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HomeData Modelling & AIRange Queries for Longest Correct Bracket Subsequence Set | 2

Range Queries for Longest Correct Bracket Subsequence Set | 2

Given a bracket sequence or in other words a string S of length n, consisting of characters ‘(‘ and ‘)’. Find the length of the maximum correct bracket subsequence of sequence for a given query range. Note: A correct bracket sequence is the one that has matched bracket pairs or which contains another nested correct bracket sequence. For e.g (), (()), ()() are some correct bracket sequence. 


Input : S = ())(())(())(
        Start Index of Range = 0, 
        End Index of Range = 11
Output : 10
Explanation:  Longest Correct Bracket Subsequence is ()(())(())

Input : S = ())(())(())(
        Start Index of Range = 1, 
        End Index of Range = 2
Output : 0

Approach: In the Previous post (SET 1) we discussed a solution that works in O(long) for each query, now is this post we will go to see a solution that works in O(1) for each query. 

The idea is based on the Post length of the longest valid balanced substring If we marked indexes of all Balanced parentheses/brackets in a temporary array (here we named it BCP[], BOP[] ) then we answer each query in O(1) time. 

Algorithm :

stack is used to get the index of balance bracket.
Traverse a string from 0 n
IF we seen a closing bracket, 
      ( i.e., str[i] = ')' && stack is not empty )
Then mark both "open & close" bracket indexes as 1.
BCP[i] = 1; 
BOP[] = 1;

And At last, stored cumulative sum of BCP[] & BOP[] 
Run a loop from 1 to n
BOP[i] +=BOP[i-1], BCP[i] +=BCP[i-1]

Now you can answer each query in O(1) time

(BCP[e] - BOP[s-1]])*2;

Below is the implementation of the above idea.


// CPP code to answer the query in constant time
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
BOP[] stands for "Balanced open parentheses"
BCP[] stands for "Balanced close parentheses"
// function for precomputation
void constructBalanceArray(int BOP[], int BCP[],
                          char* str, int n)
    // Create a stack and push -1 as initial index to it.
    stack<int> stk;
    // Initialize result
    int result = 0;
    // Traverse all characters of given string
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // If opening bracket, push index of it
        if (str[i] == '(')
        else // If closing bracket, i.e., str[i] = ')'
            // If closing bracket, i.e., str[i] = ')'
            // && stack is not empty then mark both
            // "open & close" bracket indexes as 1 .
            // Pop the previous opening bracket's index
            if (!stk.empty()) {
                BCP[i] = 1;
                BOP[] = 1;
            // If stack is empty.
                BCP[i] = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        BCP[i] += BCP[i - 1];
        BOP[i] += BOP[i - 1];
// Function return output of each query in O(1)
int query(int BOP[], int BCP[],
          int s, int e)
    if (BOP[s - 1] == BOP[s]) {
        return (BCP[e] - BOP[s]) * 2;
    else {
        return (BCP[e] - BOP[s] + 1) * 2;
// Driver program to test above function
int main()
    char str[] = "())(())(())(";
    int n = strlen(str);
    int BCP[n + 1] = { 0 };
    int BOP[n + 1] = { 0 };
    constructBalanceArray(BOP, BCP, str, n);
    int startIndex = 5, endIndex = 11;
    cout << "Maximum Length Correct Bracket"
            " Subsequence between "
         << startIndex << " and " << endIndex << " = "
         << query(BOP, BCP, startIndex, endIndex) << endl;
    startIndex = 4, endIndex = 5;
    cout << "Maximum Length Correct Bracket"
            " Subsequence between "
         << startIndex << " and " << endIndex << " = "
         << query(BOP, BCP, startIndex, endIndex) << endl;
    startIndex = 1, endIndex = 5;
    cout << "Maximum Length Correct Bracket"
            " Subsequence between "
         << startIndex << " and " << endIndex << " = "
         << query(BOP, BCP, startIndex, endIndex) << endl;
    return 0;


// Java code to answer the query in constant time
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
BOP[] stands for "Balanced open parentheses"
BCP[] stands for "Balanced close parentheses"
// Function for precomputation
static void constructBalanceArray(int BOP[], int BCP[],
                                String str, int n)
    // Create a stack and push -1
    // as initial index to it.
    Stack<Integer> stk = new Stack<>();;
    // Traverse all characters of given String
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // If opening bracket, push index of it
        if (str.charAt(i) == '(')
        // If closing bracket, i.e., str[i] = ')'
            // If closing bracket, i.e., str[i] = ')'
            // && stack is not empty then mark both
            // "open & close" bracket indexes as 1 .
            // Pop the previous opening bracket's index
            if (!stk.isEmpty())
                BCP[i] = 1;
                BOP[stk.peek()] = 1;
            // If stack is empty.
                BCP[i] = 0;
    for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
        BCP[i] += BCP[i - 1];
        BOP[i] += BOP[i - 1];
// Function return output of each query in O(1)
static int query(int BOP[], int BCP[],
                 int s, int e)
    if (BOP[s - 1] == BOP[s])
        return (BCP[e] - BOP[s]) * 2;
        return (BCP[e] - BOP[s] + 1) * 2;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String str = "())(())(())(";
    int n = str.length();
    int BCP[] = new int[n + 1];
    int BOP[] = new int[n + 1];
    constructBalanceArray(BOP, BCP, str, n);
    int startIndex = 5, endIndex = 11;
    System.out.print("Maximum Length Correct " +
                     "Bracket Subsequence between " +
                     startIndex + " and " + endIndex +
                     " = " + query(BOP, BCP, startIndex,
                                   endIndex) + "\n");
    startIndex = 4;
    endIndex = 5;
    System.out.print("Maximum Length Correct "
                     "Bracket Subsequence between " +
                     startIndex + " and " + endIndex +
                     " = " + query(BOP, BCP, startIndex,
                                   endIndex) + "\n");
    startIndex = 1;
    endIndex = 5;
    System.out.print("Maximum Length Correct " +
                     "Bracket Subsequence between " +
                     startIndex + " and " + endIndex +
                     " = " + query(BOP, BCP, startIndex,
                                   endIndex) + "\n");
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


# Python3 code to answer the query in constant time
BOP[] stands for "Balanced open parentheses"
BCP[] stands for "Balanced close parentheses"
# Function for precomputation
def constructBalanceArray(BOP, BCP, str, n):
    # Create a stack and push -1
    # as initial index to it.
    stk = []
    # Traverse all characters of given String
    for i in range(n):
        # If opening bracket, push index of it
        if (str[i] == '('):
        # If closing bracket, i.e., str[i] = ')'
            # If closing bracket, i.e., str[i] = ')'
            # && stack is not empty then mark both
            # "open & close" bracket indexes as 1 .
            # Pop the previous opening bracket's index
            if (len(stk) != 0):
                BCP[i] = 1;
                BOP[stk[-1]] = 1;
            # If stack is empty.
                BCP[i] = 0;
    for i in range(1, n):
        BCP[i] += BCP[i - 1];
        BOP[i] += BOP[i - 1];
# Function return output of each query in O(1)
def query(BOP, BCP, s, e):
    if (BOP[s - 1] == BOP[s]):
        return (BCP[e] - BOP[s]) * 2;
        return (BCP[e] - BOP[s] + 1) * 2;
# Driver code
if __name__=='__main__':
    string = "())(())(())(";
    n = len(string)
    BCP = [0 for i in range(n + 1)];
    BOP = [0 for i in range(n + 1)];
    constructBalanceArray(BOP, BCP, string, n);
    startIndex = 5
    endIndex = 11;
    print("Maximum Length Correct " +
                     "Bracket Subsequence between " +
                     str(startIndex) + " and " + str(endIndex) +
                     " = " + str(query(BOP, BCP, startIndex,
    startIndex = 4;
    endIndex = 5;
    print("Maximum Length Correct " + 
                     "Bracket Subsequence between " +
                     str(startIndex) + " and " + str(endIndex) +
                     " = " + str(query(BOP, BCP, startIndex,
    startIndex = 1;
    endIndex = 5;
    print("Maximum Length Correct " +
                     "Bracket Subsequence between " +
                     str(startIndex) + " and " + str(endIndex) +
                     " = " + str(query(BOP, BCP, startIndex,
# This code is contributed by rutvik_56.


// C# code to answer the query
// in constant time
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
    BOP[] stands for "Balanced open parentheses"
    BCP[] stands for "Balanced close parentheses"
    // Function for precomputation
    static void constructBalanceArray(int[] BOP, int[] BCP,
                                     String str, int n)
        // Create a stack and push -1
        // as initial index to it.
        Stack<int> stk = new Stack<int>();;
        // Traverse all characters of given String
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            // If opening bracket, push index of it
            if (str[i] == '(')
            // If closing bracket, i.e., str[i] = ')'
                // If closing bracket, i.e., str[i] = ')'
                // && stack is not empty then mark both
                // "open & close" bracket indexes as 1 .
                // Pop the previous opening bracket's index
                if (stk.Count != 0)
                    BCP[i] = 1;
                    BOP[stk.Peek()] = 1;
                // If stack is empty.
                    BCP[i] = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
            BCP[i] += BCP[i - 1];
            BOP[i] += BOP[i - 1];
    // Function return output of each query in O(1)
    static int query(int[] BOP, int[] BCP, int s, int e)
        if (BOP[s - 1] == BOP[s])
            return (BCP[e] - BOP[s]) * 2;
            return (BCP[e] - BOP[s] + 1) * 2;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        String str = "())(())(())(";
        int n = str.Length;
        int[] BCP = new int[n + 1];
        int[] BOP = new int[n + 1];
        constructBalanceArray(BOP, BCP, str, n);
        int startIndex = 5, endIndex = 11;
        Console.Write("Maximum Length Correct " +
                      "Bracket Subsequence between " +
                       startIndex + " and " + endIndex + " = " +
                       query(BOP, BCP, startIndex, endIndex) + "\n");
        startIndex = 4;
        endIndex = 5;
        Console.Write("Maximum Length Correct " +
                      "Bracket Subsequence between " +
                       startIndex + " and " + endIndex + " = " +
                       query(BOP, BCP, startIndex, endIndex) + "\n");
        startIndex = 1;
        endIndex = 5;
        Console.Write("Maximum Length Correct " +
                      "Bracket Subsequence between " +
                       startIndex + " and " + endIndex + " = " +
                       query(BOP, BCP, startIndex, endIndex) + "\n");
// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar


// Javascript code to answer the query in constant time
BOP[] stands for "Balanced open parentheses"
BCP[] stands for "Balanced close parentheses"
// function for precomputation
function constructBalanceArray(BOP, BCP, str, n)
    // Create a stack and push -1 as initial index to it.
    var stk = [];
    // Initialize result
    var result = 0;
    // Traverse all characters of given string
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // If opening bracket, push index of it
        if (str[i] == '(')
        else // If closing bracket, i.e., str[i] = ')'
            // If closing bracket, i.e., str[i] = ')'
            // && stack is not empty then mark both
            // "open & close" bracket indexes as 1 .
            // Pop the previous opening bracket's index
            if (stk.length!=0) {
                BCP[i] = 1;
                BOP[stk[stk.length-1]] = 1;
            // If stack is empty.
                BCP[i] = 0;
    for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        BCP[i] += BCP[i - 1];
        BOP[i] += BOP[i - 1];
// Function return output of each query in O(1)
function query(BOP, BCP, s, e)
    if (BOP[s - 1] == BOP[s]) {
        return (BCP[e] - BOP[s]) * 2;
    else {
        return (BCP[e] - BOP[s] + 1) * 2;
// Driver program to test above function
var str = "())(())(())(";
var n = str.length;
var BCP = Array(n+1).fill(0);
var BOP = Array(n+1).fill(0);
constructBalanceArray(BOP, BCP, str, n);
var startIndex = 5, endIndex = 11;
document.write( "Maximum Length Correct Bracket"+
        " Subsequence between "
     + startIndex + " and " + endIndex + " = "
     + query(BOP, BCP, startIndex, endIndex) + "<br>");;
startIndex = 4, endIndex = 5;
document.write( "Maximum Length Correct Bracket"+
        " Subsequence between "
     + startIndex + " and " + endIndex + " = "
     + query(BOP, BCP, startIndex, endIndex) + "<br>");;
startIndex = 1, endIndex = 5;
document.write( "Maximum Length Correct Bracket"+
        " Subsequence between "
     + startIndex + " and " + endIndex + " = "
     + query(BOP, BCP, startIndex, endIndex) + "<br>");;


Maximum Length Correct Bracket Subsequence between 5 and 11 = 4
Maximum Length Correct Bracket Subsequence between 4 and 5 = 0
Maximum Length Correct Bracket Subsequence between 1 and 5 = 2

The time complexity for each query is O(1).
Overall time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

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