In this article, we will cover how to print colored text in Python using several methods to output colored text to the terminal in Python.
The most common ways to do this are using:
- Using colorama Module
- Using termcolor Module
- Using ANSI Code in Python
Method 1: Print Color Text using colorama Module
Colorama module is a Cross-platform printing of colored text can then be done using Colorama’s constant shorthand for ANSI escape sequences:
Example 1: Python program to print red text with green background.
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style print (Fore.RED + 'some red text' ) print (Back.GREEN + 'and with a green background' ) print (Style.DIM + 'and in dim text' ) print (Style.RESET_ALL) print ( 'back to normal now' ) |
Example 2: Python program to print green text with red background.
from colorama import init from termcolor import colored init() print (colored( 'Hello, World!' , 'green' , 'on_red' )) |
Method 2: Print Color Text using termcolor Module
termcolor module is a python module for ANSII Color formatting for output in the terminal.
Example: Python program to print colored text and background.
import sys from termcolor import colored, cprint text = colored( 'Hello, World!' , 'red' , attrs = [ 'reverse' , 'blink' ]) print (text) cprint( 'Hello, World!' , 'green' , 'on_red' ) def print_red_on_cyan(x): return cprint(x, 'red' , 'on_cyan' ) print_red_on_cyan( 'Hello, World!' ) print_red_on_cyan( 'Hello, Universe!' ) for i in range ( 10 ): cprint(i, 'magenta' , end = ' ' ) cprint( "Attention!" , 'red' , attrs = [ 'bold' ], file = sys.stderr) |
Method 3: Print Color Text using ANSI Code in Python
The most common way to print colored text is by printing ANSI escape sequences directly. This can be delivered in different formats such as:
Example 1: Build Functions to call
We can build functions to call particular color named functions to execute the relevant ANSI Escape Sequence. The below is Python program to print colored text and background
def prRed(skk): print ( "\033[91m {}\033[00m" . format (skk)) def prGreen(skk): print ( "\033[92m {}\033[00m" . format (skk)) def prYellow(skk): print ( "\033[93m {}\033[00m" . format (skk)) def prLightPurple(skk): print ( "\033[94m {}\033[00m" . format (skk)) def prPurple(skk): print ( "\033[95m {}\033[00m" . format (skk)) def prCyan(skk): print ( "\033[96m {}\033[00m" . format (skk)) def prLightGray(skk): print ( "\033[97m {}\033[00m" . format (skk)) def prBlack(skk): print ( "\033[98m {}\033[00m" . format (skk)) prCyan( "Hello World, " ) prYellow( "It's" ) prGreen( "Geeks" ) prRed( "For" ) prGreen( "Geeks" ) |
Example 2: Build a class of colors
Create a class to allot background and foreground colors and call them. The below is Python program to print colored text and background.
class colors: '''Colors class:reset all colors with colors.reset; two sub classes fg for foreground and bg for background; use as colors.subclass.colorname. i.e. or, the generic bold, disable, underline, reverse, strike through, and invisible work with the main class i.e. colors.bold''' reset = '\033[0m' bold = '\033[01m' disable = '\033[02m' underline = '\033[04m' reverse = '\033[07m' strikethrough = '\033[09m' invisible = '\033[08m' class fg: black = '\033[30m' red = '\033[31m' green = '\033[32m' orange = '\033[33m' blue = '\033[34m' purple = '\033[35m' cyan = '\033[36m' lightgrey = '\033[37m' darkgrey = '\033[90m' lightred = '\033[91m' lightgreen = '\033[92m' yellow = '\033[93m' lightblue = '\033[94m' pink = '\033[95m' lightcyan = '\033[96m' class bg: black = '\033[40m' red = '\033[41m' green = '\033[42m' orange = '\033[43m' blue = '\033[44m' purple = '\033[45m' cyan = '\033[46m' lightgrey = '\033[47m' print (, "SKk" ,, "Amartya" ) print (, "SKk" ,, "Amartya" ) |
Example 3: Iterating functions
We can design iterating & self-generating ANSI Escape sequence, functions. The below is Python program to print colored text and background
def print_format_table(): """ prints table of formatted text format options """ for style in range ( 8 ): for fg in range ( 30 , 38 ): s1 = '' for bg in range ( 40 , 48 ): format = ';' .join([ str (style), str (fg), str (bg)]) s1 + = '\x1b[%sm %s \x1b[0m' % ( format , format ) print (s1) print ( '\n' ) print_format_table() |