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How to Convert Pandas DataFrame into a List?

Let’s discuss how to convert Pandas dataframe to List.

First, let’s create a Basic DataFrame:


import pandas as pd 
# Creating a dictionary to store data
data = {'Name':['Tony', 'Steve', 'Bruce', 'Peter' ],
        'Age': [35, 70, 45, 20] } 
# Creating DataFrame 
df = pd.DataFrame(data) 
# Print the dataframe

Output :

Convert Pandas DataFrame into a List

At times, you may need to convert your pandas dataframe to List. To accomplish this task, ‘ tolist() ‘ function can be used. Below is a basic example to use this function and convert the required DataFrame into a List. 



Output :  

[['Tony', 35], ['Steve', 70], ['Bruce', 45], ['Peter', 20]]

Here, Each inner list contains all the columns of a particular row.  

Pandas DataFrame can be converted into lists in multiple ways. Let’s have a look at different ways of converting a DataFrame one by one.

Converting a DataFrame to List containing all the rows of a particular column: 


import pandas as pd 
# Creating a dictionary to store data
data = {'Name':['Tony', 'Steve', 'Bruce', 'Peter' ] ,
        'Age': [35, 70, 45, 20] } 
# Creating DataFrame 
df = pd.DataFrame(data) 
# Converting DataFrame to a list containing
# all the rows of column 'Name'
names = df['Name'].tolist()
# Printing the converted list.


['Tony', 'Steve', 'Bruce', 'Peter']

Converting a DataFrame to Nested List containing all the rows of all the columns


import pandas as pd 
# Creating a dictionary to store data
data = {'Name':['Tony', 'Steve', 'Bruce', 'Peter' ] ,
        'Age': [35, 70, 45, 20] } 
# Creating DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Creating an empty list
# Iterating through the columns of
# dataframe
for column in df.columns:
    # Storing the rows of a column
    # into a temporary list
    li = df[column].tolist()
    # appending the temporary list
# Printing the final list


[['Tony', 'Steve', 'Bruce', 'Peter'], [35, 70, 45, 20]]

Converting a DataFrame to a list that contains lists having all the columns of a row


import pandas as pd 
# Creating a dictionary to store data
data = {'Name':['Tony', 'Steve', 'Bruce', 'Peter' ] ,
        'Age': [35, 70, 45, 20] } 
# Creating DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data) 
# Converting dataframe to list
li = df.values.tolist()
# Printing list

Output :

[['Tony', 35], ['Steve', 70], ['Bruce', 45], ['Peter', 20]]

Converting a DataFrame to a list that contains lists having all the columns of a row along with column names


import pandas as pd 
# Creating a dictionary to store data
data = {'Name':['Tony', 'Steve', 'Bruce', 'Peter' ] ,
        'Age': [35, 70, 45, 20] } 
# Creating DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data) 
# Converting dataframe to list
li = [df.columns.values.tolist()] + df.values.tolist()
# Printing list


[['Name', 'Age'], ['Tony', 35], ['Steve', 70], ['Bruce', 45], ['Peter', 20]] 


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