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Queries to replace subarrays by equal length arrays with at most P replacements allowed for any array element

Given an array, arr[] of size N, an integer P and a 2D array Q[][] consisting of queries of the following type:

  • 1 L R B[R – L + 1]: The task for this query is to replace the subarray {arr[L], … arr[R] with the array B[] b given that any array element can be replaced at most P times.
  • 2 X: The task for this query is to print arr[X].


Input: arr[] = {3, 10, 4, 2, 8, 7}, P = 1, Q[][] = {{1, 0, 3, 3, 2, 1, 11}, {2, 3}, {1, 2, 3, 5, 7}, {2, 2} }
Output: 11 1
Query 1: Replacing the subarray {arr[0], …, arr[3]} with the array {3, 2, 1, 11} modifies arr[] to {3, 2, 1, 11, 8, 7}
Query 2: Print arr[3].
Query 3: Since P = 1, therefore the subarray {arr[2], …, arr[3]} can’t be replaced more than once.
Query 4: Print arr[2].

Input: arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, P = 2, Q[][] = {{2, 0}, {1, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8}, {1, 3, 4, 10, 12}, {2, 4}}
Output: 1 12

Approach: The problem can be solved using the Union-Find algorithm. The idea is to traverse the array Q[][] and check if Q[0] is equal to 1 or not. If found to be true, then replace the subarray with the new array and whenever any array element has been replaced P times, then create a new subset using the union-find. Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • Initialize an array, say visited[], where visited[i] check index i is present in any disjoint subset or not.
  • Initialize an array, say count[], where count[i] stores how many times arr[i] has been replaced.
  • Initialize an array, say last[], to store the largest element of each disjoint subset.
  • Initialize an array, say parent[], to store the smallest element of each disjoint subset.
  • Traverse the Q[][] array and for each query check if Q[i][0] == 1 or not. If found to be true then perform the following operations: 
    • Iterate over the range [ Q[i][1], Q[i][2] ] using variable low and check if visited[low] is true or not. If found to be true then find the parent of that subset where low present, find the largest element present in the subset.
    • Otherwise, check if count[low] is less than P or not. If found to be true then replace the value of arr[low] with the corresponding value.
    • Otherwise, check if count[low] is equal to P or not. If found to be true then create a new disjoint subset of the current index.
  • Otherwise, print arr[Q[i][1]]].

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// visited[i]: Check index i is present
// in any disjoint subset or not.
bool visited[100001];
// Store the smallest element
// of each disjoint subset
int parent[100001];
// count[i]: Stores the count
// of replacements of arr[i]
int last[100001];
// Store the largest element
// of each disjoint subset
int Count[100001];
// Function to find the smallest
// element of the subset
int findParent(int i) {
    // Base Case
    if (parent[i] == i) {
        return i;
    // Stores smallest element
    // of parent[u]
    return parent[i] = findParent(parent[i]);
// Function to perform union operation
void Union(int u, int v, int arr[]) {
    // Stores smallest element
    // of subset containing u
    int p1=findParent(u);
    // Stores smallest element
    // of subset containing v
    int p2=findParent(v);
        // Update parent[p2]
        parent[p2] = p1;
        // Update last[p1]
        last[p1] = last[p2];
// Function to create a new subset
void newUnion(int low, int high, int arr[]) {
    // Iterate over
    // the range [low + 1, high]
    for (int i = low + 1; i <= high; i++) {
        // Perform union operation
        // on low
        Union(low, i, arr);
    // If just smaller element of low
    // is present in any of the subset
    if (low > 0 && visited[low - 1]) {
        // Perform union on (low - 1)
        Union(low - 1, low, arr);
    // If just greater element of high
    // is present in any of the subset
      int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
        if (high < N - 1 && visited[high + 1]) {
            // Perform union on high
            Union(high, high + 1,arr);
// Function to find the next index
// to be processed after visiting low
int findJumpLength(int low) {
    // Stores smallest index of
    // the subset where low present
    int p = findParent(low);
    // Stores next index
    // to be processed
    int nextIndex = last[p] + 1;
    // Stores difference between
    // low and nextIndex
    int jump = (nextIndex - low);
    // Return jump
    return jump;
// Function to perform the query of type 1
void processTypeOneQuery(vector<int> query, int arr[], int P)
            // Stores the value of L
            int low = query[1];
            // Stores the value of R
            int high = query[2];
            // Stores leftmost index of the
            // subarray for which a new
            // subset can be generated
            int left = -1;
            // Stores index of
            // the query[] array
            int j = 3;
            // Iterate over the
        // range [low, high]
            while (low <= high) {
                // If low is present in
            // any of the subset
                if (visited[low]) {
                    // If no subset created for
                // the subarray arr[left...low - 1]
                    if (left != -1) {
                        // Create a new subset
                        Union(low - 1, left, arr);
                        // Update left
                        left = -1;
                    // Stores next index to be
                // processed
                    int jump = findJumpLength(low);
                    // Update low
                    low += jump;
                    // Update j
                    j += jump;
                // If arr[low] has been
            // already replaced P times
                else if (Count[low] == P) {
                    // If already subset
                // created for left
                    if (left == -1) {
                        // Update left
                        left = low;
                    // Mark low as an element
                // of any subset
                    visited[low] = true;
                    // Update low
                    // Update j
                // If arr[low] has been replaced
            // less than P times
                else {
                    // If no subset created for
                // the subarray arr[left...low - 1]
                    if (left != -1) {
                        // Create a new subset
                        Union(low - 1, left, arr);
                        // Update left
                        left = -1;
                    // Replace arr[low] with
                // the corresponding value
                    arr[low] = query[j];
                    // Update count[low]
                    // Update low
                    // Update j
             // If no subset has been created for
        // the subarray arr[left...low - 1]
            if (left != -1) {
                // Create a new subset
                newUnion(left, high, arr);
// Function to process all the given Queries
void processQueries(int arr[], int P, vector<vector<int>> Q) {
    // Traverse the queries[][] array
    for (int i = 0; i < Q.size(); i++) {
        // Stores the current query
        vector<int> query = Q[i];
        // If query of type is 1
        if (query[0] == 1) {
            // Perform the query of type 1
        // If query of type is 2
        else {
            // Stores 2nd element of
            // current query
            int index = query[1];
            // Print arr[index]
            cout << arr[index] << endl;
// Function to find all the queries
static vector<vector<int>> getQueries()
    // Stores all the queries
    vector<vector<int>> Q;
    // Initialize all queries
    array<int, 7> query1 = { 1, 0, 3, 3, 2, 1, 11 };
    array<int, 2> query2 = { 2, 3 };
    array<int, 5> query3 = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 };
    array<int, 2> query4 = { 2, 2 };
    // Insert all queries
    Q.push_back(vector<int>(query1.begin(), query1.end()));
    Q.push_back(vector<int>(query2.begin(), query2.end()));
    Q.push_back(vector<int>(query3.begin(), query3.end()));
    Q.push_back(vector<int>(query4.begin(), query4.end()));
    // Return all queries
    return Q;
 // Driver Code
int main() {
    int arr[] = { 3, 10, 4, 2, 8, 7 };
        int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    int P=1;
    vector<vector<int>> Q;
    // Initialize parent[] and
    // last[] array
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // Update parent[i]
        parent[i] = i;
        // Update last[i]
        last[i] = i;
    processQueries(arr, P, Q);
// This code is contributed by Utkarsh


// Java program to implement
// the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    // visited[i]: Check index i is present
    // in any disjoint subset or not.
    static boolean[] visited;
    // Store the smallest element
    // of each disjoint subset
    static int[] parent;
    // count[i]: Stores the count
    // of replacements of arr[i]
    static int[] last;
    // Store the largest element
    // of each disjoint subset
    static int[] count;
    // Function to process all the given Queries
    static void processQueries(int[] arr, int P,
                               List<List<Integer> > Q)
        // Traverse the queries[][] array
        for (int i = 0; i < Q.size(); i++) {
            // Stores the current query
            List<Integer> query = Q.get(i);
            // If query of type is 1
            if (query.get(0) == 1) {
                // Perform the query of type 1
                processTypeOneQuery(query, arr, P);
            // If query of type is 2
            else {
                // Stores 2nd element of
                // current query
                int index = query.get(1);
                // Print arr[index]
    // Function to perform the query of type 1
    static void processTypeOneQuery(
        List<Integer> query, int[] arr, int P)
        // Stores the value of L
        int low = query.get(1);
        // Stores the value of R
        int high = query.get(2);
        // Stores leftmost index of the
        // subarray for which a new
        // subset can be generated
        int left = -1;
        // Stores index of
        // the query[] array
        int j = 3;
        // Iterate over the
        // range [low, high]
        while (low <= high) {
            // If low is present in
            // any of the subset
            if (visited[low]) {
                // If no subset created for
                // the subarray arr[left...low - 1]
                if (left != -1) {
                    // Create a new subset
                    newUnion(left, low - 1,
                    // Update left
                    left = -1;
                // Stores next index to be
                // processed
                int jump = findJumpLength(low);
                // Update low
                low += jump;
                // Update j
                j += jump;
            // If arr[low] has been
            // already replaced P times
            else if (count[low] == P) {
                // If already subset
                // created for left
                if (left == -1) {
                    // Update left
                    left = low;
                // Mark low as an element
                // of any subset
                visited[low] = true;
                // Update low
                // Update j
            // If arr[low] has been replaced
            // less than P times
            else {
                // If no subset created for
                // the subarray arr[left...low - 1]
                if (left != -1) {
                    // Create a new subset
                    newUnion(left, low - 1, arr.length);
                    // Update left
                    left = -1;
                // Replace arr[low] with
                // the corresponding value
                arr[low] = query.get(j);
                // Update count[low]
                // Update low
                // Update j
        // If no subset has been created for
        // the subarray arr[left...low - 1]
        if (left != -1) {
            // Create a new subset
            newUnion(left, high, arr.length);
    // Function to find the next index
    // to be processed after visiting low
    static int findJumpLength(int low)
        // Stores smallest index of
        // the subset where low present
        int p = findParent(low);
        // Stores next index
        // to be processed
        int nextIndex = last[p] + 1;
        // Stores difference between
        // low and nextIndex
        int jump = (nextIndex - low);
        // Return jump
        return jump;
    // Function to create a new subset
    static void newUnion(int low, int high,
                         int N)
        // Iterate over
        // the range [low + 1, high]
        for (int i = low + 1; i <= high;
             i++) {
            // Perform union operation
            // on low
            union(low, i);
        // If just smaller element of low
        // is present in any of the subset
        if (low > 0 && visited[low - 1]) {
            // Perform union on (low - 1)
            union(low - 1, low);
        // If just greater element of high
        // is present in any of the subset
        if (high < N - 1 && visited[high + 1]) {
            // Perform union on high
            union(high, high + 1);
    // Function to find the smallest
    // element of the subset
    static int findParent(int u)
        // Base Case
        if (parent[u] == u)
            return u;
        // Stores smallest element
        // of parent[u
        return parent[u]
            = findParent(parent[u]);
    // Function to perform union operation
    static void union(int u, int v)
        // Stores smallest element
        // of subset containing u
        int p1 = findParent(u);
        // Stores smallest element
        // of subset containing u
        int p2 = findParent(v);
        // Update parent[p2]
        parent[p2] = p1;
        // Update last[p1]
        last[p1] = last[p2];
    // Function to find all the queries
    static List<List<Integer> > getQueries()
        // Stores all the queries
        List<List<Integer> > Q
            = new ArrayList<List<Integer> >();
        // Initialize all queries
        Integer[] query1 = { 1, 0, 3, 3, 2,
                             1, 11 };
        Integer[] query2 = { 2, 3 };
        Integer[] query3 = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 };
        Integer[] query4 = { 2, 2 };
        // Insert all queries
        // Return all queries
        return Q;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int[] arr = { 3, 10, 4, 2, 8, 7 };
        int N = arr.length;
        int P = 1;
        parent = new int[N];
        last = new int[N];
        count = new int[N];
        visited = new boolean[N];
        // Initialize parent[] and
        // last[] array
        for (int i = 0; i < parent.length;
             i++) {
            // Update parent[i]
            parent[i] = i;
            // Update last[i]
            last[i] = i;
        List<List<Integer> > Q = getQueries();
        processQueries(arr, P, Q);


# Python3 program to implement
# the above approach
# visited[i]: Check index i is present
# in any disjoint subset or not.
visited = []
# Store the smallest element
# of each disjoint subset
parent = []
# count[i]: Stores the count
# of replacements of arr[i]
last = []
# Store the largest element
# of each disjoint subset
count = []
# Function to process all the given Queries
def processQueries(arr, P, Q):
    # Traverse the [,]queries array
    for i in range(len(Q)):
        # Stores the current query
        query = Q[i];
        # If query of type is 1
        if (query[0] == 1):
            # Perform the query of type 1
            processTypeOneQuery(query, arr, P);
        # If query of type is 2
            # Stores 2nd element of
            # current query
            index = query[1];
            # Print arr[index]
# Function to perform the query of type 1
def processTypeOneQuery(query, arr, P):
    # Stores the value of L
    low = query[1];
    # Stores the value of R
    high = query[2];
    # Stores leftmost index of the
    # subarray for which a new
    # subset can be generated
    left = -1;
    # Stores index of
    # the query[] array
    j = 3;
    # Iterate over the
    # range [low, high]
    while (low <= high):
        # If low is present in
        # any of the subset
        if (visited[low]):
            # If no subset created for
            # the subarray arr[left...low - 1]
            if (left != -1):
                # Create a new subset
                newUnion(left, low - 1,len(arr));
                # Update left
                left = -1;
            # Stores next index to be
            # processed
            jump = findJumpLength(low);
            # Update low
            low += jump;
            # Update j
            j += jump;
        # If arr[low] has been
        # already replaced P times
        elif (count[low] == P):
            # If already subset
            # created for left
            if (left == -1):
                # Update left
                left = low;
            # Mark low as an element
            # of any subset
            visited[low] = True;
            # Update low
            low += 1
            # Update j
            j += 1
        # If arr[low] has been replaced
        # less than P times
            # If no subset created for
            # the subarray arr[left...low - 1]
            if (left != -1):
                # Create a new subset
                newUnion(left, low - 1, len(arr));
                # Update left
                left = -1;
            # Replace arr[low] with
            # the corresponding value
            arr[low] = query[j];
            # Update count[low]
            count[low] += 1
            # Update low
            low += 1
            # Update j
            j += 1
    # If no subset has been created for
    # the subarray arr[left...low - 1]
    if (left != -1):
        # Create a new subset
        newUnion(left, high, len(arr));
# Function to find the next index
# to be processed after visiting low
def findJumpLength(low):
    # Stores smallest index of
    # the subset where low present
    p = findParent(low);
    # Stores next index
    # to be processed
    nextIndex = last[p] + 1;
    # Stores difference between
    # low and nextIndex
    jump = (nextIndex - low);
    # Return jump
    return jump;
# Function to create a new subset
def newUnion(low, high,N):
    # Iterate over
    # the range [low + 1, high]
    for i in range(low+1,high+1):
        # Perform union operation
        # on low
        union(low, i);
    # If just smaller element of low
    # is present in any of the subset
    if (low > 0 and visited[low - 1]):
        # Perform union on (low - 1)
        union(low - 1, low);
    # If just greater element of high
    # is present in any of the subset
    if (high < N - 1 and visited[high + 1]):
        # Perform union on high
        union(high, high + 1);
# Function to find the smallest
# element of the subset
def findParent(u):
    # Base Case
    if (parent[u] == u):
        return u;
    # Stores smallest element
    # of parent[u
    parent[u]= findParent(parent[u]);
    return parent[u]
# Function to perform union operation
def union(u, v):
    # Stores smallest element
    # of subset containing u
    p1 = findParent(u);
    # Stores smallest element
    # of subset containing u
    p2 = findParent(v);
    # Update parent[p2]
    parent[p2] = p1;
    # Update last[p1]
    last[p1] = last[p2];
# Function to find all the queries
def getQueries():
    # Stores all the queries
    Q = []
    # Initialize all queries
    query1 = [ 1, 0, 3, 3, 2,1, 11 ]
    query2 = [ 2, 3 ]
    query3 = [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 ]
    query4 = [ 2, 2 ]
    # Insert all queries        
    # Return all queries
    return Q;
# Driver Code
if __name__=='__main__':
    arr = [ 3, 10, 4, 2, 8, 7 ]
    N = len(arr)
    P = 1;
    parent = [i for i in range(N)]
    last = [i for i in range(N)]
    count = [0 for i in range(N)]
    visited = [False for i in range(N)]
    Q = getQueries();
    processQueries(arr, P, Q);
    # This code is contributed by rutvik_56.


// C# program to implement
// the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG {
    // visited[i]: Check index i is present
    // in any disjoint subset or not.
    static bool[] visited;
    // Store the smallest element
    // of each disjoint subset
    static int[] parent;
    // count[i]: Stores the count
    // of replacements of arr[i]
    static int[] last;
    // Store the largest element
    // of each disjoint subset
    static int[] count;
    // Function to process all the given Queries
    static void processQueries(int[] arr, int P,
                               List<List<int> > Q)
        // Traverse the [,]queries array
        for (int i = 0; i < Q.Count; i++) {
            // Stores the current query
            List<int> query = Q[i];
            // If query of type is 1
            if (query[0] == 1) {
                // Perform the query of type 1
                processTypeOneQuery(query, arr, P);
            // If query of type is 2
            else {
                // Stores 2nd element of
                // current query
                int index = query[1];
                // Print arr[index]
    // Function to perform the query of type 1
    static void processTypeOneQuery(
        List<int> query, int[] arr, int P)
        // Stores the value of L
        int low = query[1];
        // Stores the value of R
        int high = query[2];
        // Stores leftmost index of the
        // subarray for which a new
        // subset can be generated
        int left = -1;
        // Stores index of
        // the query[] array
        int j = 3;
        // Iterate over the
        // range [low, high]
        while (low <= high) {
            // If low is present in
            // any of the subset
            if (visited[low]) {
                // If no subset created for
                // the subarray arr[left...low - 1]
                if (left != -1) {
                    // Create a new subset
                    newUnion(left, low - 1,
                    // Update left
                    left = -1;
                // Stores next index to be
                // processed
                int jump = findJumpLength(low);
                // Update low
                low += jump;
                // Update j
                j += jump;
            // If arr[low] has been
            // already replaced P times
            else if (count[low] == P) {
                // If already subset
                // created for left
                if (left == -1) {
                    // Update left
                    left = low;
                // Mark low as an element
                // of any subset
                visited[low] = true;
                // Update low
                // Update j
            // If arr[low] has been replaced
            // less than P times
            else {
                // If no subset created for
                // the subarray arr[left...low - 1]
                if (left != -1) {
                    // Create a new subset
                    newUnion(left, low - 1, arr.Length);
                    // Update left
                    left = -1;
                // Replace arr[low] with
                // the corresponding value
                arr[low] = query[j];
                // Update count[low]
                // Update low
                // Update j
        // If no subset has been created for
        // the subarray arr[left...low - 1]
        if (left != -1) {
            // Create a new subset
            newUnion(left, high, arr.Length);
    // Function to find the next index
    // to be processed after visiting low
    static int findJumpLength(int low)
        // Stores smallest index of
        // the subset where low present
        int p = findParent(low);
        // Stores next index
        // to be processed
        int nextIndex = last[p] + 1;
        // Stores difference between
        // low and nextIndex
        int jump = (nextIndex - low);
        // Return jump
        return jump;
    // Function to create a new subset
    static void newUnion(int low, int high,
                         int N)
        // Iterate over
        // the range [low + 1, high]
        for (int i = low + 1; i <= high;
             i++) {
            // Perform union operation
            // on low
            union(low, i);
        // If just smaller element of low
        // is present in any of the subset
        if (low > 0 && visited[low - 1]) {
            // Perform union on (low - 1)
            union(low - 1, low);
        // If just greater element of high
        // is present in any of the subset
        if (high < N - 1 && visited[high + 1]) {
            // Perform union on high
            union(high, high + 1);
    // Function to find the smallest
    // element of the subset
    static int findParent(int u)
        // Base Case
        if (parent[u] == u)
            return u;
        // Stores smallest element
        // of parent[u
        return parent[u]
            = findParent(parent[u]);
    // Function to perform union operation
    static void union(int u, int v)
        // Stores smallest element
        // of subset containing u
        int p1 = findParent(u);
        // Stores smallest element
        // of subset containing u
        int p2 = findParent(v);
        // Update parent[p2]
        parent[p2] = p1;
        // Update last[p1]
        last[p1] = last[p2];
    // Function to find all the queries
    static List<List<int> > getQueries()
        // Stores all the queries
        List<List<int> > Q
            = new List<List<int> >();
        // Initialize all queries
        int[] query1 = { 1, 0, 3, 3, 2,
                             1, 11 };
        int[] query2 = { 2, 3 };
        int[] query3 = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 };
        int[] query4 = { 2, 2 };
        // Insert all queries        
        Q.Add(new List<int>(query1));
        Q.Add(new List<int>(query2));
        Q.Add(new List<int>(query3));
        Q.Add(new List<int>(query4));
        // Return all queries
        return Q;
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int[] arr = { 3, 10, 4, 2, 8, 7 };
        int N = arr.Length;
        int P = 1;
        parent = new int[N];
        last = new int[N];
        count = new int[N];
        visited = new bool[N];
        // Initialize parent[] and
        // last[] array
        for (int i = 0; i < parent.Length;
             i++) {
            // Update parent[i]
            parent[i] = i;
            // Update last[i]
            last[i] = i;
        List<List<int> > Q = getQueries();
        processQueries(arr, P, Q);
// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar




Time Complexity: O(N + |Q| * P)
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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