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HomeData Modelling & AIGiven a number n, find the first k digits of n^n

Given a number n, find the first k digits of n^n

Given a number n, find the first k digits of nn, where k is a value less than the number of digits in nn 
Examples :

 Input :  n = 10
          k = 2
 Output : 10
The first 2 digits in 1010 are 10.

 Input :  n = 144
          k = 6
 Output : 637087 

 Input:  n = 1250
         k = 5
 Output:  13725 


The problem can be solved in multiple ways, of which two are:
Method 1 (Simple): A naive method which involves calculating the actual value and then dividing by 10 until we get the required answer. However this method cannot take input greater than n = 15 as it would cause overflow. 


// C++ program to find the first k digits of n^n
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// function that manually calculates n^n and then
// removes digits until k digits remain
unsigned long long firstkdigits(int n, int k)
   unsigned long long product = 1;
   for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
      product *= n;
   // loop will terminate when there are only
   // k digits left
   while ((int)(product / pow(10, k)) != 0)
      product = product / 10;
   return product;
//driver function
int main()
   int n = 15;
   int k = 4;
   cout << firstkdigits(n, k);
   return 0;


// Java program to find the first k digits of n^n
public class Digits
    // function that manually calculates n^n and then
    // removes digits until k digits remain
    static long firstkdigits(int n, int k)
        long product = 1;
        for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
           product *= n;
       // loop will terminate when there are only
        // k digits left
       while ((int)(product / Math.pow(10, k)) != 0)
            product = product / 10;
        return product;
    public static void main(String[] args)
      int n = 15;
      int k = 4;
      System.out.println(firstkdigits(n, k));
//This code is contributed by Saket Kumar

Python 3

# Python 3 program to find the
# first k digits of n^n
# function that manually calculates
# n^n and then removes digits until
# k digits remain
def firstkdigits(n, k):
    product = 1
    for i in range(n ):
        product *= n
    # loop will terminate when there
    # are only k digits left
    while ((product // pow(10, k)) != 0):
        product = product // 10
    return product
# Driver Code
n = 15
k = 4
print(firstkdigits(n, k))
# This code is contributed
# by ChitraNayal


// C# program to find the
// first k digits of n^n
using System;
class Digits
    // function that manually calculates
    // n^n and then removes digits until
    // k digits remain
    static long firstkdigits(int n, int k)
        long product = 1;
        for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
        product *= n;
    // loop will terminate when there
    // are only k digits left
    while ((int)(product / Math.Pow(10, k)) != 0)
            product = product / 10;
        return product;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
      int n = 15;
      int k = 4;
      Console.Write(firstkdigits(n, k));
// This code is contributed by nitin mittal.


// PHP program to find the
// first k digits of n^n
// function that manually
// calculates n^n and then
// removes digits until k
// digits remain
function firstkdigits($n, $k)
    $product = 1;
    for ($i = 0 ; $i < $n ; $i++)
    $product *= $n;
// loop will terminate when
// there are only k digits left
while ((int)($product / pow(10, $k)) != 0)
    $product = (int) $product / 10;
return floor($product);
// Driver Code
$n = 15;
$k = 4;
echo firstkdigits($n, $k);
// This code is contributed by aj_36


// Javascript program to find the first k digits of n^n
    // function that manually calculates n^n and then
    // removes digits until k digits remain
    function firstkdigits(n,k)
        let product = 1;
        for (let i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
           product *= n;
       // loop will terminate when there are only
        // k digits left
       while (Math.floor(product / Math.pow(10, k)) != 0)
            product = Math.floor(product / 10);
        return product;
    let n = 15;
    let k = 4;
    document.write(firstkdigits(n, k));
    // This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155

Output : 


Method 2: The next method involves using logarithms to calculate the first k digits. The method and steps are explained below:

  1. Let product = nn. Take logarithm base 10 on both sides of the equation. We get log10(product) = log10(nn), which we can also write as n*log10(n)
  2. In this example, we get log10(product) = 3871.137516. We can split the RHS as 3871 + 0.137516, so our equation can now be written as log10(product) = 3871 + 0.137516
  3. Raise both sides with base 10, and using the above example, we get product = 103871 x 100.137516. 103871 will not make a difference to our first k digits as it only shifts decimal points. We are interested in the next part, 100.137516, as this will determine the first few digits. 
    In this case, the value of 100.137516 is 1.37251.
  4. Hence our required first 5 digits would be 13725.



//C++ program to generate first k digits of
// n ^ n
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// function to calculate first k digits
// of n^n
long long firstkdigits(int n,int k)
   //take log10 of n^n. log10(n^n) = n*log10(n)
   long double product = n * log10(n);
   // We now try to separate the decimal and
   // integral part of the /product. The floor
   // function returns the smallest integer
   // less than or equal to the argument. So in
   // this case, product - floor(product) will
   // give us the decimal part of product
   long double decimal_part = product - floor(product);
   // we now exponentiate this back by raising 10
   // to the power of decimal part
   decimal_part = pow(10, decimal_part);
   // We now try to find the power of 10 by which
   // we will have to multiply the decimal part to
   // obtain our final answer
   long long digits = pow(10, k - 1), i = 0;
   return decimal_part * digits;
// driver function
int main()
   int n = 1450;
   int k = 6;
   cout << firstkdigits(n, k);
   return 0;


// Java  program to find the first k digits of n^n
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class KDigitSquare
      /* function that manually calculates
         n^n and then removes digits until
         k digits remain */
    public static long  firstkdigits(int n, int k)
        //take log10 of n^n.
        // log10(n^n) = n*log10(n)
        double product = n * Math.log10(n);
       /* We will now try to separate the decimal
          and integral part of the /product. The
          floor function returns the smallest integer
          less than or equal to the argument. So in
          this case, product - floor(product) will
          give us the decimal part of product */
        double decimal_part = product - Math.floor(product);
        // we will now exponentiate this back by
        // raising 10 to the power of decimal part
        decimal_part = Math.pow(10, decimal_part);
        /* We now try to find the power of 10 by
           which we will have to multiply the decimal
           part to obtain our final answer*/
        double digits = Math.pow(10, k - 1), i = 0;
        return ((long)(decimal_part * digits));
    // driver function
    public static void main (String[] args)
        int n = 1450;
        int k = 6;
/* This code is contributed by Mr. Somesh Awasthi */


# Python3 program to generate k digits of n ^ n
import math
# function to calculate first k digits of n^n
def firstkdigits(n, k):
    # take log10 of n^n.
    # log10(n^n) = n*log10(n)
    product = n * math.log(n, 10);
    # We now try to separate the decimal
    # and integral part of the /product.
    # The floor function returns the smallest
    # integer less than or equal to the argument.
    # So in this case, product - floor(product)
    # will give us the decimal part of product
    decimal_part = product - math.floor(product);
    # we now exponentiate this back
    # by raising 10 to the power of
    # decimal part
    decimal_part = pow(10, decimal_part);
    # We now try to find the power of 10 by
    # which we will have to multiply the
    # decimal part to obtain our final answer
    digits = pow(10, k - 1);
    return math.floor(decimal_part * digits);
# Driver Code
n = 1450;
k = 6;
print(firstkdigits(n, k));
# This code is contributed by mits


// C# program to find the first k digits of n^n
using System;
class GFG {
    /* function that manually calculates
        n^n and then removes digits until
        k digits remain */
    public static long firstkdigits(int n, int k)
        // take log10 of n^n.
        // log10(n^n) = n*log10(n)
        double product = n * Math.Log10(n);
    /* We will now try to separate the decimal
        and integral part of the /product. The
        floor function returns the smallest integer
        less than or equal to the argument. So in
        this case, product - floor(product) will
        give us the decimal part of product */
        double decimal_part = product -
        // we will now exponentiate this back by
        // raising 10 to the power of decimal part
        decimal_part = Math.Pow(10, decimal_part);
        /* We now try to find the power of 10 by
        which we will have to multiply the decimal
        part to obtain our final answer*/
        double digits = Math.Pow(10, k - 1);
        return ((long)(decimal_part * digits));
    // driver function
    public static void Main ()
        int n = 1450;
        int k = 6;
// This code is contributed by nitin mittal


// PHP program to generate
// k digits of n ^ n
// function to calculate
// first k digits of n^n
function firstkdigits($n, $k)
// take log10 of n^n.
// log10(n^n) = n*log10(n)
    $product = $n * log10($n);
// We now try to separate the
// decimal and integral part
// of the /product. The floor
// function returns the smallest
// integer less than or equal to
// the argument. So in this case,
// product - floor(product) will
// give us the decimal part of product
    $decimal_part = $product -
// we now exponentiate this back
// by raising 10 to the power of
// decimal part
    $decimal_part = pow(10, $decimal_part);
// We now try to find the power
// of 10 by which we will have
// to multiply the decimal part
// to obtain our final answer
    $digits = pow(10, $k - 1);
    $i = 0;
return floor($decimal_part * $digits);
// Driver Code
$n = 1450;
$k = 6;
echo firstkdigits($n, $k);
// This code is contributed by m_kit


// Javascript  program to find the first k digits of n^n
    /* function that manually calculates
         n^n and then removes digits until
         k digits remain */
    function  firstkdigits(n,k)
        //take log10 of n^n.
        // log10(n^n) = n*log10(n)
        let product = n * Math.log10(n);
       /* We will now try to separate the decimal
          and integral part of the /product. The
          floor function returns the smallest integer
          less than or equal to the argument. So in
          this case, product - floor(product) will
          give us the decimal part of product */
        let decimal_part = product - Math.floor(product);
        // we will now exponentiate this back by
        // raising 10 to the power of decimal part
        decimal_part = Math.pow(10, decimal_part);
        /* We now try to find the power of 10 by
           which we will have to multiply the decimal
           part to obtain our final answer*/
        let digits = Math.pow(10, k - 1), i = 0;
        return (Math.floor(decimal_part * digits));
     // Driver code
    let n = 1450;
    let k = 6;
    document.write(firstkdigits(n, k));
    // This code is contributed by rag2127

Output : 


This code runs in constant time and can handle large input values of n
This article is contributed by Deepak Srivatsav. If you like neveropen and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to See your article appearing on the neveropen main page and help other Geeks.
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