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HomeData Modelling & AIFind the N-th lexicographic permutation of string using Factoradic method

Find the N-th lexicographic permutation of string using Factoradic method

Given string str with unique characters and a number N, the task is to find the N-th lexicographic permutation of the string using Factoradic method. 

Input: str = “abc”, N = 3 
Output: bac 
All possible permutations in sorted order: abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba 
3rd permutation is bac
Input: str = “aba”, N = 2 
Output: aba 
All possible permutations in sorted order: aab, aba, baa 
2nd permutation is aba 

Approach: The idea is to use the concept of factoradic representation. The main concept of factoradic method is to calculate the sequence of a number. The following are the steps to find the N-th lexicographic permutation using factoradic method: 

  1. Decrement N by 1 because this method considers sorted order as the 0th permutation.
  2. Divide N with 1 to the length of the string and each time store the remainder in a stack while updating the value of N as N/i.
  3. The calculated remainder in every step is the factoradic number. So, after calculating the final factoradic representation, start appending the element in the result string which is present on the position.
  4. Remove the element from the stack on each iteration.
  5. Repeat the above three steps until the stack becomes empty.

Let’s understand this method with an example. Let the string str be “abcde” and N be 11. Then: 

  • Initially, 1 is subtracted from N.
N = 11 - 1
N = 10
  • Now, at every iteration, divide N with i where i ranges from 1 to the length and store the remainder in a stack:
divide       Remainder    Quotient     Factoradic
10%1           0            10              0
10%2           0             5             00
5%3            2             1            200
2%4            1             0           1200
2%5            0             0          01200  
  • Now, append the elements into the resultant string from the stack and continuously remove the elements from the stack. Here, the Factoradic representation of the given number is 01200. Therefore: 
[0]=a   <- Selected

result = a

[1]=c <- Selected

result= ac

[2]=e <-Selected

result= ace

[0]=b <- Selected

result= aceb

[0]=d <-selected

result =acebd
  • Therefore, the 11th permutation of the string is “acebd”.

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// C++ program to find the N-th lexicographic
// permutation of string using Factoradic method
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate nth permutation of string
void string_permutation(long long int n, string str)
    // Creating an empty stack
    stack<int> s;
    string result;
    // Subtracting 1 from N because the
    // permutations start from 0 in
    // Factoradic method
    n = n - 1;
    // Loop to generate the factroid
    // of the sequence
    for (int i = 1; i < str.size() + 1; i++) {
        s.push(n % i);
        n = n / i;
    // Loop to generate nth permutation
    for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) {
        int a = s.top();
        result += str[a];
        int j;
        // Remove 1-element in each cycle
        for (j = a; j < str.length(); j++)
            str[j] = str[j + 1];
        str[j + 1] = '\0';
    // Final answer
    cout << result << endl;
// Driver code
int main()
    string str = "abcde";
    long long int n = 11;
    string_permutation(n, str);
    return 0;


// Java program to find the N-th lexicographic
// permutation of String using Factoradic method
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Function to calculate nth permutation of String
static void String_permutation(int n, String str)
    // Creating an empty stack
    Stack<Integer> s = new Stack<Integer>();
    String result = "";
    // Subtracting 1 from N because the
    // permutations start from 0 in
    // Factoradic method
    n = n - 1;
    // Loop to generate the factroid
    // of the sequence
    for(int i = 1; i < str.length() + 1; i++)
       s.add(n % i);
       n = n / i;
    // Loop to generate nth permutation
    for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
       int a = s.peek();
       result += str.charAt(a);
       int j;
       // Remove 1-element in each cycle
       for(j = a; j < str.length() - 1; j++)
          str = str.substring(0, j) +
                str.charAt(j + 1) +
                str.substring(j + 1);
       str = str.substring(0, j + 1);
    // Final answer
    System.out.print(result + "\n");
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String str = "abcde";
    int n = 11;
    String_permutation(n, str);
// This code is contributed by sapnasingh4991


# Python3 program to find
# the N-th lexicographic
# permutation of string
# using Factoradic method
# Function to calculate
# nth permutation of string
def string_permutation(n, str):
    # Creating an empty list
    s = []
    result = ""
    str = list(str)
    # Subtracting 1 from N
    # because the permutations
    # start from 0 in Factoradic method
    n = n - 1
    # Loop to generate the
    # factroid of the sequence
    for i in range(1, len(str) + 1):
        s.append(n % i)
        n = int(n / i)
    # Loop to generate
    # nth permutation
    for i in range(len(str)):
        a = s[-1]
        result += str[a]
        # Remove 1-element in
        # each cycle
        for j in range(a, len(str) - 1):
            str[j] = str[j + 1]
        str[j + 1] = '\0'
    # Final answer
# Driver code
str = "abcde"
n = 11
string_permutation(n, str)
# This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155


// C# program to find the N-th lexicographic
// permutation of String using Factoradic method
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
// Function to calculate nth permutation of String
static void String_permutation(int n, String str)
    // Creating an empty stack
    Stack<int> s = new Stack<int>();
    String result = "";
    // Subtracting 1 from N because the
    // permutations start from 0 in
    // Factoradic method
    n = n - 1;
    // Loop to generate the factroid
    // of the sequence
    for(int i = 1; i < str.Length + 1; i++)
       s.Push(n % i);
       n = n / i;
    // Loop to generate nth permutation
    for(int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
       int a = s.Peek();
       result += str[a];
       int j;
       // Remove 1-element in each cycle
       for(j = a; j < str.Length - 1; j++)
          str = str.Substring(0, j) +
                str[j + 1] +
                str.Substring(j + 1);
       str = str.Substring(0, j + 1);
    // Final answer
    Console.Write(result + "\n");
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    String str = "abcde";
    int n = 11;
    String_permutation(n, str);
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1


// JavaScript program to find the N-th lexicographic
// permutation of string using Factoradic method
// Function to calculate nth permutation of string
function string_permutation( n, str){
    // Creating an empty stack
    let s = [];
    let result = '';
    // Subtracting 1 from N because the
    // permutations start from 0 in
    // Factoradic method
    n = n - 1;
    // Loop to generate the factroid
    // of the sequence
    for (let i = 1; i < str.length + 1; i++) {
        s.push(n % i);
        n = Math.floor(n / i);
    // Loop to generate nth permutation
    let len = str.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < len ; i++) {
        let a = s[s.length-1];
        result += str[a];
        let j;
        // Remove 1-element in each cycle
        for (j = a; j < str.length ; j++)
          str = str.substring(0, j) +
                str.charAt(j + 1) +
                str.substring(j + 1);
       str = str.substring(0, j + 1);
    // Final answer
// Driver code
let str = "abcde";
n = 11;
string_permutation(n, str);




Time Complexity: O(|str|)

Auxiliary Space: O(|str|)

Note: An approach to find the Nth permutation with the repeating characters is discussed in this article.

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Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaushttp://wardslaus.com
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,

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