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gcd() in Python

The Highest Common Factor (HCF), also called gcd, can be computed in python using a single function offered by math module and hence can make tasks easier in many situations.

Naive Methods to compute gcd

Way 1: Using Recursion


# Python code to demonstrate naive
# method to compute gcd ( recursion )
def hcfnaive(a, b):
    if(b == 0):
        return abs(a)
        return hcfnaive(b, a % b)
a = 60
b = 48
# prints 12
print("The gcd of 60 and 48 is : ", end="")
print(hcfnaive(60, 48))


The gcd of 60 and 48 is : 12

Way 2: Using Loops 


# Python code to demonstrate naive
# method to compute gcd ( Loops )
def computeGCD(x, y):
    if x > y:
        small = y
        small = x
    for i in range(1, small + 1):
        if((x % i == 0) and (y % i == 0)):
            gcd = i
    return gcd
a = 60
b = 48
# prints 12
print ("The gcd of 60 and 48 is : ", end="")
print (computeGCD(60,48))


The gcd of 60 and 48 is : 12

Way 3: Using Euclidean Algorithm 


# Python code to demonstrate naive
# method to compute gcd ( Euclidean algo )
def computeGCD(x, y):
       x, y = y, x % y
    return abs(x)
a = 60
b = 48
# prints 12
print ("The gcd of 60 and 48 is : ",end="")
print (computeGCD(60, 48))


The gcd of 60 and 48 is : 12
  • Both numbers are 0, gcd is 0
  • If only either number is Not a number, Type Error is raised.

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