Pandas is an open-source library that is built on top of NumPy library. It is a Python package that offers various data structures and operations for manipulating numerical data and time series. It is mainly popular for importing and analyzing data much easier. Pandas is fast and it has high-performance & productivity for users.
Converting to zip/gzip file
The to_pickle() method in Pandas is used to pickle (serialize) the given object into the file. This method utilizes the syntax as given below :
DataFrame.to_pickle(self, path, compression='infer', protocol=4)
This method supports compressions like zip, gzip, bz2, and xz. In the given examples, you’ll see how to convert a DataFrame into zip, and gzip.
Example 1: Save Pandas Dataframe as zip File
# importing packages import pandas as pd # dictionary of data dct = { 'ID' : { 0 : 23 , 1 : 43 , 2 : 12 , 3 : 13 , 4 : 67 }, 'Name' : { 0 : 'Ajay' , 1 : 'Deep' , 2 : 'Deepanshi' , 3 : 'Mira' , 4 : 'Yash' }, 'Marks' : { 0 : 89 , 1 : 97 , 2 : 45 , 3 : 78 , 4 : 56 }, 'Grade' : { 0 : 'B' , 1 : 'A' , 2 : 'F' , 3 : 'C' , 4 : 'E' } } # forming dataframe and printing data = pd.DataFrame(dct) print (data) # using to_pickle function to form file # by default, compression type infers from the file extension in specified path. # file will be created in the given path data.to_pickle( '' ) |
Example 2: Save Pandas Dataframe as gzip File.
# importing packages import pandas as pd # dictionary of data dct = { "C1" : range ( 5 ), "C2" : range ( 5 , 10 )} # forming dataframe and printing data = pd.DataFrame(dct) print (data) # using to_pickle function to form file # we can also select compression type # file will be created in the given path data.to_pickle( 'file.gzip' ) |
Reading zip/gzip file
In order to read the created files, you’ll need to use read_pickle() method. This method utilizes the syntax as given below:
pandas.read_pickle(filepath_or_buffer, compression='infer')
Example 1: Reading zip file
# reading from the zip file pd.read_pickle( '' ) |
Example 2: Reading gzip File.
# reading from gzip file pd.read_pickle( 'file.gzip' ) |
From the above two examples, we can see both of the compressed files can be read by the read_pickle() method without any changes except for the file extension.