A Tri-Surface Plot is a type of surface plot, created by triangulation of compact surfaces of finite number of triangles which cover the whole surface in a manner that each and every point on the surface is in triangle. The intersection of any two triangles results in void or a common edge or vertex. This type of plot is created where the evenly sampled grids are restrictive and inconvenient to plot. Generally Tri-Surface plots are created by calling ax.plot_trisurf() function of matplotlib library. Some of the attributes of the function are listed below:
Attribute | Parameter |
X, Y, Z | dataset as 1D array to be plotted |
colors | color of the surface patches |
cmap | color map to set the color of surface patches |
norm | parameter to normalize map values of colors |
vmin | minimum value of map |
vamx | maximum value of map |
shade | attribute to shade the facecolors |
Example 1: Let’s create a basic Tri-Surface plot using the ax.plot_trisurf() function.
# Import libraries from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Creating dataset z = np.linspace( 0 , 50000 , 100 ) x = np.sin(z) y = np.cos(z) # Creating figure fig = plt.figure(figsize = ( 14 , 9 )) ax = plt.axes(projection = '3d' ) # Creating plot ax.plot_trisurf(x, y, z, linewidth = 0.2 , antialiased = True ); # show plot plt.show() |
Output :
Example 2 : For better understanding Let’s take another example.
# Import libraries from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # Creating radii and angles r = np.linspace( 0.125 , 1.0 , 100 ) a = np.linspace( 0 , 2 * np.pi, 100 , endpoint = False ) # Repeating all angles for every radius a = np.repeat(a[..., np.newaxis], 100 , axis = 1 ) # Creating dataset x = np.append( 0 , (r * np.cos(a))) y = np.append( 0 , (r * np.sin(a))) z = (np.sin(x * * 4 ) + np.cos(y * * 4 )) # Creating figure fig = plt.figure(figsize = ( 16 , 9 )) ax = plt.axes(projection = '3d' ) # Creating color map my_cmap = plt.get_cmap( 'hot' ) # Creating plot trisurf = ax.plot_trisurf(x, y, z, cmap = my_cmap, linewidth = 0.2 , antialiased = True , edgecolor = 'grey' ) fig.colorbar(trisurf, ax = ax, shrink = 0.5 , aspect = 5 ) ax.set_title( 'Tri-Surface plot' ) # Adding labels ax.set_xlabel( 'X-axis' , fontweight = 'bold' ) ax.set_ylabel( 'Y-axis' , fontweight = 'bold' ) ax.set_zlabel( 'Z-axis' , fontweight = 'bold' ) # show plot plt.show() |