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Use enumerate() and zip() together in Python

In this article, we will discuss how to use enumerate() and zip() functions in python.

Python enumerate() is used to convert into a list of tuples using the list() method.


enumerate(iterable, start=0)


  • Iterable: any object that supports iteration
  • Start: the index value from which the counter is  to be started, by default it is 0

Python zip() method takes iterable or containers and returns a single iterator object, having mapped values from all the containers. 



Using Both, we can iterate two/more lists/objects by using enumerate and zip functions at a time.


enumerate(zip(list1,list2,.,list n))

We can iterate this in for loop.


for var1,var2,.,var n in enumerate(zip(list1,list2,..,list n))


  • list1,list2 ,. are the input lists
  • var1 , var2,… are the iterators to iterate the lists

Example: Using enumerate() and zip() together in Python


# create a list of names
names = ['sravan', 'bobby', 'ojaswi', 'rohith', 'gnanesh']
# create a list of subjects
subjects = ['java', 'python', 'R', 'cpp', 'bigdata']
# create a list of marks
marks = [78, 100, 97, 89, 80]
# use enumerate() and zip() function
# to iterate the lists
for i, (names, subjects, marks) in enumerate(zip(names, subjects, marks)):
    print(i, names, subjects, marks)


0 sravan java 78
1 bobby python 100
2 ojaswi R 97
3 rohith cpp 89
4 gnanesh bigdata 80

We can also do this by using tuple(t)


for i, t in enumerate(zip(names, subjects,marks))

Its returns the data in the tuple format

Example: Using enumerate() and zip() together in Python


# create a list of names
names = ['sravan', 'bobby', 'ojaswi', 'rohith', 'gnanesh']
# create a list of subjects
subjects = ['java', 'python', 'R', 'cpp', 'bigdata']
# create a list of marks
marks = [78, 100, 97, 89, 80]
# use enumerate() and zip() function
# to iterate the lists with t function
for i, t in enumerate(zip(names, subjects, marks)):
    print(i, t)


0 ('sravan', 'java', 78)
1 ('bobby', 'python', 100)
2 ('ojaswi', 'R', 97)
3 ('rohith', 'cpp', 89)
4 ('gnanesh', 'bigdata', 80)

we can also use t[index] in the above approach to get output

Example: Using enumerate() and zip() together in Python


# create a list of names
names = ['sravan', 'bobby', 'ojaswi', 'rohith', 'gnanesh']
# create a list of subjects
subjects = ['java', 'python', 'R', 'cpp', 'bigdata']
# create a list of marks
marks = [78, 100, 97, 89, 80]
# use enumerate() and zip() function
# to iterate the lists with t function
for i, t in enumerate(zip(names, subjects, marks)):
    print(i, t[0], t[1], t[2])


0 sravan java 78
1 bobby python 100
2 ojaswi R 97
3 rohith cpp 89
4 gnanesh bigdata 80


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