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Calculator using PySimpleGUI – Python

Prerequisite: PySimpleGUI, eval

PySimpleGUI is a Python package that enables Python programmers of all levels to create GUIs. You specify your GUI window using a “layout” that contains widgets (they’re called “Elements” in PySimpleGUI). In this article, we will learn, how to make a calculator using PySimpleGUI in Python.

Before starting we need to install this package:

pip install PySimpleGUI


  • Import the PySimpleGUI Module
  • Create GUI layout and Window
  • Add any number of widgets to the main window
  • Apply the event Trigger on the widgets.

Below is what the GUI looks like:

Let’s create a GUI-based simple calculator using the Python PySimpleGUI module, which can perform basic arithmetic operation’s addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Let’s Understand step by step implementation:-

Step1: Create Text Box, Buttons

For creating a text box, we will use Txt() method.

Syntax: Txt(Enter Text, *attr)

Here will use the read button using ReadFormButton() method.

Syntax: ReadFormButton(Enter Button Text, *attr)

Step 2: Create an infinite loop, read the button value and perform the operation.


# Result Value
Result = ''
# Make Infinite Loop
while True:
    # Button Values
    button, value = form.Read()
    # Check Press Button Values
    if button=='c':
        Result = ''
    elif button=='«':
        Result = Result[:-1]
    elif len(Result) == 16 :
   # Results
    elif button=='=':
        Answer = eval(Result)
        Answer = str(round(float(Answer),3))
        Result = Answer
    # close the window
    elif button=='Quit'  or button==None:
        Result += button

Below is the full implementation : 


# Import Module
from PySimpleGUI import *
# GUI Layout
layout = [[Txt(''  * 10)],
          [Text('', size = (15, 1), font = ('Helvetica', 18),
                text_color = 'black', key = 'input')],
          [Txt(''  * 10)],
          [ReadFormButton('c'), ReadFormButton('«')],
          [ReadFormButton('7'), ReadFormButton('8'), ReadFormButton('9'), ReadFormButton('/')],
          [ReadFormButton('4'), ReadFormButton('5'), ReadFormButton('6'), ReadFormButton('*')],
          [ReadFormButton('1'), ReadFormButton('2'), ReadFormButton('3'), ReadFormButton('-')],
          [ReadFormButton('.'), ReadFormButton('0'), ReadFormButton('='), ReadFormButton('+')],
# Set PySimpleGUI
form = FlexForm('CALCULATOR', default_button_element_size = (5, 2),
                auto_size_buttons = False, grab_anywhere = False)
# Result Value
Result = ''
# Make Infinite Loop
while True:
    # Button Values
    button, value = form.Read()
    # Check Press Button Values
    if button == 'c':
        Result = ''
    elif button=='«':
        Result = Result[:-1]
    elif len(Result) == 16 :
   # Results
    elif button == '=':
        Answer = eval(Result)
        Answer = str(round(float(Answer),3))
        Result = Answer
    # close the window
    elif button == 'Quit'  or button == None:
        Result += button



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