly linked lists to implement undo-redo operations.
  • Music Player Playlist: Playlists in music players are frequently implemented using circular doubly linked lists. Each song is kept as a node in the list in this scenario, and the list can be circled to play the songs in the order they are listed.
  • Cache Memory Management: To maintain track of the most recently used cache blocks, circular doubly linked lists are employed in cache memory management.

To learn more about applications of circular doubly linked lists, refer to this article.

Important operations related to Doubly Circular Linked List

Advantages of Circular Doubly Linked List :

Circular doubly linked lists in Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) have the following benefits:

  • Efficient Traversal: A circular doubly linked list’s nodes can be efficiently traversed in both ways, or forward and backward.
  • Insertion and deletion: A circular doubly linked list makes efficient use of insertion and deletion operations. The head and tail nodes are connected because the list is circular, making it simple to add or remove nodes from either end.
  • Implementation of Circular Data Structures: The implementation of circular data structures like circular queues and circular buffers makes extensive use of circular doubly linked lists.

To learn more about the advantages of circular doubly linked list, refer to this article.

Disadvantages of Circular Doubly Linked List :

Circular doubly linked lists have the following drawbacks when used in DSA:

  • Complexity: Compared to a singly linked list, the circular doubly linked list has more complicated operations, which can make it more difficult to develop and maintain.
  • Cost of Circularity: In some circumstances, the list’s circularity may result in additional overhead. For instance, it may be challenging to tell whether the traversal of the list has completely circled the object and returned to its beginning place.
  • More Complex to Debug: Circular doubly linked lists can be more difficult to debug than single-linked lists because the circular nature of the list might introduce loops that are challenging to find and repair.

To learn more about the disadvantages, refer to this article.

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