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HomeLanguagesPython program to split the string and convert it to dictionary

Python program to split the string and convert it to dictionary

Given a delimiter (denoted as delim in code) separated string, order the splits in form of dictionary.


Input : test_str = 'gfg*is*best*for*Lazyroar', delim = “*” 
Output : {0: 'gfg', 1: 'is', 2: 'best', 3: 'for', 4: 'Lazyroar'} 
Input : test_str = 'gfg*is*best', delim = “*” 
Output : {0: 'gfg', 1: 'is', 2: 'best'} 

Method 1 : Using split() + loop

This is a brute way in which this task can be performed. In this, the split sections are stored in a temporary list using split() and then the new dictionary is created from the temporary list.


# Using split() + loop
# initializing string
test_str = 'gfg_is_best_for_Lazyroar'
# printing original string
print("The original string is : "
      + str(test_str))
# initializing delim
delim = "_"
# splitting using split()
temp = test_str.split(delim)
res = dict()
# using loop to reform dictionary with splits
for idx, ele in enumerate(temp):
    res[idx] = ele
# printing result
print("Dictionary after splits ordering : "
      + str(res))


The original string is : gfg_is_best_for_Lazyroar Dictionary after splits ordering : {0: ‘gfg’, 1: ‘is’, 2: ‘best’, 3: ‘for’, 4: ‘Lazyroar’}

Method 2 : Using dictionary comprehension + split() + enumerate()

This is a shorthand method with the help of which this task can be performed. In this, we perform the task of dictionary reconstruction using one-liner dictionary(dictionary comprehension) and enumerate() is used to help in ordering.


# Using dictionary comprehension + split() + enumerate()
# initializing string
test_str = 'gfg_is_best_for_Lazyroar'
# printing original string
print("The original string is : "
      + str(test_str))
# initializing delim
delim = "_"
# using one liner to rearrange dictionary
res = {idx: ele for idx, ele in
# printing result
print("Dictionary after splits ordering : "
      + str(res))


The original string is : gfg_is_best_for_Lazyroar 

Dictionary after splits ordering : {0: ‘gfg’, 1: ‘is’, 2: ‘best’, 3: ‘for’, 4: ‘Lazyroar’}

Method 3 : Using re.findall() + dict comprehension

This is a brute way in which this task can be performed. In this, we find all the words from string using re.findall and form dictionary with find array of words.


# A Python re.findall
import re
#Function to convert the array to object
def Convert(lst):
    res_dct = {i: lst[i] for i in range(0, len(lst))}
    return res_dct
# A sample text string
string = 'gfg_is_best_for_Lazyroar'
# printing original string
print("The original string is : "
      + str(string))
# A sample regular expression to find digits.
regex = '[a-zA-Z]+'           
match = re.findall(regex, string)
res = Convert(match)
# printing result
print("Dictionary after splits ordering : "
      + str(res))


The original string is : gfg_is_best_for_Lazyroar
Dictionary after splits ordering : {0: ‘gfg’, 1: ‘is’, 2: ‘best’, 3: ‘for’, 4: ‘Lazyroar’}

Method 4: Using dict.fromkeys() and zip() functions:

Step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Initialize the input string “test_str”.
  2. Print the original string.
  3. Initialize the delimiter “delim” and split the input string using split() and delimiter “delim” and store the result in “temp”.
  4. Initialize a dictionary “res” with keys as range(len(temp)).
  5. Use the zip() function to combine the keys and values of “res” with the elements of “temp”.
  6. Update the dictionary “res” with the combined key-value pairs.
  7. Print the result.


test_str = 'gfg_is_best_for_Lazyroar'
print("The original string is : " + str(test_str))
delim = "_"
temp = test_str.split(delim)
res = dict.fromkeys(range(len(temp)))
for key, val in zip(res.keys(), temp):
    res[key] = val
print("Dictionary after splits ordering : " + str(res))


The original string is : gfg_is_best_for_Lazyroar
Dictionary after splits ordering : {0: 'gfg', 1: 'is', 2: 'best', 3: 'for', 4: 'Lazyroar'}

Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the input string.
Auxiliary Space: O(N), where N is the length of the input string.

Method #5:Using for loop and dictionary.update() method:

  • Initialize the input string
  • Print the original string
  • Initialize the delimiter
  • Initialize an empty dictionary
  • Iterate over the list obtained by splitting the string using the delimiter using for loop.
  • For each element in the list, add a key-value pair to the dictionary using the update() method
  • Print the resulting dictionary


# initializing string
test_str = 'gfg_is_best_for_Lazyroar'
# printing original string
print("The original string is : "+ str(test_str))
# initializing delim
delim = "_"
# initialize an empty dictionary
res = {}
# iterate over the list obtained by splitting the string using the delimiter
for i, val in enumerate(test_str.split(delim)):
   # add key-value pair to the dictionary using update() method
   res.update({i: val})
# printing result
print("Dictionary after splits ordering : "+ str(res))


The original string is : gfg_is_best_for_Lazyroar
Dictionary after splits ordering : {0: 'gfg', 1: 'is', 2: 'best', 3: 'for', 4: 'Lazyroar'}

Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the input string.
Auxiliary Space: O(N), where N is the length of the input string.


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