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Count Values in Pandas Dataframe

In this article, we are going to count values in Pandas dataframe. First, we will create a data frame, and then we will count the values of different attributes.

Syntax: DataFrame.count(axis=0, level=None, numeric_only=False)


  • axis {0 or ‘index’, 1 or ‘columns’}: default 0 Counts are generated for each column if axis=0 or axis=’index’ and counts are generated for each row if axis=1 or axis=”columns”.
  • level (nt or str, optional): If the axis is a MultiIndex, count along a particular level, collapsing into a DataFrame. A str specifies the level name.
  • numeric_only (boolean, default False): It includes only int, float or boolean value.

Returns: It returns count of non-null values and if level is used it returns dataframe

Count Values in Pandas Dataframe

Step 1: Importing libraries.


# importing libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Step 2: Creating Dataframe


# Creating dataframe with
# some missing values
NaN = np.nan
dataframe = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Shobhit', 'Vaibhav',
                                   'Vimal', 'Sourabh',
                                   'Rahul', 'Shobhit'],
                          'Physics': [11, 12, 13, 14, NaN, 11],
                          'Chemistry': [10, 14, NaN, 18, 20, 10],
                          'Math': [13, 10, 15, NaN, NaN, 13]})


Created Dataframe

Step 3: In this step, we just simply use the .count() function to count all the values of different columns.


# using dataframe.count()
# to count all values


We can see that there is a difference in count value as we have missing values. There are 5 values in the Name column,4 in Physics and Chemistry, and 3 in Math. In this case, it uses it’s an argument with its default values.

Step 4: If we want to count all the values with respect to row then we have to pass axis=1 or ‘columns’.


# we can pass either axis=1 or
# axos='columns' to count with respect to row
print(dataframe.count(axis = 1))
print(dataframe.count(axis = 'columns'))


count with respect to row

Step 5: Now if we want to count null values in our dataframe.


# it will give the count
# of individual columns count of null values
# it will give the total null
# values present in our dataframe
print("Total Null values count: ",


Step 6:. Some examples to use .count()

Now we want to count no of students whose physics marks are greater than 11.


# count of student with greater
# than 11 marks in physics
print("Count of students with physics marks greater than 11 is->",
      dataframe[dataframe['Physics'] > 11]['Name'].count())
# resultant of above dataframe



Count of students whose physics marks are greater than 10,chemistry marks are greater than 11 and math marks are greater than 9.


# Count of students whose physics marks
# are greater than 10,chemistry marks are
# greater than 11 and math marks are greater than 9.
print("Count of students ->",
      dataframe[(dataframe['Physics'] > 10) &
                (dataframe['Chemistry'] > 11) &
                (dataframe['Math'] > 9)]['Name'].count())
# dataframe of above result
dataframe[(dataframe['Physics'] > 10 ) &
          (dataframe['Chemistry'] > 11 ) &
          (dataframe['Math'] > 9 )]


Physics>10 ,Chemistry>11,Maths>9

Below is the full implementation:


# importing Libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Creating dataframe using dictionary
NaN = np.nan
dataframe = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Shobhit', 'Vaibhav',
                                   'Vimal', 'Sourabh',
                                   'Rahul', 'Shobhit'],
                          'Physics': [11, 12, 13, 14, NaN, 11],
                          'Chemistry': [10, 14, NaN, 18, 20, 10],
                          'Math': [13, 10, 15, NaN, NaN, 13]})
print("Created Dataframe")
# finding Count of all columns
print("Count of all values wrt columns")
# Count according to rows
print("Count of all values wrt rows")
# count of null values
print("Null Values counts ")
print("Total null values",
# count of student with greater
# than 11 marks in physics
print("Count of students with physics marks greater than 11 is->",
      dataframe[dataframe['Physics'] > 11]['Name'].count())
# resultant of above dataframe
print(dataframe[dataframe['Physics'] > 11])
print("Count of students ->",
      dataframe[(dataframe['Physics'] > 10) &
                (dataframe['Chemistry'] > 11) &
                (dataframe['Math'] > 9)]['Name'].count())
print(dataframe[(dataframe['Physics'] > 10) &
                (dataframe['Chemistry'] > 11) &
                (dataframe['Math'] > 9)])



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