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Subtraction of two large numbers using 10’s complement

Given two strings str1 and str2 of given lengths N and M respectively, each representing a large number, the task is to subtract one from the other using 10’s complement.


Input: N = 10, str1 = “3434243434”, M = 14, str2 = “22324365765767” 
Output: 22320931522333

Input: N = 20, str1 = “12345334233242431433”, M = 20, str2 = “12345334233242431432” 

Approach: The basic idea is similar to Subtraction of two numbers using 2’s complement

Subtraction of given strings can be written as 
Str1 – Str2 = Str1 + (- Str2) = Str1 + (10’s complement of Str2)

Follow the steps below to solve the problem:  

  • Compare the lengths of the two strings and store the smaller of the two in str2.
  • Calculate 10’s complement of str2.
  • Now, add 10’s complement of str2 to str1.
  • If any carry is generated, then drop the carry.
  • If no carry is generated, then the complement of str1 is the final answer.

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// C++ Program to calculate the
// subtraction of two large number
// using 10's complement
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to return sum of two
// large numbers given as strings
string sumBig(string a, string b)
    // Compare their lengths
    if (a.length() > b.length())
        swap(a, b);
    // Stores the result
    string str = "";
    // Store the respective lengths
    int n1 = a.length(), n2 = b.length();
    int diff = n2 - n1;
    // Initialize carry
    int carry = 0;
    // Traverse from end of both strings
    for (int i = n1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        // Compute sum of
        // current digits and carry
        int sum
            = ((a[i] - '0')
               + (b[i + diff] - '0') + carry);
        // Store the result
        str.push_back(sum % 10 + '0');
        // Update carry
        carry = sum / 10;
    // Add remaining digits of str2[]
    for (int i = n2 - n1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        int sum = ((b[i] - '0') + carry);
        str.push_back(sum % 10 + '0');
        carry = sum / 10;
    // Add remaining carry
    if (carry)
        str.push_back(carry + '0');
    // Reverse resultant string
    reverse(str.begin(), str.end());
    return str;
// Function return 10's
// complement of given number
string complement10(string v)
    // Stores the complement
    string complement = "";
    // Calculate 9's complement
    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
        // Subtract every bit from 9
        complement += '9' - v[i] + '0';
    // Add 1 to 9's complement
    // to find 10's complement
    complement = sumBig(complement, "1");
    return complement;
// Function returns subtraction
// of two given numbers as strings
string subtract(string a, string b)
    // If second string is larger
    if (a.length() < b.length())
        swap(a, b);
    // Calculate respective lengths
    int l1 = a.length(), l2 = b.length();
    // If lengths aren't equal
    int diffLen = l1 - l2;
    for (int i = 0; i < diffLen; i++) {
        // Insert 0's to the beginning
        // of b to make both the lengths equal
        b = "0" + b;
    // Add (complement of B) and A
    string c = sumBig(a, complement10(b));
    // If length of new string is greater
    // than length of first string,
    // than carry is generated
    if (c.length() > a.length()) {
        string::iterator it;
        // Erase first bit
        it = c.begin();
        // Trim zeros at the beginning
        it = c.begin();
        while (*it == '0')
        return c;
    // If both lengths are equal
    else {
        return complement10(c);
// Driver Code
int main()
    string str1 = "12345334233242431433";
    string str2 = "12345334233242431432";
    cout << subtract(str1, str2) << endl;
    return 0;


# Python3 Program to calculate the
# subtraction of two large number
# using 10's complement
# Function to return sums of two
# large numbers given as strsings
def sumsBig(a, b):
    # Compare their lengths
    if (len(a) > len(b)):
        temp = a;
        a = b;
        b = temp;
    # Stores the result
    strs = "";
    # Store the respective lengths
    n1 = len(a)
    n2 = len(b);
    diff = n2 - n1;
    # Initialize carry
    carry = 0;
    # Traverse from end of both strsings
    for i in range(n1 - 1, -1, -1):
        # Compute sums of
        # current digits and carry
        sums = (int(a[i]) + int(b[i + diff]) + carry);
        # Store the result
        strs += str(sums % 10);
        # Update carry
        carry = int(sums / 10);
    # Add remaining digits of strs2[]
    for i in range(n2 - n1 - 1, -1, -1):
        sums = ( int(b[i]) + carry);
        strs += str(sums % 10);
        carry = int(sums / 10);
    # Add remaining carry
    if (carry > 0):
        strs += str(carry);
    # Reverse resultant strsing
    strs = strs[::-1]
    return strs;
# Function return 10's
# complement of given number
def complement10(v):
    # Stores the complement
    complement = "";
    # Calculate 9's complement
    for i in range(len(v)):
        # Subtract every bit from 9
        complement +=   str(9 - int(v[i]));
    # Add 1 to 9's complement
    # to find 10's complement
    complement = sumsBig(complement, "1");
    return complement;
# Function returns subtraction
# of two given numbers as strsings
def subtract(a, b):
    # If second strsing is larger
    if (len(a) < len(b)):   
        temp = b;
        b = a ;
        a = temp;
    # Calculate respective lengths
    l1 = len(a)
    l2 = len(b);
    # If lengths aren't equal
    diffLen = l1 - l2;
    for i in range(diffLen):
        # Insert 0's to the beginning
        # of b to make both the lengths equal
        b = "0" + b;
    # Add (complement of B) and A
    c = sumsBig(a, complement10(b));
    # If length of new strsing is greater
    # than length of first strsing,
    # than carry is generated
    if (len(c) > len(a)):
        # Erase first bit
        c = c[1::];
        # Trim zeros at the beginning
        while (c[0] == '0'):
            c = c[1::]
        return c;
    # If both lengths are equal
    else :
        return complement10(c);
# Driver Code
strs1 = "12345334233242431433";
strs2 = "12345334233242431432";
print(subtract(strs1, strs2));
# This code is contributed by phasing17.


// C# Program to calculate the
// subtraction of two large number
// using 10's complement
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
  // Function to return sum of two
  // large numbers given as strings
  static string sumBig(string a, string b)
    // Compare their lengths
    if (a.Length > b.Length)
      string temp = b;
      b = a;
      a = temp;
    // Stores the result
    string str = "";
    // Store the respective lengths
    int n1 = a.Length, n2 = b.Length;
    int diff = n2 - n1;
    // Initialize carry
    int carry = 0;
    // Traverse from end of both strings
    for (int i = n1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      // Compute sum of
      // current digits and carry
      int sum
        = ((a[i] - '0')
           + (b[i + diff] - '0') + carry);
      // Store the result
      str += (char)(sum % 10 + '0');
      // Update carry
      carry = sum / 10;
    // Add remaining digits of str2[]
    for (int i = n2 - n1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      int sum = ((b[i] - '0') + carry);
      str += (char)(sum % 10 + '0');
      carry = sum / 10;
    // Add remaining carry
    if (carry != 0)
      str += (char)(carry + '0');
    // Reverse resultant string
    char[] strs = str.ToCharArray();
    return new string(strs);
  // Function return 10's
  // complement of given number
  static string complement10(string v)
    // Stores the complement
    string complement = "";
    // Calculate 9's complement
    for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; i++) {
      // Subtract every bit from 9
      complement += (char)('9' - v[i] + '0');
    // Add 1 to 9's complement
    // to find 10's complement
    complement = sumBig(complement, "1");
    return complement;
  // Function returns subtraction
  // of two given numbers as strings
  static string subtract(string a, string b)
    // If second string is larger
    if (a.Length < b.Length)
      var t = b;
      b = a;
      a = t;
    // Calculate respective lengths
    int l1 = a.Length, l2 = b.Length;
    // If lengths aren't equal
    int diffLen = l1 - l2;
    for (int i = 0; i < diffLen; i++) {
      // Insert 0's to the beginning
      // of b to make both the lengths equal
      b = "0" + b;
    // Add (complement of B) and A
    string c = sumBig(a, complement10(b));
    // If length of new string is greater
    // than length of first string,
    // than carry is generated
    if (c.Length > a.Length) {
      var c1 = c.ToCharArray().ToList();
      // Erase first bit
      // Trim zeros at the beginning
      while(c1[0] == '0')
      return new string(c1.ToArray());
    // If both lengths are equal
    else {
      return complement10(c);
  // Driver Code
  public static void Main(string[] args)
    string str1 = "12345334233242431433";
    string str2 = "12345334233242431432";
    Console.WriteLine(subtract(str1, str2));
// This code is contributed by phasing17.


// JS Program to calculate the
// subtraction of two large number
// using 10's complement
// Function to return sum of two
// large numbers given as strings
function sumBig(a, b)
    // Compare their lengths
    if (a.length > b.length)
        let temp = a;
        a = b;
        b = temp;
    // Stores the result
    let str = "";
    // Store the respective lengths
    let n1 = a.length, n2 = b.length;
    let diff = n2 - n1;
    // Initialize carry
    let carry = 0;
    // Traverse from end of both strings
    for (let i = n1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        // Compute sum of
        // current digits and carry
        let sum
            = (parseInt(a[i])
               + parseInt(b[i + diff]) + carry);
        // Store the result
        str += (sum % 10).toString();
        // Update carry
        carry = Math.floor(sum / 10);
    // Add remaining digits of str2[]
    for (let i = n2 - n1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        let sum = ( parseInt(b[i]) + carry);
        str += (sum % 10).toString();
        carry = Math.floor(sum / 10);
    // Add remaining carry
    if (carry > 0)
        str += (carry).toString();
    // Reverse resultant string
    str = str.split("").reverse().join("")
    return str;
// Function return 10's
// complement of given number
function complement10(v)
    // Stores the complement
    let complement = "";
    // Calculate 9's complement
    for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
        // Subtract every bit from 9
        complement +=   (9 - parseInt(v[i])).toString();
    // Add 1 to 9's complement
    // to find 10's complement
    complement = sumBig(complement, "1");
    return complement;
// Function returns subtraction
// of two given numbers as strings
function subtract(a, b)
    // If second string is larger
    if (a.length < b.length)
        let temp = b;
        b = a ;
        a = temp;
    // Calculate respective lengths
    let l1 = a.length, l2 = b.length;
    // If lengths aren't equal
    let diffLen = l1 - l2;
    for (let i = 0; i < diffLen; i++) {
        // Insert 0's to the beginning
        // of b to make both the lengths equal
        b = "0" + b;
    // Add (complement of B) and A
    let c = sumBig(a, complement10(b));
    // If length of new string is greater
    // than length of first string,
    // than carry is generated
    if (c.length > a.length) {
        // Erase first bit
       c = c.substr(1);
        // Trim zeros at the beginning
        while (c[0] == '0')
            c = c.substr(1)
        return c;
    // If both lengths are equal
    else {
        return complement10(c);
// Driver Code
let str1 = "12345334233242431433";
let str2 = "12345334233242431432";
console.log(subtract(str1, str2));
// This code is contributed by phasing17.


// Java Program to calculate the
// subtraction of two large number
// using 10's complement
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
    // Function to return sum of two large numbers given as
    // strings
    public static String sumBig(String a, String b)
        // Compare their lengths
        if (a.length() > b.length()) {
            String c = a;
            a = b;
            b = c;
        // Stores the result
        String str = "";
        // Store the respective lengths
        int n1 = a.length(), n2 = b.length();
        int diff = n2 - n1;
        // Initialize carry
        int carry = 0;
        // Traverse from end of both strings
        for (int i = n1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            // Compute sum of current digits and carry
            int sum
                = ((a.charAt(i) - '0')
                   + (b.charAt(i + diff) - '0') + carry);
            // Store the result
            str += (char)(sum % 10 + '0');
            // Update carry
            carry = sum / 10;
        // Add remaining digits of b
        for (int i = n2 - n1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            int sum = ((b.charAt(i) - '0') + carry);
            str += (char)(sum % 10 + '0');
            carry = sum / 10;
        // Add remaining carry
        if (carry > 0)
            str += (char)(carry + '0');
        // Reverse resultant string
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str);
        return sb.toString();
    // Function to return 10's complement of given number
    public static String complement10(String v)
        // Stores the complement
        String complement = "";
        // Calculate 9's complement
        for (int i = 0; i < v.length(); i++) {
            // Subtract every bit from 9
            complement += (char)('9' - v.charAt(i) + '0');
        // Add 1 to 9's complement to find 10's complement
        complement = sumBig(complement, "1");
        return complement;
    // Function to return subtraction of two given numbers
    // as strings
    public static String subtract(String a, String b)
        // If second string is larger
        if (a.length() < b.length()) {
            String c = a;
            a = b;
            b = c;
        // Calculate respective lengths
        int l1 = a.length(), l2 = b.length();
        // If lengths aren't equal
        int diffLen = l1 - l2;
        for (int i = 0; i < diffLen; i++) {
            // Insert 0's to the beginning of b to make both
            // the lengths equal
            b = "0" + b;
        // Add (complement of B) and A
        String c = sumBig(a, complement10(b));
        // If length of new string is greater than length of
        // first string, then carry is generated
        if (c.length() > a.length()) {
            // Erase first bit
            c = c.substring(1);
            // Trim zeros at the beginning
            while (c.charAt(0) == '0')
                c = c.substring(1);
            return c;
        else {
            // If both lengths are equal
            return complement10(c);
    // Driver's Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String str1 = "12345334233242431433";
        String str2 = "12345334233242431432";
        System.out.println(subtract(str1, str2));




Time Complexity: O(max(N, M)) 
Auxiliary Space: O(max(N, M))

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