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Python | Ways to remove numeric digits from given string

Given a string (may contain both characters and digits), write a Python program to remove the numeric digits from string. Let’s discuss the different ways we can achieve this task. 

Method #1: Using join and isdigit() 


# Python code to demonstrate
# how to remove numeric digits from string
# using join and isdigit
# initialising string
ini_string = "Geeks123for127Lazyroar"
# printing initial ini_string
print("initial string : ", ini_string)
# using join and isdigit
# to remove numeric digits from string
res = ''.join([i for i in ini_string if not i.isdigit()])
# printing result
print("final string : ", res)


initial string :  Geeks123for127Lazyroar
final string :  GeeksforLazyroar

Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the given string.
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

Method #2: Using translate and digits 


# Python code to demonstrate
# how to remove numeric digits from string
# using translate
from string import digits
# initialising string
ini_string = "Geeks123for127Lazyroar"
# printing initial ini_string
print("initial string : ", ini_string)
# using translate and digits
# to remove numeric digits from string
remove_digits = str.maketrans('', '', digits)
res = ini_string.translate(remove_digits)
# printing result
print("final string : ", res)


initial string :  Geeks123for127Lazyroar
final string :  GeeksforLazyroar

Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the input string “ini_string”. The reason is that the translate function is applied only once to the input string “ini_string”. 
Auxiliary Space:  O(1), as it only uses a constant amount of extra memory to store the removed digits and the result string.

Method #3: Using filter and lambda 


# Python code to demonstrate
# how to remove numeric digits from string
# using filter and lambda
# initialising string
ini_string = "akshat123garg"
# printing initial ini_string
print("initial string : ", ini_string)
# using filter and lambda
# to remove numeric digits from string
res = "".join(filter(lambda x: not x.isdigit(), ini_string))
# res = ini_string
# printing result
print("final string : ", str(res))


initial string :  akshat123garg
final string :  akshatgarg

Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the initial string “ini_string”.
Auxiliary Space: O(n), as the filter function creates a new string “res” which is of length n. The variable “res” is stored in memory, hence the space complexity is O(n).

Method#4 Using join() and isalpha() 


# Python code to demonstrate
# how to remove numeric digits from string
# using join and isalpha
# initialising string
str1 = "Geeks123for127Lazyroar"
# printing initial ini_string
print("initial string : ", str1)
# using join and isalpha
# to remove numeric digits from string
str2 = "".join(x for x in str1 if x.isalpha())
# printing result
print("final string : ", str2)


initial string :  Geeks123for127Lazyroar
final string :  GeeksforLazyroar

Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the string. This is because the code loops through each character in the string and performs a simple check for each character.
Auxiliary Space: O(n), where n is the length of the final string after removing numeric digits. This is because a new string of size n is created as the result of removing numeric digits from the original string.

Method#5: Using loop and in 


# Python code to demonstrate
# how to remove numeric digits from string
# using loop and in
# initialising string
str1 = "Geeks123for127Lazyroar"
# printing initial ini_string
print("initial string : ", str1)
# using loop and in
# to remove numeric digits from string
num = "1234567890"
str2 = ""
for i in str1:
    if i not in num:
# printing result
print("final string : ", str2)


initial string :  Geeks123for127Lazyroar
final string :  GeeksforLazyroar

Time complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the string. The loop iterates through each character of the string once.

Auxiliary space complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the string. The str2 variable is created to store the final string without numeric digits, which is the same length as the original string.

Method #6: Using ord() function


# Python code to demonstrate
# how to remove numeric digits from string
# using loop and in
# initialising string
str1 = "Geeks123for127Lazyroar"
# printing initial ini_string
print("initial string : ", str1)
# using loop and in
# to remove numeric digits from string
for i in str1:
    if(not ord(i) in range(48,58)):
# printing result
print("final string : ", str2)


initial string :  Geeks123for127Lazyroar
final string :  GeeksforLazyroar

Time complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the input string ‘str1’.
Auxiliary space: O(n), where n is the length of the input string ‘str1’.

Method #7: Using re

One approach to remove numeric digits from a given string is to use a regular expression to match and remove the digits. This can be done using the re module in Python.

Here is an example of how this can be done:


import re
# Initialize the string
ini_string = "Geeks123for127Lazyroar"
# Print the initial string
print("initial string : ", ini_string)
# Use a regular expression to remove the digits
res = re.sub(r'\d', '', ini_string)
# Print the result
print("final string : ", res)
#This code is contributed by Edula Vinay Kumar Reddy


initial string :  Geeks123for127Lazyroar
final string :  GeeksforLazyroar

Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the string, as it needs to iterate through the entire string to remove the digits. 
Auxiliary Space: O(n), as it only requires memory to store the result.

Method #8: Using replace() method


# Python code to demonstrate
# how to remove numeric digits from string
# initialising string
ini_string = "Geeks123for127Lazyroar"
# printing initial ini_string
print("initial string : ", ini_string)
# to remove numeric digits from string
for i in "0123456789":
# printing result
print("final string : ", ini_string)


initial string :  Geeks123for127Lazyroar
final string :  GeeksforLazyroar

Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the string, as it needs to iterate through the entire string to remove the digits. 
Auxiliary Space: O(n), as it only requires memory to store the result.

Method #9 : Using re.match()


  1. Initiate a for loop to traverse ini_string, create an empty string res
  2. Append the characters which are not numeric to res (to check numeric or not use regular expression ‘^[0-9]+$’ and re.match() method)
  3. Display res


import re
# Initialize the string
ini_string = "Geeks123for127Lazyroar"
# Print the initial string
print("initial string : ", ini_string)
# Use a regular expression to remove the digits
for i in ini_string:
    if not re.match('^[0-9]+$', i):
# Print the result
print("final string : ", res)


initial string :  Geeks123for127Lazyroar
final string :  GeeksforLazyroar

Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the string, as it needs to iterate through the entire string to remove the digits. 
Auxiliary Space: O(n), as it only requires memory to store the result.


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