OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real-time computer vision. This is cross-platform library, it provides functions that are used in multiple languages.
Coming to image processing, OpenCV enables us to perform multiple operations on image, but in order to do that we need to read an image file as input, then we can perform the desired operation and we can save it.
Let’s see a simple operation to read the image file using OpenCV library and then save it.
Functions used :
-> imread(Location_of_image, integer): The second parameter is an integer for changing the color of image. -1 To read image Unchanged and 0 To read image in gray scale.
-> imwrite(Name_after_save, variable_containing_read_image)
->waitKey(0): After execution will keep the window open till a key is pressed
-> destroyAllWindow(): It will close all the windows that were opened during the program run.
Below is the Python implementation:
# Python Program To Read And Save image import numpy as np import cv2 # This will give error if you don't have a cv2 module img = cv2.imread( "G:\demo.jpg" , - 1 ) # img is object of cv2 and stores the image read demo.jpg cv2.imwrite( "outputimage.jpg" , img) # The image is saved in folder where program is stored cv2.waitKey( 0 ) cv2.destroyAllWindow() |
Input :
Output :